Hebrews – Week 6

August 25, 2023

Series: Hebrews Study

Book: Hebrews

Hebrews - Week 6
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[00:00:00] I guess we can get started and. Those who want to come in will. Come in and we’re getting close for chapter eleven and we’ll see how far. We can get through that tonight.

[00:00:17] Sounds good.

[00:00:22] Might give them a welcome in, I see. Clint.

[00:00:29] Tammy.

[00:00:33] Hello. How are you? Good, how are you? I think I’m doing good. Well, that’s good.

[00:00:42] Everybody’s joining in so. That’s great. Yeah.

[00:00:49] Give them a few minutes and I know we were off last week but anyway we’ll go ahead and I guess and get started. I’m sure there’ll be some more that come in. Proper pickles. I love that. I think that probably irritates Mike every time he sees your name.

[00:01:13] I don’t like pickles. You don’t like pickles either? No. Okay. Cucumbers are the worst thing to cucumber any.

[00:01:28] You can pickle anything else and it’ll be fine. But cucumbers are just disgusting.

[00:01:35] Yeah, I guess it eats their own.

[00:01:41] I like sweet pickles, dill pickles, no. Matter what you want to do with them. I like cucumbers, pickle, some jalapenos, any type of peppers, onions, garlic, anything is gas. Yeah. My grandfather used to eat pickled pigs.

[00:01:58] Feet that I never tried. I ain’t dealing with all that. Yeah. She’S in here. I guess we’ll get started.

[00:02:11] We got a good group in here. And we’re going to do chapter eleven and twelve. We’ll just see how far we get. I guess there’s a lot to unpack. In all of these verses and we’ll.

[00:02:27] Just see how far the Lord leads. Us. Based on if you have any questions or things you need to understand again, just feel free to put it. In the chat and I’ll try to. Get it or whatever.

[00:02:43] We’ll get that done. We’ll open our word of prayer and get started here. Father, we just thank you for the night. We thank you for the ones that. Have come to come together in fellowship.

[00:02:53] To study Your Word and we just thank you for your blessings to us for this week. And Lord, now as we study your. Word, we ask that you just reveal. Truth to us and help us to. See clearly the truth of your Word and apply it to our hearts and.

[00:03:08] To be doers of that Word. We just pray now that you just get all the honor and glory and praise out of everything that’s said and. Done in Jesus name I pray. Amen. All right.

[00:03:21] We are going as I said that those are just coming in. Going to try to cover chapter eleven and twelve tonight is kind of my goal. I kind of wanted to see if I could do 1112 and 13 but. The more I studied it the more I don’t know. We may not even make it through.

[00:03:42] Eleven but we’ll see. But we’ll just see how it goes and I don’t want to rush it. I want to be sure we understand. It and get a clear understanding. So up to this point we see.

[00:03:56] That chapters one through ten are very foundational in doctrine and establishing who we. Are in Christ and that he is our place of rest. We seen in chapter one that he is the Son of God. We see that he is God. He is eternal.

[00:04:18] He was there at the creation. He is the creator of all things. We’ve seen there in chapter one and two that he is above the angels, that he’s greater than Moses, he’s better than the Law. He introduced that Jesus is our high. Priest and he explained how he was.

[00:04:40] Our high priest after the order of Melchizedek. He compared Him to Melchizedek and these Jewish readers understood everything he was talking about. And as I said many times, some of the things that the writer would say about being greater than Moses and greater than angels and better than the Law would just make them rock back on their heels, so to speak. And you know, this is something here to listen to. What he’s saying here is hard for.

[00:05:14] Us to comprehend, seeing that they had done the sacrifices, they had done the Law, and Moses was their everything and it was God and then angels to them. These were very important points that this writer of Hebrews was making, that Jesus. Was greater and above all these things in fulfilling the Law. He was better than the Law. He provided a better covenant.

[00:05:48] He serves in a better temple or tabernacle, a heavenly tabernacle or a heavenly. Temple before the throne of God as. Our mediator between us and God. And we see that he is a better sacrifice. And then we concluded toward the end of chapter ten that he is the only sacrifice for sin.

[00:06:10] You reject what Jesus finished work and what he did on the cross. You reject that there is nothing else. Left to pay the sin debt. And we see that as we talked about in Hebrews 1026 up to this. Point, he’s been laying a lot of.

[00:06:34] Foundational statements for their understanding as he. Is convincing these Jewish readers to understand. All that they have in Christ and. To stop being Hebrews is what he’s telling them here. Stop doing the Law, stop doing these.

[00:06:55] Sacrifices, stop doing all those things. Jesus has completed it. We are complete in Him and we rest in so this was just a really, I guess, knowing church people and. Just people in general. We don’t take change very well at all.

[00:07:17] And this must have been hard, some. Of what has been said here must have been hard for these Jewish people. To see and to understand. But he makes it very clear to Him, and now he comes to chapter. Eleven and it almost seems like he.

[00:07:35] Just changes gears and says, okay, now we’ve laid all these fundamental things and. Now let’s talk about something else. Let’s talk about faith, let’s talk about love, let’s talk about hope. And it almost seems in the last. Three chapters that he kind of changes gears, which he’s actually not, I don’t believe it flows right in with the rest of Hebrews.

[00:07:58] Since Jesus has done all this since. He has completed all this and we. Are complete in Him, you could almost. Anticipate that salvation as he’s telling them. Salvation is only through Christ and not.

[00:08:17] By the law, not by the blood. Of lambs and rams and goats and. Bulls, but salvation is by faith alone in Christ alone. And you got to live by faith. So it’s almost like he’s anticipating their.

[00:08:36] Next question, as he did with he made the statement that Jesus is their high priest. He said, yeah, he is our high priest after the order of Melchizedek, no father, no mother, no Jewish genealogies, he. Was worshipped by our Father Abraham and paid a tithe. And so as Melchizedek was a priest forever, so Christ is our high priest forever. And that’s how he qualified.

[00:09:06] And he met them there anticipating their response to Him saying Jesus is a high priest. I almost look at the chapter 1112 and 13 as anticipating their response to, okay, now if the law is obsolete and ran into vanished away, as you. Said in chapter 813, how are we supposed to live? Now keep in mind, they have done. The law, they have done sacrifices and all these things for thousands of years.

[00:09:38] That’s all they’ve known. And the whole problem with the Hebrew, the Jewish readers that were reading this. Is they were wanting to go back. To that sacrificial system. There were the judaizers that went around saying, oh yeah, Jesus died on the cross for our sins and that’s all great, but you need to keep the law.

[00:10:01] They were mixing law and grace. And Paul talks about in all of. His Epistles, and I think we see it clearly in this one. You don’t mix law and grace. And so their question is, how do we live know if you’re going to.

[00:10:17] Take away our sacrificial system, if our high priest, we’re no longer to see Him and we no longer live under. The rule of the law, how should. We live this Christian life that you’re talking about? How do we do this? And he answered this first of all.

[00:10:34] In chapter eleven, we walk by faith, not by the law. It is just purely by faith in Christ and his finished work on the cross. We all know Ephesians two, eight and. Nine, for by grace are you saved. Through faith, not of yourselves.

[00:10:52] It is a gift of God, not. Of works, lest any man should boast. And these Jewish listeners were going back. As it says in Hebrew six one, to their dead works, those works that do not produce anything, they are dead works. This sacrificial system, it was all pointing to Christ.

[00:11:14] It was all about Christ. So he starts off and tells them. In chapter eleven to walk by faith. Chapter twelve, he says, you keep your. Hope or you maintain that faith in.

[00:11:28] Christ, in Jesus, not the law. And then chapter 13, he says, and let the love of Christ flow through you. This is how you live the Christian. Life, apart from the law, apart from the sacrificial system. Remember when we talked about that, the prophecy that God told that I will.

[00:11:52] Write my laws on their hearts and on their minds, we are transitioning. The law was an outward expression. What he’s now going to go over with in Hebrews 1112 and 13 is what? A change of an inward, a new creation to be born again, that lives by faith and our hope is in Christ. And as we do that, the love of Christ flows through us.

[00:12:18] And so that’s what the next three chapters are about.

[00:12:24] The writer gives practical or teaching on how they or we should live our Christian lives. As I said, it’s no longer an outward expression by doing works of the sacrifice and the law, but an inward. Change, an inward faith that expresses an. Outward expression that others can see. So I want to lay the foundation.

[00:12:55] For this because it’s important that we understand this, because there’s a lot of. People out there that say, well, we’re. Saved by grace alone, through faith alone in Christ alone. And that is a true statement. But then there also needs to go along with that.

[00:13:13] There ought to be something that reveals that. And then when you, as soon as you say that, people say, oh, you’re talking about a works based salvation. I am in no way teaching a works based salvation. But it’s very clear in Scripture that. Salvation, that good works accompany our salvation.

[00:13:33] If you go to Ephesians two eight. Nine, you see that everybody wants to. Read Ephesians 284, by grace are you saved through faith. And then they stop there. But they forget ten is not of.

[00:13:50] Works, lest any man should boast from verse nine, but verse ten, for we are his workmanship created in Christ Jesus. We are born again in Christ unto. Good works which God hath before ordained. That we should walk in them. So with our salvation there ought to be fruits of that salvation that show what we believe and what is in our heart, what our faith is in.

