Hebrews – Week 1

July 16, 2023

Series: Hebrews Study

Book: Hebrews

Hebrews - Week 1
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Automated Overview

  • Chapter 1 – Opening Prayer and Introductions (00:00 – 00:10:07)

    This chapter covers the opening prayer by JD and introductions by Kenny.

  • Chapter 2 – Overview of the Book of Hebrews (00:10:07 – 00:18:18)

    Kenny provides context and overview of the book of Hebrews.

  • Chapter 3 – Hebrews Chapter 1 Commentary (00:18:18 – 00:56:19)

    Covers Kenny’s detailed commentary on Hebrews chapter 1.

  • Chapter 4 – Questions and Discussion on Chapter 1 (00:56:19 – 01:14:44)

    Kenny pauses for questions and discussion on Hebrews 1.

  • Chapter 5 – Looking Ahead to Chapter 2 and Wrap Up (01:14:44 – end)

    Kenny previews chapter 2 and confirms plans to continue the study.

Automated Transcription

[00:00:00] Yeah, there’s JD.

[00:00:07] Blessings. Blessings. Blessings. What’s up, Pastor K? Top of the morning to you, sir.

[00:00:16] Yeah, it is one early morning. Yeah. Praise the Lord. Amped excellent. Glad to be here.

[00:00:26] Pumped, got me my Bible ready, so I’m really excited for this. So let’s get into it. Have we prayed? You know what we should do? Should probably wait like five minutes for.

[00:00:39] More people to join before we start.

[00:00:46] Can I open up for us in prayer? Is that cool? Yeah, awesome. Thank you, Heavenly Father, for this beautiful opportunity. Lord Jesus Christ, we come before you now and we thank you for each and every single one of our brothers.

[00:01:03] And sisters, their families, their lives. Lord, we thank you for what you have started in each and every single one of us. Lord Jesus, we ask that this study, as we move through this epistle of Hebrews, will open up hearts, will open. Up eyes to the finished work of Jesus Christ, the final sacrifice of the. Blood spilt by our Lord and Savior.

[00:01:30] And we thank you Lord, that you guide our beloved Pastor Kenny, our brother. In the faith, as he goes through. The study, that minds are opened up, that eyes are opened up, Lord, and that hearts are softened. Thank you for, again, thank you for the finished work on the cross. Thank you for paying the ultimate price.

[00:01:52] For us to be free, for us to become children of the living God. We thank you for this. We thank you for the finished work that you have begun and will continue to do in our lives. Lord, I thank you for each and every single one of my brothers and sisters who have been dedicated and working on this app and all the new. Members that have been joining, Lord, that.

[00:02:15] You will send the right people to the study and that they will grow. And we thank you that Your word never returns unto you void, that it accomplishes everything that you set it out to accomplish. And we thank you, Father God, for this opportunity again. We thank you for the roofs of our heads, the ability to have cell phones and Internet, and this app, which has brought so many Christians together from across the globe. And we thank you Lord, that we are able to break bread in Your name and that we are able to share Your Word.

[00:02:48] In Jesus mighty name we pray. Amen and amen. Amen. Thank you. JD.

[00:02:57] Well, I want to get started. I’ll mute. I want to get started with this. And just maybe for about five minutes. Here, just sort of give you a.

[00:03:10] Start of what we’re going to be doing and maybe a little bit about myself. I know many of you don’t know. Me, not that that really matters, but just I’m a pastor at a small. Church and I’ve been saved since I was six years old, for about 55. Years now, and have studied God’s word since a teenager.

[00:03:32] I was in a Christian school and. In the early 90s answered the call to go into ministry of some sort. And God’s been working with me with. Many different things and been through the school hard knocks. And basically, I just love to study.

[00:03:51] God’s word and to dig deeper and deeper into it to have better understanding of scriptures. And I’ve been praying about this class for a while. I actually thought about doing it on. TikTok but with all the distractions and. Stuff on TikTok and or whatever, for some reason Lord never gave me the.