[00:14:20] There are some people that want to. Say that. The book of Hebrews and. James do not apply to us at all. They were written to the Hebrews.

[00:14:31] And if you look at the first. Verse of James one, it says to. The twelve tribes scattered abroad, so it. Doesn’T apply to us. You can’t get that.

[00:14:43] And if you do that, if you. Throw out these two books and you. Miss a very valuable understanding of who. We are in Christ, what he’s done for us. You miss the understanding of what James is saying when he says faith without works is dead.

[00:15:03] That book trips up a lot of people into thinking that you have to do something or your faith is in vain. You have to do something or it’s not real faith. And that’s not what James is saying at all. That’s not what he’s saying here in chapter eleven. And I think James and chapter eleven of Hebrews goes together very well.

[00:15:26] So. We’Ll just dive into it and. See how far we get. He’s saying there is a better way. No longer the law, no longer sacrifices, no longer temple worship.

[00:15:41] There’s a better way. Not those things that you’ve seen and smelled and done these outward things for so many years. The better way is by faith in Christ alone. So it’s by our faith. And now he goes to explain that.

[00:15:59] And then he gives examples of that, and we’re going to look at several. Of them to get an understanding of what he is saying here.

[00:16:10] So it says in verse one. Now I’m reading out the ESV for. Any that want to follow along with that verse one. Now, faith is the assurance of things. Hoped for, the conviction of things not seen.

[00:16:26] So first of all, we want to. Say that faith is not the assurance. Of what we want or what we. Hope for or what we wish for, but what God tells us. Our faith or our assurance of our hope through faith is in what God.

[00:16:45] Says, what he promises, not what I dream up and want to be. So the King James says, now, faith. Is the substance of things hoped for. The evidence of things not I. Again, and please don’t misunderstand me, I.

[00:17:02] Am not teaching a works based salvation. And I know a lot of people. Might want to think that I am. Or say that I am. I absolutely do not believe in that.

[00:17:15] But if you look at this, I. Think this goes hand in hand with what James is trying to tell us. In his book, the whole Book of. James, by the way. And I’ll try to trace this rabbit and not go too far with it.

[00:17:32] There’s sound. Can you not hear me?

[00:17:40] It sounds clear on my end. Okay, thank you. Okay. I just saw a message there sound. And I didn’t know what that meant.

[00:17:51] All right, so now faith, our faith. Is in what God tells us. It’s the evidence of things not seen. And I’ll go back. What James was saying was, you can say you have faith, but if there’s.

[00:18:08] No evidence of it.

[00:18:12] What good is your faith? And the whole book of James is about Christian conduct. He’s writing to them. And these churches that were scattered abroad.

[00:18:25] Were doing things they were catering to. The rich they weren’t doing.

[00:18:35] I don’t know. There’s stuff coming up on my phone. I’m not sure what it wants me to connect to a WiFi. Just ignore the chat, okay, until you’re ready for questions. Ignore the chat.

[00:18:49] Okay. All right, well, I just want to. Be sure you’re hearing me and I’m. Not just sitting here talking, but the whole book. If I can’t hear you, I’ll cut you off.

[00:18:58] I’ll try to stop you verbally if we can’t hear you. Okay. Thank you. You’re welcome. So the whole Book of James is.

[00:19:06] About our Christian conduct. Not conduct for salvation, but our conduct as Christians. We shouldn’t be catering to the lost. We ought to feed the poor. We ought to do good to those who are without.

[00:19:19] These are things that we ought to be doing as Christians because of the faith that we have, because of our salvation. We love like Christ, we give like Christ. We consider everyone equally in Christ. And the whole book of James is about Christian conduct. And there’s people that would argue that.

[00:19:41] But I would just say they need. To go back and study the Book of James if you don’t understand that. But these go hand in hand, like. I said, in our faith that we have because of our salvation, because I. Have for by grace are you saved through faith?

[00:19:57] God said that I’m a sinner, I confess. Or that means I agree with Him. That I am a sinner and that. I need a Savior. And I’ve trusted His Son as my personal savior, his finished work on the cross.

[00:20:12] I am saved. And because of that, now I am a new creation with a new way of thinking. I look at the world differently now. My whole outlook on life changes because of the faith that I have in. What God said about me and his.

[00:20:32] Son and the Holy Spirit coming to. Indwell mean it’s a lot like people have know they grow up and they. Get older, whatever, and they get married and their perspective on life changes a little bit. And then I know my son told me when he had his first son. He said, life is just altogether different now.

[00:20:54] I see things differently that I never even thought of before. I used to just wander through life and hope for the best and I really didn’t care either way. But now I have a son, I. Feel like I need to be here for him. I need to take care of him.

[00:21:11] His whole perspective of life changed. That is the way it is when we become a new creation in Christ. Just maybe a poor example, but our whole way of thinking about life changes. When we look at it through the. Eyes of our Savior.

[00:21:28] And because of that, we act differently, we talk differently, we do things differently. Because of what we are now. Not to get salvation, but because of our salvation.

[00:21:43] We exercise faith every day.

[00:21:49] Excuse me, I had to get a drink of water. We exercise faith every day. As I told you all, we got. On a cruise ship and went on a cruise. Well, I never even other than the picture on a wall.

[00:22:02] I saw that there was a captain. Guy there, and I heard his voice. Over the loudspeaker but never met the man, had no idea who the man was. But yet I got on his ship. And he carted me thousands of miles.

[00:22:16] Through the Atlantic Ocean on a cruise. I put my faith in Him, that. He knew what he was doing and. Would get me to the destination I. Was told I would go to.

[00:22:27] So I put faith in that captain. Whom I never met. We didn’t really do anything to get. To that destination other than just say. I accept the invitation.

[00:22:41] Of course I paid my money and. All that stuff too. But I got on the ship and. I said, okay, Captain, you’re in charge. What do I need to do?

[00:22:50] Well, you need to go to your mustard station, you need to do this. We need to do that. And they would give us instructions and directions on safety and things going on as we’re on the cruise. But that’s all I did, is follow. The directions of the captain, and it was his job to get me to.

[00:23:07] The destination that he had promised. It’s the same with us. God tells us in his word who he is. Now, unlike the captain, I get to have more of an intimate relationship with. Him because of Jesus and his shed.

[00:23:22] Blood and through salvation, I rest in Christ. As we rested in that ship and enjoyed our vacation, not worried about what was going on, the captain was in control. That’s the way I think us as. Christians ought to do our faith in. God, in his promises, we rest in Him.

[00:23:44] We just listen to his instructions of what he wants us to do, and we do it because we believe his promises. We believe that he said, if you believe on My Son, whosoever believes in Him shall have everlasting life, I have faith and full assurance that what God said is true. He’s going to get me to that. Destination of eternal life. Not me.

[00:24:10] I can’t do it. He did it through His Son on the cross. So it is, I guess we see. A perfect example of faith in our Savior. He said when he’s in the garden memory, he prayed, father, if it be any way, let this cup pass for me.

[00:24:37] Now you got to wonder. Thank goodness Jesus surrendered to the will. Of the Father and put his full faith into the will of the Father. Or else he would have been delivered. Because every prayer that Jesus asked while he was there on Earth, god answered.

[00:24:53] Perfectly, but he immediately said, nevertheless, not my will, but Your will be done. He put full faith and assurance into. The will of the Father. That’s a perfect example to us on. How we should live by faith.

[00:25:14] Our faith, and then to understand faith here. Jesus says that if you had faith. Of a mustard seed, you could say this mountain be moved and it would be moved. And a lot of people go around saying, well, I wish I had the faith of Miss So and So, or I had your faith, your type of faith. And you hear people say, oh, they.

[00:25:35] Got such a great faith. Well, I don’t think it’s so much. A great faith, but it’s a great. God whom we put our faith in.

[00:25:47] It’s not so much how strong your faith is, but who your faith is placed in. And I heard a long time ago, one of my college professors, he gave. The example of faith. It’d be like one of you come. Up to my house and you had this brand new sports car that was.

[00:26:06] Just super fast, and you said, come. On, let’s go for a ride. And we get in and buckle up and head down the road and boy. You’Re shifting through the gears and setting me back in my seat and boy, it’s just awesome feeling. And I just holler out, wow, what a transmission.

[00:26:24] See, you would look at me like I was crazy. What do you mean, transmission? Do you feel the power of that. Engine, the control of the car? And you’re talking about the transmission.

[00:26:36] See, the transmission only connects the power of the engine to the wheels for action. That is faith. The faith is just the transmission. The power is God. And by our faith in God and what he says we do produces action.

[00:26:57] Does that make sense? Does that help make that go a. Little bit clear for some of you. That it’s not so much the faith. But who we place our faith and.

[00:27:06] Trust in, that.

[00:27:10] Makes the power or makes the actions come about. And we’ll see that in these next few verses. So there’s verse one, and I’ve only. Spent 27 minutes on that one. So like I said, I don’t know.

[00:27:22] That we’ll get through all this tonight. Because there’s a lot to unpack. But verse one now, faith is the. Assurance of things hoped for. We hope for eternal things, we hope.