[00:04:09] Liberty to do it. And so I discussed it with JD and prayed about it doing it on here. And it just sort of came together. So I’m glad that each of you. Have decided to join.

[00:04:24] As I teach now, I like to ask questions. I don’t know how well that will. Work on here, but typically when I. Teach classes, especially in an open forum. Like this if they have a question.

[00:04:38] Put it in the comments or whatever. And I’ll try to address them. But I will say this I don’t know everything. I asked JD. To join us when he could and I know it’s really early for him.

[00:04:52] We may work on a time change. We can discuss at the end of. The chat that something might be better for everybody. But with JD. Here, it reminds me of if, you know, Jerry Clower told a story about.

[00:05:06] A professor of an oil company that. Gave just a spectacular speech on oil and all of its properties and all this stuff go all over the country given standing ovations. And he had a chauffeur that drove. Him around one day. The chauffeur asked him, says, you know.

[00:05:25] Professor, I can do that speech as good as you can. I’ve heard it so many times, I’ve memorized it. I don’t know why you making so. Much money and I’m not making what you are. And the professor says, Well, I’ll tell you what.

[00:05:36] The next town, they don’t know me. You can do the speech and I’ll be the chauffeur. Sure enough, the man gives a speech, standing ovation crowd goes crazy over it. He gets done with it. The president of the college stands up and says we have a few minutes for questions.

[00:05:54] So then the chauffeur, who is acting as a professor starts to panic a little. But the man stands up in the. Back and he asks the question. Says, professor, if a dinosaur died 2 billion years ago and had roughly 6000ft. Of Earth on top of him and.

[00:06:10] They were drilling through his carcass what. Would be the PH of the soil. Around him and the name of the. Stratosphere in which he would exist? Well, the chauffeur just there’s no way.

[00:06:23] He could answer that. And he said, Buddy, come up just. Real quickly and says that is the. Simplest question I have ever I can’t even believe you would ask me such a simple question. He said, to show you how simple.

[00:06:34] It is, I’ll let my chauffeur in. The back answer your question. So with that said, JD. Is my chauffeur. If I can’t answer it, I’m sure he can.

[00:06:45] All right? So I’m not going to claim to. Know everything on here but I do. Want your input and your questions. So with that said, we’ll get started.

[00:06:56] I’ll do a disclaimer that if you. Can’T tell already I’m from the south. I tend to stock slow. I tend to say, bless your heart. And I hope you all know that.

[00:07:06] Can mean several different things in the south. So I do like to use a little bit of humor as I teach. So if you don’t take it as humor, then just put it in the chat and ask me what I meant. But with all that said, let’s dive. Into Hebrews, if you are ready.

[00:07:26] First of all, I guess I love the book of Hebrews. There are many who say that we shouldn’t even study it. It’s almost like the Book of Revelation. So hard to understand and so difficult. But that is why the Scripture tells us to study to show Thyself approved unto God and a workman that needed not to be ashamed.

[00:07:52] Rightly. Vivid in the word of truth. So Hebrews, if you’ll understand the context. Why it was written, who it was. Written to, what the setting of it.

[00:08:02] If you get all that and the. Theme of it, it is not so difficult to understand. And it really clarifies. A lot of there are probably in. Scripture some of the most difficult passages.

[00:08:15] Of scriptures are in Hebrews and people really get stumbled up, stumble over them. And misinterpret them because they don’t understand what the book of Hebrews is about and all the rest. So we’ll just consider that. I would ask you to consider as. We study, maybe just put aside all.

[00:08:40] That you’ve ever been taught. Not that I’m right, but I just want us all to have an open. Mind to this because you may hear. Some things that you haven’t heard explained. In this way and we’ll discuss those.

[00:08:53] And be sure everybody has a good understanding. So many consider that this book was written by Paul of the early Church.