[00:27:35] For God’s promises, and it’s the conviction. Of things that we haven’t even seen. We don’t see those things. And he goes on to give more illustration of that. He says, for by it the people of old receive commendation.

[00:27:55] I keep wanting to say condemnation, but it’s commendation. They were commended for that. They were commended for that. And I look at that and I actually believe that being commended for that was their peers, the ones that said. Wow, you must really love Lord.

[00:28:19] You really trust the Lord even though you’ve never seen him. As Job says, I know my redeemer liveth and I will stand with him in the last days. I know Chris is doing a study on Job and it great example of faith there that I know my redeemer lives even though he’s never seen him. Job acknowledged that that’s faith. And we’ll give a list of all the go through each of those in.

[00:28:50] A few minutes, of those who portrayed. That faith that others saw.

[00:28:57] And the reason I think it was others that saw it is because just. As the verse that says Abraham believed. God and it was countered to him for righteousness, noah found God, found grace in God’s sight before he ever built the ark, before he had to have. Faith to do that. So I believe the commendation that he’s.

[00:29:26] Talking about is of the patriarchs received. As they walked through their lives of faith. And he’s telling these Jewish readers this here that it’s not the dead works. It’S not the temple worship. It’s not all those things that show how much faith you have in God.

[00:29:46] It’s by the deeds, those things you do over things you can’t see. Now we see it’s in your heart that’s coming out, not an outward expression. Just keep that in mind. As he went back to, I think, verse eight, chapter eight and nine, he began to talk about more of an. Inward change of them than an external expression of it.

[00:30:10] And he’s really getting deeper into what. Is inwardly in us, comes out of us. Jesus said, out of the abundance of. The heart, the mouth speaketh. Where your treasure is, there your heart will be also.

[00:30:25] So it’s an inward thing. As Jesus always looked at the ones. That come to him, he saw. The scripture tells us that God looks on the inward of man, and man. Looks on the outward of a man.

[00:30:41] So God always sees the heart, the condition of the heart. So they received this by faith. We understand that the universe was created. By the word of God. So that what is seen was not made out.

[00:30:58] Of things that are visible. Were any of us there when God created the heaven and the earth? Absolutely not. But it was spoken by God to come into existence. Just by his words, the creation came together.

[00:31:16] Now, how did that work? You tell me. I don’t know. God asked Job the same question where. Were you when I laid the foundations of the world?

[00:31:28] Can you tell me? And I believe God has been a little bit sarcastic with Job there. Who are you that speaks without wisdom? You weren’t there. You haven’t seen this.

[00:31:40] But by faith, God said this, that. He spoke the world into existence. We read in Genesis, and by faith we believe that even though we didn’t see it, by faith, we know we. Have all these different makeups of our body. And we are just now getting to where we can see what the atoms.

[00:32:03] Are and electrons and neutrons and all. Those different things, protons, and start to have a grasp of that, of how we’re made up. But years ago, we couldn’t even see that. But we believed. We’re here, and we believe that God created us.

[00:32:24] So by faith, God’s word says it. And we believe it. We believe what God said about creation. By faith, abel offered to God a. More acceptable sacrifice than Cain, though, which he was commended as righteous.

[00:32:43] God commended him by accepting his gift. And through his faith, though he died, he still speaks. You read about this in Genesis four. We understand, and there are several references. To Cain and Abel.

[00:33:00] And Abel’s sacrifice. Abel offered a sacrifice of innocent blood.

[00:33:09] For a sacrifice by faith, believing that. God would accept it. Now, Cain offered a sacrifice based on his labor. Cain was a gardener, and he raised these vegetables and fruits and whatever else. And Cain offered this because of what he had done through his works.

[00:33:36] And that’s just clear here. We’re not saved.

[00:33:43] By works. Cain shows this. It was the condition of the heart. That the result of his labor. He offered something to God, whereas Abel offered innocent blood.

[00:33:55] Just believing that God would accept a blood sacrifice. I don’t know for sure, but I. Believe, based on what you see, that Noah offered sacrifices and Abel offered a sacrifice. And you say Abraham offered sacrifice. Somewhere along the line, God made it clear to man that only through the shedding of blood would the payment of.

[00:34:23] Sin be, and that it had to. Be through a sacrificial system. Like I’ve told you all before, I believe it goes all the way back to the Adam and Eve. When they tried to cover their sins with the fig leaves, god said, no, that’s not going to do. A ram had to die.

[00:34:42] An animal had to die, and he took the skin of that animal and covered their nakedness or covered their sin. Through the shedding of blood. So it was clear, even all the. Way back to, I believe, Genesis, that there would have to be a sacrifice for the sins of the world, a blood sacrifice for the sins of the world. So Abel offered this sacrifice by faith.

[00:35:11] To God, where Cain offered it as a result of his labor. We all know that story and how. That went and how we see Cain’s. Heart was hardened and bitter toward his brother because God accepted that. But it was, again, the condition of the heart.

[00:35:30] Abel’s heart was by faith, Cain’s was not. And Cain was bitter and killed his brother. So we’ll go into verse five. By faith, enoch was taken up so that he could not see death. He was not found because God had taken him.

[00:35:49] Now, before he was taken, he was commended as having pleased God. He pleased God by his faith. God saw him as righteous. And we know the story of Enoch, that he walked with God and was no more. He was translated up, as they say.

[00:36:10] He was carried into heaven.

[00:36:16] Because of his walk with the Lord and his. Closeness with the Lord. By faith. Now he gets into that that it. Pleased God, having pleased God.

[00:36:29] And without faith, it’s impossible to please God. So we know that Enoch had faith. In the promises of God, that he would provide a sacrifice. By faith, Enoch walked with God. By faith, he did the things that.

[00:36:47] God asked Him to do. He was found righteous in the eyes. Of God because of his faith. So without faith, it’s impossible to please God. And we’re good with that part.

[00:36:58] If anyone comes to Him, we must. Believe that he exists or that he is. He is all that he says he is, that he did send His Son. And we all are good with this, but okay, by faith, I’m saved by faith. That’s it.

[00:37:13] And he is the rewarder of those who earnestly seek Him.

[00:37:20] He’s explaining what faith is. This is faith. He is all that I need. Without this faith, without acknowledging that has is all that I need. You remember when Moses asked Him, who shall I say sent me?

[00:37:38] And he says, I am that I am. In other words, I am what you need. I am all things. I am everlasting. I am that I am.

[00:37:53] Have you seen God? No. Do you believe what he says in his word? Yes. That’s faith.

[00:38:02] You put your faith in God, and he is a rewarder of them that. Diligently seek Him, the rewarder of those who seek that relationship with Him. And I think once we’re saved, this is a characteristic of a person who is born again and has been saved, is they diligently seek Him. They have a desire to know Him. More, to have that relationship that he.

[00:38:33] Wants or restored for us through Christ on the cross, he restored the relationship. That he once wanted. When he created Adam and Eve, he wanted to walk in the cool of the garden and just have fellowship and have this relationship with Him. But then it was all changed because of sin. Christ restored that relationship, and that’s what.

[00:38:56] He wants, and so we seek that relationship with Him. I don’t know of a better explanation. Maybe you do, but I’m married. We had a wedding day, and we got married. We lived together, and that’s awesome.

[00:39:16] That’s great. But unfortunately, a lot of people who. Are married, that’s all they ever see. That’s all they ever do. Okay, I’m married.

[00:39:24] I got a piece of paper, and I got to live with her now. The rest of my life. And that’s just the way it is. I’ll go to my job, she goes to her job. Or she takes care of the kids.

[00:39:33] And I take care of the family’s needs, and I work my fingers to the bones. And they nearly don’t ever have that. Meaningful relationship that they need with one. Another because they don’t earnestly seek to know one another to have that relationship. The joy of marriage is to understand that person that God has given you and to love them unconditionally and accept.

[00:40:02] Them for who they are because you. Know who they are because not just because you live with them or just because you’re married to them, but because you’ve earnestly seek to know them. And I think that’s what God is saying here. You are saved for a relationship, and. In that relationship is the reward of it.

[00:40:27] The reward of a marriage is to. Have that relationship that is bound by love. As we get to know one another. More and more, I enjoy being with my wife. Not always.

[00:40:43] She’s sitting right over there, and she. Doesn’T always enjoy being with me. I can be contrary, too. But we have learned after 40 years of loving one another and getting to. Know one another, we begin to think like each other, and we can finish.

[00:41:01] Our sentences for each other. I know what she’s thinking. She knows what I am thinking, and. We just have that relationship. I believe that’s what he’s talking about.

[00:41:10] Here the reward of those who earnestly. Seek Him to know God intimately, to. Know what he expects, to know how. He works, to know that he loves. Me unconditionally and accepts me for who I am.

[00:41:26] If I don’t have that faith in Him, it’s impossible to please Him. It’s impossible to have that relationship that he desires for us.

[00:41:38] I don’t know if there’s any questions or comments or anything. Just throw them in there up to this point. But if not, we’ll keep moving. Let me get a drink of water here.

[00:41:52] So, verse seven. By faith, Noah by faith, Noah, being. Warned by God concerning events as yet unseen in reverent fear, constructed an ark. For the saving of his household. By this, he commended the world and became the heir of righteousness that comes.

[00:42:19] By faith, Noah found let me point this out again. Noah found grace in the eyes of. God before he built the ark. That is a picture of our salvation, god’s grace. By faith and we believe God.

[00:42:39] His grace is given to us through His Son. We accept His Son as our personal savior. That is salvation. Now, with salvation now, we’ve experienced that grace of God. As Noah had experienced God’s grace, god.

[00:42:56] Gave him something else. That I want you to build an ark. I’m going to judge the world. Man is evil continually. And I always think of the story.

[00:43:06] I don’t know if y’all ever knew Bill Cosby when he did the no in the ark thing. This was pretty comical back in the day. But Noah, I want you to build an ark. Right? What’s an ark?

[00:43:20] Noah had no idea before this time, it really hadn’t even rained on the. Earth, from what we know. What’s rain? What’s all this? God is telling him, build something that I want you to float around in.

[00:43:31] Water that Noah had never seen. But by faith Noah said, believed god, and he built the ark. It’s interesting, too, that he built this. Ark, and he built all the room. For them to stay.

[00:43:46] And it says here, in Reverent Fear constructed the ark for the saving of his household. This was 20 years before his first. Child was born when he began to. Build this ark, he was preparing rooms in that ark for children that he. Didn’T even have, for daughters, in laws.

[00:44:04] That he didn’t even have. By faith, Noah built this ark. So Noah found grace in the eyes of the Lord, and so Noah believed God, and by faith, Noah built the ark. Goes back to what I’m talking about. In James.

[00:44:24] We have faith in God. We’ve trust him. We are saved. Now we do. Now we do those things.

[00:44:30] And I think you see this as. We go through these lists of people that their faith in what God said and believe in what he says, they acted upon those things. Maybe another example is going back to. My how many years did it take. To build the art?

[00:44:50] And a lot of people see that now. Good question. It says in there that the number of man is 120 years. And a lot of people think, well. That’S when people stopped living so long and their maximum age was 120 years.

[00:45:07] I personally believe God was telling Noah, you’ve got 120 years to build the. Ark before I send judgment. So I’m thinking somewhere around 120 years. That it took Him to build this massive ark.

[00:45:26] Anyway, that’s just my take on it. Now, by faith, well, I was going to go back to the example of my marriage. We get married, and I’ve got my. Marriage license, and we’ve got our nice. Little house and two cars and a.

[00:45:46] Cat and a dog and all that stuff. But if I never talk to my wife, if I never do anything for. Her, if I never show any affection toward her, if I never go to the store for her and get things. For her, do I really love her? Is that a good expression of my.

[00:46:06] Love for her if I never have anything to do with her other than a marriage certificate? Maybe a bad example again, but I believe it goes along with God now that I am saved, because I love. Him, because I understand the grace that. He has shown me. I want to serve him.

[00:46:27] I want to please Him because of my faith. I believe what he says will come true if I do those things. So our actions or our works, a result of our salvation, not the requirement for salvation. So by faith, Abraham obeyed when he was called. Let me back up just a minute and give you a little something here, too.

[00:46:56] I don’t know how a lot of you feel, and I am a pretribulation. Believe in pre tribulation, but just to. Throw this in and no extra charge for it. When you go back to verse five, the verse Enoch was translated and taken up into heaven. And then we see Noah, and a.

[00:47:14] Lot of people say, well, see, Noah. Was put in the ark and went through the judgment on the earth. And, yeah, we’re going through the Tribulation, and they use that as their basis for support. But if you understand in the rest of scripture and what he says in the prophecies and revelation and other things. Enoch is a picture of the church.

[00:47:38] He was translated up. He was taken to heaven before God’s. Judgment was placed upon the earth. So to me, Enoch is a picture of the church. You see that in several places in Scripture.

[00:47:53] When God destroyed Sodom and Gomorrah, lot a righteous man, god took him out of Sodom and Gomorrah before he cast judgment. God always pulls his people out before judgment. Now, Israel went through some discipline times. Where God had to punish them for. Their sins, and they went through those times for sure.

[00:48:17] But when God was punishing evil man, he always pulled the righteous out. And we see that here with Enoch. He was brought up into heaven. He walked with God and was no more. I think that’s a picture of the Rapture.

[00:48:33] Now then you say, well, what is Noah in the ark? I believe Noah in the ark is a picture of Israel, the nation of. Israel, as they go through the Tribulation, and God keeps them and takes care of them. Even in this Tribulation, god keeps them. From harm in the ark.

[00:48:54] So to me, that is a picture. Well, way back in Genesis of the. End times, of the Rapture of the Church of Israel going through the Tribulation under the protection of God in this.

[00:49:10] So Noah would be Israel, enoch would. Be the church before God’s cast judgment on the earth. And that’s a whole nother study, but I just wanted to bring that out. And a lot of people ask about. The verse in Second Peter that talks.

[00:49:25] About they were saved by water. So oh, yeah, you got to be. Baptized to be saved. The water didn’t save anybody. The water destroyed everybody.

[00:49:34] The ark is actually what saved people. The ark is what saved Noah, not the water. And the ark is a picture of Christ. Noah was placed into the ark and. Was saved from the destruction.

[00:49:52] We are placed in Christ and we. Are saved from the wrath of God.

[00:50:01] Would the Passover be something to elaborate on that a little bit for me? Meaning like the Passover, because he saved the Israelites from the angel of death, taking the first born with the lamb over those things. So would that fall into he saves his righteous over judgment there, too? Yeah. Or is that going into something different?

[00:50:30] I think it’s going into something different because Egypt was a place of bondage, a place of slavery that they were. In and God delivered them from that. To give them to the Promised Land. I don’t know if you were I. Touched on this back in our earlier.

[00:50:45] Studies, and any of you are here just tonight, that all these are recorded. And placed in the library and oh, wow. Why can’t I never think of the word? What you call that? The depository.

[00:51:00] And you can hear them, they’re video or not video, but audio recorded. But anyway, Egypt was a place of bondage for Israel, and the Passover was. A picture of Christ. When I see the blood, I will pass over you. Blood was shed, I think, in Egypt when they did the Passover.

[00:51:21] That was the place of salvation. They left the bondage of sin. As we leave the bondage of sin no longer under the bondage of sin, we are freed in Christ through his. Blood on the cross. Cross the Red Sea and shut up, never to return no more.

[00:51:40] Again, I believe is a perfect picture of we cannot lose your salvation. You are saved by the blood in Egypt. You cross the Red Sea, never to return no more. And the Promised Land is not heaven, but is the victorious Christian life that we live here on earth. So that’s sort of what I look at, the Passover.

[00:52:00] Jesus is our passover lamb. This was all a type of Christ. To come in the Passover. So I think that’s kind of a different thing. But thank you for your question.

[00:52:14] I like when I get questions. Honestly, I feel like I can do. Better when I think people are listening or I know people are asking questions. And want to thinking about these things. So I hope that cleared it up for you.

[00:52:30] By faith, Abraham now obeyed when he. Was called to go out to a. Place that he was to receive as an inheritance. And he went out not knowing where he was going. Yep, that’s me.

[00:52:47] Every day I don’t have now I’m. Retired, I feel like every day I. Get up and wonder which way I’m supposed to be going. But Abraham went out in search of a city, it goes on to say, but he was traveling looking for a city, not knowing where he’s going. By faith, he obeyed God.

[00:53:08] God said, I promise you a nation as many as the sands of the sea or the stars in the sky, and I’m going to give you a promised land. Abraham went out looking for that, not know, left all that he had where he was at the name of his town. Slipped my mind right now. Ure, I think he left there in. All the comfort and luxury of the city, and he went out seeking what.

[00:53:38] God had promised him. He was to go out to the Promised Land. This is Genesis twelve one through four, and we can read about that. So by faith he went to live in a land of promise as in a foreign land, living in tents with. Isaac and Jacob heirs with him of the same promise.

[00:54:01] So Isaac and Jacob were the promised. Sons, were the promised grandsons to Abraham, that God promised him that a nation would be born and they would live in this promised land. And so Abraham went out looking for that, and he traveled intense temporary dwellings. He knew this wasn’t his permanent place of living. He was in search of a city, verse ten, for he was looking forward.

[00:54:35] To the city that has foundations, whose. Designer and builder is God. Now, that puts a little twist on it there. Whose designer and builder is God. You could say that the promised land.

[00:54:50] Was a land that God gave them. He tells that the land that I swear by your fathers that I will give you. They did nothing to take control of this land. But I also think this is a future looking for, too, a city, an. Eternal city, the city maybe we see in Revelation 21 of the New Jerusalem.

[00:55:17] Coming down for heaven. Did he fully understand? Was he like Job, which they say Job was written about the time of Abraham was. He knew that his redeemer liveth and that he would stand with him in the last day. Was he looking not only for a promised land, but an eternal city to be with God forever?

[00:55:44] So this may be two different schools. Of thought in verse ten, but regardless what the thing is, here is Abraham went. He obeyed by faith. He took his son, living in a temporary dwelling place, knowing that this was. Not his home, where he was at.

[00:56:02] He was looking for the home that God would give, that God would provide. So by faith, Sarah herself received power to conceive, even when she was past. The age, since she considered him faithful, who had promised. Now, this is interesting, too, here. Remember when God told Abraham that he was going to have a son and Sarah was in the other room of the tent, and she just sort of laughed?

[00:56:29] Yeah, right. I’m well beyond age of childbearing age, and I don’t know how this is going to happen, asking, Why did you. Laugh when I told Abraham, oh, she denied. I didn’t laugh. Regardless of what Abraham or Sarah’s unbelief at the time, she did believe.

[00:56:52] God did believe his promise, and by that promise. Conceived a son and had Isaac. Did she go through some difficulties of her belief? Absolutely. Remember, she offered Hagar to Abraham, and he had Ishmael, and, boy, that caused a whole lot of problems, even to this day.

[00:57:14] But Sarah did believe. It says by faith, she believed. I think she finally got the picture. And it isn’t good to know that even in our unbelief, even in our lack of faith, in our inadequacies, a. Lot of times we say we have.

[00:57:36] Faith and God tells us to do. Something, and, well, I need to help. Him out like Sarah and Abraham did. Because I’m well beyond years. Surely God needs some help in this situation.

[00:57:46] And even regardless of that her lack of faith or not of unbelief there God looked beyond that. I will see your remember your sin. No more and he still blessed her. I want you to know each one. Of these to me almost has a.

[00:58:06] Powerful sermon in her, didn’t that God. Does not hold those things against us. He’s going to perform his goodwill and his pleasure regardless of our weaknesses. And he will bless those who seek Him diligently and put our faith and trust in Him.

[00:58:30] So therefore verse twelve therefore for by. One man and in him as good as dead were born descendants, as many. As the stars of heaven, as many as the innumerable grains of sand of the seashore. He’s talking about through Abraham and Sarah. By this man as good as dead, near death.

[00:58:52] He was very old man, yet he had a child. And then he had Isaac. And through Isaac he had Jacob and Jacob had the twelve sons. And through that the nation was born of hundreds of thousands. And then even in that is the.

[00:59:11] Future promises of us. We are part of the promised seed of Abraham, that through that bloodline that. God promised Abraham, the son of God, would come and die for the sins. Of the there’s a that can open up. And like I said, each one of.

[00:59:33] These two or three verses you probably could talk for an hour and a half, 2 hours on each one to really cover all that’s in there. But we are even part of that. Seed that he talked about, the many stars of heaven and the numeral grains of the sands of the seashore, this was the promise to Abraham that Christ would come to die for the sins of the world, to be part of. That family of God. He says in verse 13 these all.

[01:00:02] Died in faith, not having received things promised, but having seen them and greeted them from afar and having acknowledged that. They were strangers and exiles on earth. Now this goes back to me, to verse ten. He may have looked for a promised. Land, but he also acknowledged, he also agreed in his heart through faith that.

[01:00:31] God would be promised him eternal life, that we are strangers here on earth. This place is not our home. Heaven is our home. There are many songs that talk about. That jesus tells us not to seek.

[01:00:46] Ye first the kingdom of God and his righteousness. All these things shall be added to, not to put our mind on earthly things, but on heavenly things. We as Christians by faith should be. Constantly thinking of the eternal what is. Going to happen for eternity, this life.

[01:01:07] The older I get, the shorter I. Realize how short life is. And heaven is for eternity. And we do so much here on. Earth trying to make it a home.

[01:01:19] And trying to do this and trying to do that, when reality is eternity is a whole lot longer. What are we doing to prepare for that? What are we doing to tell others about that? Because this is not our home. Heaven is our home.

[01:01:33] And I believe these all died in. Faith that heaven was not their home. That they were looking for an earthly home. For people who speak thus, make it clear that they are speaking of a homeland. So let me back up here to that not receiving the things promised.

[01:01:59] Abraham believed God, and it was counterintended righteousness. Noah found grace in the eyes of God. All these people found all these different things. And what is the promise they didn’t receive? It wasn’t eternal life, because we know.

[01:02:14] That they have eternal life, but the. Promise of a Savior, the promise to see the Savior. We see in Luke where the prophet. And the prophetess just said, just let me live to see the Messiah. They just wanted to see the Messiah come, the Promised One, to come to die for the sins of the world.

[01:02:38] And this is the promise that is saying they didn’t receive to see the promise of the Savior, to experience the indwelling of the Holy Spirit of all people. Remember the Old Testament? The Holy Spirit would come and go. On different people, but at Pentecost, he. Came and indwelt each and every one.

[01:02:57] Of us who believe. So they didn’t experience that promise, but. They still believed, believe God and his. Promises that he would provide a sacrifice. I’ll get to that in just a minute.

[01:03:12] Get it too far ahead of myself. We’re about an hour into it. Any thoughts or comments on verse 14? I’m an hour into the first chapter. That’s what I told.

[01:03:23] I didn’t know how far we would. Get tonight, but I wanted just to. Be clear and sort of help you. See that there’s so much in Scripture that points to all these verses.

[01:03:35] So. Verse 14 for people who speak. Thus, make it clear that they are seeking a homeland. Speak what they acknowledge, that they are strangers here on earth. We’re looking for a home.

[01:03:59] Oh, Lord, don’t you know this world is not my home? I’m just a passing through that old song. Great song. And that’s a great statement then. I don’t like it when it says, if heaven is not my home, then.

[01:04:10] Lord, I don’t know what I’m going to do. Well, I guess I understand that. And I hear a lot of people say that. But John 513 tells us that we may know that we have eternal life. I know heaven is my home.

[01:04:25] I don’t have to wonder if it’s my home. I’m looking for a heavenly home. And they make it very clear that. This earth, this old, troubled earth with all of its sin and its wars and its hardships and all these difficulties. This is not my home.

[01:04:43] I’m just passing through. I’m in a temporary dwellings. But my eternal dwelling is in Heaven with my Savior. So we make it clear as Christians that this isn’t my home. This isn’t what I’m looking for, but.

[01:05:00] Heaven is my home. Philippians 313 through 14 says brother, and I count myself to apprehend, to have apprehended. This is Paul speaking. But this one thing I do, forgetting those things which are behind, reaching forth into those things which are before, he’s reaching for Heaven. He’s reaching for that heavenly calling.

[01:05:24] He’s not worried about the past. He can’t change the a. Well, there’s a message right there. You wondering just Satan beating you up about your past and how terrible you’ve. Done put all those things behind you.

[01:05:36] God’s forgive you for them. Stretch toward the mark of the high calling, he says in verse four, I press toward the mark of the prize of the high calling of God in Christ Jesus. What is that high calling? That I live with him eternally in Christ Jesus. Heaven is our home.

[01:05:56] I press forward. I reach forward to those things that. Are before for our conversation. Verse 20. This is Hebrews 320.

[01:06:06] For our conversation is in Heaven, not here on earth. This is not what we all involved in. Heaven is what we to be involved in. From whence also we look for the. Savior, the Lord Jesus Christ, who shall change our vile bodies, that it may.

[01:06:26] Be fashioned like unto a glorious body according to the working, whereby he is able even to subdue all things to himself. By faith I believe that promise right there, those are promises of God. And by faith I believe them. And by faith I’m looking for my eternal home in Heaven. My conversation is in heaven.

[01:06:49] Now getting back to our text in Hebrews 1115. If they had been thinking of that. Land from which they had gone out, they would have opportunity to return. This goes back to what Paul said in Philippians. Abraham left that I believe it’s your, if I’m not mistaken, your is where he is from.

[01:07:12] I don’t know why that’s flipping my mind right now, but if he’d just. Constantly oh, to go back home, as Israel would say, oh, that we were back in Egypt every time they got in trouble. Oh, that we were back in Egypt, and they know you brought us out here to die, Moses. And that’s not what God had for them. That’s not the promise of God I promised you a did they because of unbelief, they didn’t enter that land because they were always looking back the way it was.

[01:07:41] They would rather have gone back to bondage. Makes no sense to me. But if I was an Israelite in that time, I’d probably been right there with them. So I can’t condemn them. But if they’re constantly thinking of what’s behind then it might tempt you to.

[01:07:59] Go back to that old way, to. Go back to whatever God had brought you out of. We press toward the mark of the. High calling of Jesus Christ. We don’t look back of those things.

[01:08:12] But as it is, they desire a better country. We desire a better thing that God has prepared for us, that is a heavenly one. Therefore, God is not ashamed to be. Called their God, for he has prepared. For them a city.

[01:08:30] Again, going back to verse ten, you could say he’s talking about the Promised. Land, but it also is talking about a future city, an eternal city in heaven for us. And Jesus promises the disciples that before he leaves in John 14 one through four, let not your heart be troubled. Don’t be troubled of the things of this world. Don’t be troubled with all that’s going on and all these things.

[01:08:59] You have a heavenly home. You understand, you acknowledge that you’re just strangers in this land. He said you believed in God. Believe also in me. In other words, don’t let your heart be trolled.

[01:09:15] Put your faith in God. Put your faith in me. Believe what we’re telling you. Here what’s he telling us here in. John 14 one through four.

[01:09:25] Here’s another promise that I put my. Faith and trust in. In my Father’s house are many mansions. If it were not so, I would. Have told you I go to prepare a place for you, and if I.

[01:09:38] Go to prepare a place for you, I will come again and receive you unto Myself. That where I am, there you may be also. And whither I go, ye know. And the way you know, by faith. I trust the promise of God there.

[01:09:57] By faith I know my Savior is at the right hand of the Father because he’s promised it in His Word. He’s there making intercession for me every day, for you, for all of us. Who have put our trust and faith in Him. By faith I believe those things. I accept those things.

[01:10:14] By faith he’s told me he’s preparing. A place for me. And listen what he says here in. Verse three of John 14. I will come again.

[01:10:24] He said, I’m going to go prepare a place for you, and I’m going to come again now, I’m here now, but I’m going to come again and. Receive you unto myself.

[01:10:38] That where I am, you may be also. Many will tell you that Paul was. The first one to ever talk about the Rapture. I don’t believe that. So I believe I said that Enoch was a picture of it, and I.

[01:10:52] Believe Jesus gives them a glimpse of it here. Did they understand it? Absolutely not. They didn’t understand many things, because Jesus even told them, there’s many things I want to tell you, but you can’t take it now. You can’t even begin to understand it now.

[01:11:08] But he gives them. A little glimpse right here. I’m going to come again, and I’m. Not going to come again and set. Up a kingdom here on earth.

[01:11:18] That’s not what he said. He said, I’m going to come again and receive you. In other words, you’re going to come to me. That where I am, where’s he at. In heaven, you’re going to be also.

[01:11:31] I think Jesus gives a little picture of what the Rapture is going to be right there. I will come in the clouds, I’ll receive you in myself, and that where I am. In heaven, you will be, too. That’s the promise of God. I believe it’s just a little snippet, whether they understood it or not, of.

[01:11:51] The rapture of the Church, as Jesus says, I’m going to call you home. And you’re going to be with me. By faith. I believe that by faith. Verse going back to Hebrews eleven, verse 17.

[01:12:05] By faith. Abraham, when he was tested, offered up. Isaac, and he who had received the promises was in the act of offering. Up his only son.

[01:12:20] Of whom it. Is said, through Isaac shall your offspring be named. He considered that God was able even to raise him from the dead, from. Which, figuratively speaking, he did receive him back. So he was in the act of.

[01:12:39] Offering his only son. He said, Wait a minute, that wasn’t his only son. What about ishmael what about Hagar’s son? Remember the bond servant and all that stuff? That wasn’t the promised son.

[01:12:51] That wasn’t the son through promise. That was the son through disobedience of. Abraham and Sarah, where they didn’t believe. God and they thought they need to. Help God, and what a mess it made through the birth of Ishmael and.

[01:13:07] Hagar and the conflict that it caused then. And then Abraham had to send Hagar. And Ishmael off, and he gave him a blessing and money and all these things. But they became a great nation, and I believe that’s the Islamic nation you’re. Seeing today, that has been and that.

[01:13:26] Is promised, even all the way back then, that they would be, for lack of better word, a thorn in Israel’s side from now on. And it is so because of Abraham’s disobedience. That’s what ishmael caused But Isaac was his only son, only begotten son, in that he was the son of promise. His only son he offered him there on Mount Moriah. I don’t know if you know, but Mount Moriah also is Mount Zion.

[01:13:59] In this picture here of Abraham offering. Isaac his only son was a picture of Christ, of how on Mount Moriah. Abraham went up to offer his son, his only son. God gave his only begotten son that. Whosoever should believe in him should not perish, but have everlasting life.

[01:14:23] Abraham went up and Isaac was carrying the wood on his back. Jesus carried a cross up Zion, Mount. Zion or Galgotha’s Hill to die for. The sins of the world. Abraham was going to offer Isaac on the way up.

[01:14:41] It’s interesting that Isaac asked. Abraham said, dad, you know, I see. The wood, I see the fire, but where’s the sacrifice? And Abraham told Isaac, god will provide. Himself a lamb for a burnt offering.

[01:14:57] So they both went up them together. That’s Genesis 22 eight. All the way back to Abraham’s time, I believe, was a prophetic statement of Abraham acknowledging what? The promise of God that he would. Provide not just a sacrifice, but a.

[01:15:15] Lamb for a burnt offering, the lamb of God to take away the sins of the world. And Abraham did that and believed God and trusted God even though it was his only son. He knew that even if he had thrust that knife through his son, that. That was the promise. And he believed God’s promise so much.

[01:15:35] That if he killed him, god would raise him back from the dead. If he didn’t get to the point of killing, god would provide a lamb, of which we all see that God provided a lamb instead of Isaac. God provided his son instead of me and you. Instead of us having to die for. Our sins, which we couldn’t, god provided.

[01:15:58] A Lamb that would die for the. Sins of the world. So whether they fully and understood all of that, who Jesus was, more than likely not. But they did understand that God would provide a sacrifice for the sins of the world. In Genesis 22 five, in this story, we see.

[01:16:20] And Abraham said to the young men, abide here with the asses, and I and the lad will go yonder and. Worship and come again to you. Even before they went up on Mount Moriah, abraham was demonstrating his faith in God’s promise. Not only me and my son are going to go worship, not sacrifice. And by the way, I’m going to.

[01:16:45] Bring my son back with me. We’re both going to come back to. You, whatever way it happens. God is going to provide the sacrifice and I’m trusting Him for that. And I’m believing him.

[01:16:57] I put my faith in Him for that. Guess you could say what great faith of Abraham. No, abraham believed in a great God. So verse 20 maybe we’ll get through chapter eleven tonight.

[01:17:13] Verse 20. By faith, Isaac invoked future blessings on Jacob and Esau. By faith, Jacob, when dying, blessed each of the sons of Joseph bowing in worship over the head of his staff.

[01:17:33] This is interesting here, and when we. Get to chapter twelve, but I’ll talk about it some more about the Jewish blessings. But remember this, that when it was important to them to get the blessing of their father or their grandfather.

[01:17:52] And. In a Jewish blessing, there was some key components of it. First, there was a touch, a tender. Touch of the blesser as they would. Place their hands on the head of the child or the shoulders of the child and they would bless him.

[01:18:10] So there was a touch there that they would do. Then there was some meaningful words that they would express to them. I see great things in you and you’re just really giving words of admiration. And you see that in some of the blessings that Jacob gave and what. Joseph gave to his grandchildren.

[01:18:35] You see this in these blessings. And then in the third part of it would be a future direction. You’re going to do great things for the Lord or you’re going to be this or you’re going to be that. And that was part of the blessing. The Jewish customs and blessings of that.

[01:18:53] Time was a touch and meaningful words and then future directions of the way they were going.

[01:19:02] We might get into that a little bit more in chapter twelve, but I want you to understand that and remember that for right now. But by faith Jacob blessed them.

[01:19:13] Saying that they would do great things for the Lord, that God would bless them, that they would go into the promised Land. By faith, joseph at the end of. His life made mention of the Exodus. Of Israelites and gave directions concerning his bones. We see in Genesis 50 that when.

[01:19:33] Joshua Joseph was in Egypt and he. Was about to die, he gave explicit. Instructions don’t leave me here in Egypt, don’t leave me in this place of bondage. Take my bones with you when you leave. They were still there in Egypt, but.

[01:19:55] He said, when you leave, take my bones with me, bury me in that promised land. By faith god had promised Abraham a. Land to the forefathers and they believed God. And so by faith he said, take. My bones with me or with you.

[01:20:15] When you go into the promised land. And bury me there by faith. And that is fulfilled, by the way, in Joshua 24 32, where they buried Joseph bones in the promised land. So by faith, Moses verse 23, when. He was born, was hidden for three months by his parents because they saw.

[01:20:39] That the child was beautiful and they. Were not afraid of the king’s etiquette. By faith, Moses parents hid Moses. Remember they put him in the basket and covered and hit him in the Nile. I think it was because the king.

[01:20:58] Wanted to kill all the firstborn of the Jewish because he thought there would. Be too many of them and that. They would overthrow them. And he didn’t like who they were making friends with and all those things. And he was afraid of Israel overthrowing.

[01:21:14] The Egyptians and so he was going. To thin them out and say, kill all the firstborn. Well, when Moses was born, the parents. Recognized that he was something special given. By God and so they put him.

[01:21:28] In the basket to save his life. And in Moses you see where Pharaoh’s daughter found him and they took him into Pharaoh’s house. And he grew up in Pharaoh’s courts. God spared his life because of the faith of his parents. And in verse 24, by faith, Moses.

[01:21:49] When he was grown up, refused to be called the son of Pharaoh’s daughter, choosing rather to be mistreated with the people of God than to enjoy the fleeing pleasures of sin. So by faith Moses acted. Moses believed what God said, what God promised. Abraham, I got something in my throat.

[01:22:17] Moses believed what God’s promises and by faith he acted on that. No, I’m not Pharaoh’s daughter. I’m an Egyptian. Or I’m not an Egyptian. I’m an Israelite.

[01:22:31] I am one of God’s chosen people. And he’s promised us a land and he’s revealed to me that I’m going to deliver them from this land. Now we see again where Moses messed up with that and killed a couple. Of the Egyptians and took matters in. His own hand, once again trying to help God out.

[01:22:49] But in his heart, God knew his heart that he believed what God’s promises. Was, even though he tried to interfere a little bit. By faith, Moses believed God refused to. Be called the son or be adopted. As a Pharaoh’s daughter, but would rather have been treated as his Israelite brothers and sisters than to live in the.

[01:23:14] Palace and to live in sin. He wanted to believe God than to. Live in sin again. There’s just message after message in here that could apply to us today. A lot of times there’s things that.

[01:23:27] Tempt us and we’d want to do. This and we want to do that. And yeah, it might not be really. What God would like for us to. Do, but would I give up this?

[01:23:37] Would I give up a job that really pays a lot of money if. I knew that’s not what God wanted for me? God wanted me to go this way instead of this way. Which way am I going to go? Which way would I choose?

[01:23:53] I would rather choose God and have faith in God and his promises that he is the rewarder of those who diligently seek Him and not this good. Paying job or this whatever that may be tempting you. We’ll talk about that some more in verse twelve. Let’s see, verse 26. He considered the reproach of Christ greater.

[01:24:16] Wealth than the treasures of Egypt. For he was looking to the reward. See is the rewarder of those who diligently seek Him, who believe God and put their faith and trust in Him. That he is all I need. I am that I am.

[01:24:35] I am what you need. I have all that you need. If we could get a hold of. That and live our Christian lives. That I have done it all for.

[01:24:45] You on the cross I have prepared. I know my thoughts, my plans for you. And if you’ll just put your faith and trust in me, just watch what. Happens if you’ll seek me diligently to. That relationship, I will bless you exceedingly abundantly, above all that you ask or think.

[01:25:06] So we see that here. And as this writer is telling these Jewish readers now, remember who he’s talking to. These ones that were all caught up in the Jewish system and the law, and that’s all they ever knew for thousands of years. He said, this is how you live the Christian life. Put your faith in God, as all.

[01:25:26] These patriarchs did, as all these ones did before us. Put your faith in God. Not in sacrificial system, not in the law, not in a high priest or a priest here on earth, but put your faith in God. This is how you live your Christian life. It’s important for us to understand.

[01:25:48] Don’t put your faith in a church. Don’t put your faith in a pastor. I hear a lot of times on TikTok it sound like just a pastor bashing. People need to understand pastors are people. Just like they are, just like Moses.

[01:26:03] Made mistakes and Abraham made mistakes and Isaac made mistakes. We’re all human beings and we’re all capable of falling. You put your faith and trust in God. You put your faith and trust in Him. Let Him take care of those who.

[01:26:21] Aren’T doing what he asks to do or what they’re supposed to be doing. And people get they get highly disappointed when they put up on a pedestal. Falls, and then they want to get. Mad at God and they want to leave the church and they want to do this. You are going to church for the wrong reason.

[01:26:39] Your church is to build. I tell my people all the time. My job is to point you to. Christ, to help you to know that. He wants a relationship with Him, that he wants you to diligently seek Him.

[01:26:54] That’s where your reward is. Not in this church, not in me. I’m going to fail you. The church is going to fail you. All this will fail you, but God will never fail.

[01:27:06] Put your faith and trust in Him. So where was that? Let’s see. By faith he left Egypt, not being. Afraid of the anger of the king, for he endured and seeking Him who is invisible.

[01:27:20] So remember at this point that when Moses left Egypt, he hadn’t seen God. He just knew the promises of God. He knew what God had promised. By faith, he did that. And like Abraham, he left really not knowing where he’s going.

[01:27:36] He just left Egypt, left the king. Because he was going to serve the living God, the one who he had not even seen. Now we see later. He saw him at the burning bush. Well, he saw his backside at the burning bush.

[01:27:51] He experienced him fully as he diligently sought God. Not Egypt, not the Pharaoh, not those riches. He was seeking God. He was putting his faith and trust in his promise. And God rewarded him and revealed himself to him at the burning bush, and he got a glimpse of his goodness.

[01:28:12] So he endured as seeing him who is invisible, he was looking to God, putting his faith and trust in Him. By faith, verse 28 he kept the. Passover and sprinkled the blood so the. Destroyer of the first born might not touch them. You think it took great faith that night, God says, I’m going to send the death angel, so to speak, and.

[01:28:40] He’S going to come and he’s going. To kill all the first born. He even killed the cattle. And all these things were going to die that night if there was no. Blood on the doors post of their homes.

[01:28:55] It took great faith. Could you imagine those that have your. First born son and you know, tonight he’s going to die and you got. To put this blood of this lamb. Over the doorpost and what faith it would take to, you know I hope.

[01:29:12] Moses told us right. I hope nobody got the translation messed up and I hope know I can read this right translation or that right translation. No. God made it very real to Him what he wanted. And they by faith put the blood on the doorpost and their firstborn was spared.

[01:29:30] Salvation came through the blood. When I see the blood, I will pass over you. So that by faith it took that. And Moses commanded or told the children of Israel to do that, and even. Some of the Egyptians did that, and.

[01:29:46] Their firstborn were saved. But that’s another lesson. By faith, the people crossed the Red. Sea as on dry land, but the Egyptians, when they attempted to do the same, were drowned. So by faith they crossed the Red Sea.

[01:30:03] Now again, when we’re acting in faith. They were up and they had the Red Sea in front of them. The Egyptians were coming over the mountain behind them. They were between a rock and a hard place. Now where do we go?

[01:30:21] And they began to murmur and complain. And Moses, god told Moses to put. Your staff in the water and part the waters. It’s interesting there that even our faith requires action. You believe what you know, okay, yeah.

[01:30:38] I believe what he said. I’m just going to sit here and wait for it. No, faith requires action. Faith without works is dead. Faith.

[01:30:49] God told Moses to put his staff in the water. Well, if he’d never done it, would the waters have parted? I don’t know. That’s a big hypothetical situation. But what I’m trying to point out.

[01:31:02] Here is that Moses believed God what he said. By faith. He just put his staff in the water and the water started. Moses acted on what he believed in. His heart and the waters parted.

[01:31:15] They walked across on dry ground and as they got across, the Egyptians tried. To do that and they were drowned. There was no believing God. There was no faith there. And God destroyed their enemies.

[01:31:30] So they were instructed to start walking when they came to the Jordan. If you see where they went into the Promised Land after you see another. Picture of that when Joshua took over.

[01:31:47] They went across the Nile, I believe. And he told them to start walking in the water. Let the Ark of the Covenant go forth with the priest. And he said, as you’re going, just start walking in the water. That took faith.

[01:32:02] God said to do it that way. And they got about ankle deep and the waters parted and they walked across on dry ground once again. But once again, faith requires action. Not for salvation, but faith will. Let me say it better this way.

[01:32:20] Faith will result in action. You will do what God says if you put your faith in Him. If you believe his promise. If you believe what he said, you will do what he says. That’s what’s going on with James.

[01:32:35] It is a product of what’s in. Our heart, of what we believe, what. We have our faith in. The product of that is action. Just like the big engine, the powerful engine and the transmission.

[01:32:50] The faith is the transmission. The power is God, and the wheels. Are the action that takes place when we put our faith and trust in Him. By faith. The walls of Jericho fell down after they’d been encircled for seven days.

[01:33:04] Now, this story always gets and there’s cute little songs about it and everything. Else, but the walls of Jericho came tumbling down. Now, these people knew that God was. Going to deliver them, that the Rahab acknowledged that. We knew 40 years ago God was going to give you this land.

[01:33:23] And we trembled. We were terrified of you guys. And here they do. They cross, and they finally get into the Promised Land. They come to this first major city.

[01:33:33] They have to conquer that God conquers. For them, by the way. And they do nothing but march around it for seven days and then blow their horns. Could you imagine those in that city there looking down and saying, look at these crazy people out here. This is the great army of God.

[01:33:54] They’re just going to walk around us every day and expect something to happen. Could you imagine how the world would look at them? How crazy they were for what they were doing? Yet this is what God told them. This is the exact instructions God told them to do.

[01:34:09] Sometimes our faith doesn’t make sense to. The rest of the world. Sometimes we just have to step out, even when it doesn’t make sense to. Our friends and to the world. When God says it by faith, we trust Him.

[01:34:22] We believe what he says. And we know the rest of that. Story that God destroyed the walls, that. The walls came down when they blew their trumpets.

[01:34:36] I hate to say they defeated the city, but they overtook the city because. God tore down the walls and they. Had victory that day because they obeyed God by faith. The walls of Jericho fell down.

[01:34:53] Even when it seemed crazy to the rest of the world by faith. Rahab the prostitute did not perish with those who were disobedient because she had. Given a friendly welcome to the spies. Now, I want to go back to. A statement I made just a few.

[01:35:16] Minutes ago when they came and talked to Rehab. She acknowledged 40 years ago they believed. That God had given them that city. She believed the God of Israel already. That he was capable, that he was.

[01:35:32] Going to give them what he had promised. She already had believed the God of Israel. And so she wasn’t spared just because she was nice to the spies. Her faith in the God of Israel. That he was the one and only God through whom Israel was being blessed.

[01:35:56] She trusted in that same God, understood these spies were part of his people and was nice to them, and God. Blessed her for that, for her faith. I hope that makes sense. I hope I didn’t get everybody confused. You know, some would go over there and say, yeah, because she did this, she was saved in the thing.

[01:36:15] No. And then they want to go into. You got to do this to be saved, and that’s not right. She already believed the God of Israel. She already had faith.

[01:36:27] She acknowledged that and knew that 40. Years ago before they ever got there. As a result of that over her. Belief in the God of Israel. She was friendly to his people, she.

[01:36:39] Took care of the spies and she believed. And they told her to put the. Red thread out the wall and her. And her family would be saved. And she did that.

[01:36:50] And that’s exactly what happened, because she believed the God of Israel and his promises. So, verse 32. Wow.

[01:37:04] Let’s see, what shall I say? More for the time would fail me. To tell of Gideon, Barak, Samson, Japheth, David and Samuel and the Prophets who. Through faith conquered kingdoms, enforced judgment obtained promises shut the mouths of lions quenched. The power of fire escaped the edge of the sword were made strong out of weakness became mighty in war put.

[01:37:35] Foreign armies to flight where women received back their dead by resurrection. Some were tortured, refusing to accept release. So that they may raise again to a better life. So he says, I could go on and on and on, guys, that it. Has always been by grace through faith.

[01:37:58] God never intended you to keep the law. Stop going back to the law. The law was only to point you to Christ. The law was only about Christ. It’s always been about faith all the way back to our forefather, all the.

[01:38:14] Way back to Abel. It’s been by faith all the way back through there. So those who argue that oh, they. Were saved a different way in the Old Testament. It was not saved by a different.

[01:38:26] Way in the it was they acted. Out a different way. But ultimately it was by God’s grace and through their faith and believe in. The promises of God, the pictures of. Christ, all through the Old Testament, that point that God would provide a sacrifice is all through the Old Testament in the tabernacle, they were saved by grace.

[01:38:50] No man comes to the Father but by me. That’s all Old Testament people, that’s all New Testament people, that’s all us. Nobody comes to God except through the. Blood of Jesus Christ. That’s the only way of salvation.

[01:39:05] That’s the only way that it’s ever. Been that nothing changed with that. Their understanding changed as this progressive revelation of who Christ was and what his name would be and all those things. They begin to understand more and more, just like we begin to understand more. And more of God’s word the more we study it.

[01:39:27] But all these did this and he’s saying, stop going back to all this stuff. It’s by faith. And I’ve give you a whole list of all these people that you know and you recognize all these things you’ve been taught from a child. And I could keep going and tell. You about Gideon who started out with.

[01:39:47] All this great army. And God brings them down to just. 300 people and they defeat the armies. Just by standing around the edge of. Their camp with lanterns and horns.

[01:40:02] They again did nothing. God fought their battle for them. The battle is the Lord’s. He will give you the victory. If we put our faith and trust in him.

[01:40:13] We see that with Samson and all that. David david was in the comfort of his father’s home tending the sheep and. Was announced that he would be the next king. And this is something too, to understand. Really important, that when God makes a.

[01:40:32] Promise to us, we want to get in a hurry. We want it to happen right now. We don’t like waiting. We don’t like those silent times. But the fact is that David, after Samuel anointed with oil and said he would be king.

[01:40:49] It was almost 25 years before he. Was king of Israel. For 25 years, God took him through things and taught him through things and prepared him to be the king of Israel that God wanted him to be. So it took a long time by Paul on the road to Damascus, everybody. Thinks, well, the road Damascus Ananias went and gave him sight back.

[01:41:14] He went to preaching and people were getting saved by the droves. No, Paul went away for three years and learned more as Jesus revealed to him these different things. For three years, even Paul waited for God to move and to do those things. John the Baptist and you could just go on and on through scripture. Don’t always think just because okay, I’ve got faith now.

[01:41:42] I believe what you said, God. Now let it happen tomorrow. Sometimes it may take time. Sometimes it may take others being prepared. That go along with you.

[01:41:53] You’re looking for a husband, looking for a wife. God may have you ready, but is. Your wife or your husband ready? God may need to prepare them for you. So sometimes it takes time.

[01:42:06] We need to wait upon those who wait upon the Lord shall renew their strength. They will mount up with wings as eagles. You know those verses. So in our faith, we got to remember waiting is also important. God’s promises are always his promises.

[01:42:23] No matter how much we get distracted. Or how much we think it’s not. Going to happen, god’s promised he’s coming back. And no matter how long he waits doesn’t mean he’s not he is coming back. It is going to happen by faith.

[01:42:40] We just keep trusting by faith, he. Gives this whole list of people, and. This first group here in 32 through. 35, these were delivered from persecution. They did great things for the Lord by faith.

[01:42:55] But the next set in verses 36 through 37 were delivered in persecution. In verse 36, it says. Others suffered mocking and flogging and even chains and imprisonment. They were stoned, they were sawn in two, they were killed with a sword. They went about in skins of sheep and goats, destitute afflicted and mistreated of.

[01:43:24] Whom the world was not worthy, wandering. About in it in deserts and mountains and dens and caves of the earth. And all these through, though commended through their faith, did not receive the promise. Did not see Jesus come, did not see the fulfillment of the Messiah, did not experience the indwelling of the Holy Spirit. That’s the promise that it’s talking about.

[01:43:51] Just keep that in mind the revealing. Of God’s Son for the sins of the world. But all these were delivered in persecution. They died for their faith. Isaiah is the one that was saw.

[01:44:06] In the thunder, put in a log and cut in two while he was in the log. These all suffered, all the prophets and all those that suffered persecution by the. Religious system, by faith. They believed God even when it meant great persecution. Sometimes he delivers us from it, sometimes he delivers us through it.

[01:44:30] But the idea is we live a life by faith and trusting and believing. What God says was true, no matter what happens. So all these thought, commended through their faith did not receive what was promised. Since God had provided something better for. Us, that apart from us, they should.

[01:44:56] Not be made perfect. God has promised a better way of salvation is what he’s telling than the Law and the sacrificial system. But we must accept that way through. Faith and not by works. Don’t go back to the Law.

[01:45:16] Okay, now what do we do if we don’t have the temple and. The priest and the sacrifice, what do we do? Live your Christian life by faith. In God’s promises that his son said it is finished on the cross, it. Is done, it is complete.

[01:45:36] And by. Faith we just trust Him, we rest in Him. Live your Christian life by faith. This is what he’s telling them here. In these things as they wonder what.

[01:45:49] Now, what do I do? Since I don’t have all this religious system that we’ve known for thousands of years. Just live your life by faith. And he would say to us today guys, you are saved by faith. Live your life, your Christian life by.

[01:46:03] Faith in God you save by grace. Live by grace, saved by faith. Live by faith. It doesn’t change once we’re saved. And then in those things we act out our faith and what we believe.

[01:46:20] Is a result of our salvation, not. A requirement for our salvation.

[01:46:30] I don’t have about 14 minutes and. I guess I’ll just sort of quit early there and ask if you got. Any questions or thoughts. I hope this was helpful in understanding this. It took a lot longer than I.

[01:46:44] Didn’T know I could do chapter eleven. For 2 hours, but Lord knew different, I guess.

[01:46:55] Any questions or anything? Anybody have to add?

[01:47:02] Yeah, there is. There is a lot of good stuff and I’ll be honest with you, there’s more in it than that. There’s so much good stuff. The whole book of Hebrews to me is so full of such rich study. And things for our understanding and how.

[01:47:22] In the world some can say, oh. It just wasn’t for us, man. We see all that we are in Christ and what he’s done for us and how we’re complete in Him, we rest in Him. I love the book of Hebrews. I was excited that I got to.

[01:47:39] Do it as we look through it and we’ll go through chapter twelve and. Maybe chapter 13 next week and then we’ll be through. So if there’s nothing else, we all need that patience. I pray for patience and Lord please give me patience and hurry up about it. That’s the way I usually do it.

[01:48:14] But we’re impatient people but we got. To learn to wait on the Lord and just trust Him and put our faith in Him. Yes. Next Saturday night, same time at 08:00 if you’re catching up, this is lesson six. So the other lessons are in the depository under my name.

[01:48:35] I think Chris created that for me.

[01:48:39] So you can catch up on those there. It’ll take you to we didn’t have. Any place to store those audio tapings. So we just stored them on our church website.

[01:48:58] Just don’t get worried about going to another website. It’s just our church website just because. We didn’t have no other place to store them. But you can listen to them there. And get caught up to where we’re at.

[01:49:12] All right, good to have you tonight. Thank you for coming. We’ll close with word of prayer, and if y’all want to hang out and. Have conversation, discuss, that’ll be fine. But let’s just close in prayer now.

[01:49:23] Father, we just thank you for this time we have together. And we pray, Lord, that even now. That the Holy Spirit would reveal the. Truth to us and open our eyes. To see and our ears to hear.

[01:49:34] Lord, that would impress upon our hearts. That we, by faith, would trust you every day to trust in Your promises. As we go through our Christian life. We just thank you for your word. We thank you for Your love to us and Your grace.

[01:49:49] We thank you for Jesus. In Jesus name I pray. Amen.