[00:09:10] I’m not so sure there was many. That Alexander of Clement excuse me, of Alexander he was a theologian in the late second and third centuries believed that Paul had something to do with the writings, whether he wrote it with his own hand or not. That he may have had something to do to it. Maybe Luke wrote it down for him or whatever. There’s a lot of argument over who.

[00:09:38] The author is that was written, best. We can tell, roughly around 63 to 65 Ad. Because in the writings of Hebrews we. Understand that sacrifices were probably or more. Than likely still going on and being made.

[00:09:57] So it was before the Temple was. Destroyed in 70 Ad. Getting back to this author, whoever he. Was, was well educated, well versed in the Jewish customs, probably even a convert. For from Judaism to Christianity.

[00:10:17] Like I said, many think it was Apaul, or it could have been Barnabas. It could have been Clement. I kind of lean toward Apollos, if you understand who Apollos is. He was very well versed, he was. Very educated, very eloquent in speech, as.

[00:10:34] We see in the Book of Acts. And he was a very close companion with these, with Paul in a lot of his writings. But I would suggest to you that. Does it really matter who read it? Because God is the author, it is God’s word to us, and he makes it very clear to us that what.

[00:11:01] He wants us to know, we see in the very first few verses. But before we get to those verses. I want to give you a little. Bit of the history. I want you as you study the Book of Hebrews, or as we go.

[00:11:13] Through this, I want you to just.

[00:11:17] Put in your mind that you are. A Jewish reader or listener of the Book of Hebrews. And for roughly 4000 years it has. Been taught to you that you are. To offer a blood sacrifice for the remission of sin.

[00:11:34] We see this all the way back. Even to Adam and Eve. But Abel offered a blood sacrifice, noah. Offered a blood sacrifice, the Father of. Israel, Abraham, offered a blood sacrifice.

[00:11:48] And then Moses came and offered blood sacrifices. And through him the Ten Commandments were given. God gave him the Ten Commandments on. Mount Sinai, and he also gave them the blueprint, as I call it, to the tabernacle of the place where God. Would tabernacle among his people, he would dwell with his people.

[00:12:12] And it was actually the first organized worship that God set up through Moses, where there was blood sacrifices. But we see that blood sacrifices even go further back, I believe all the way to Adam and Eve. In their first sin, god shed blood. To cover their sinfulness. So it was blood that would cover sin.

[00:12:38] A lot of people ask, why is it got to be blood? Why is it got to be that? You take that up with God. God said so. I have many reasons for that.

[00:12:48] I believe that it is. But ultimately it boils down to that’s the way God designed it. And so for roughly 4000 years, these. Jewish readers of Hebrews have been known. Of a blood sacrifice of temple worship.

[00:13:06] And the law and all these things. And now they’ve come to the New. Testament where they are all of a. Sudden having to change all this. It is changing from what they knew.

[00:13:19] For 4000 years to what Christ did. On the cross and his finished work on the cross. Now, I’m of a church and I. Know that people by nature do not. Accept change very well.

[00:13:35] There’s a story of the church one time wanted to move the piano from the right side of the stage to. The left side of the stage, and. It about split the church. Well, the pastor decided, hey, let’s just move it six inches every week until it’s on the left side. And once they did, nobody knew the difference.

[00:13:52] So change doesn’t come very well or very easily with people. And this was the same thing that. Was going on with these Hebrews that. This letter was written to. They had been accustomed to this for so many years, brought down by their fathers.

[00:14:09] And so the writer of Hebrews addresses this. So the setting of it is there. Were Jews still struggling with the gospel of grace and continuing in temple worship, with its sacrificial system and in keeping the law. We see this in Acts 15 five. We see it.

[00:14:34] I’m a lost for word. The council came together excuse me that. Rose up to discuss should the Gentiles be circumcised? And one of the Pharisees stood up. It says in verse five, but there.

[00:14:49] Rose up a certain sect of the Pharisees which believed, saying now note that. Which believed that it was needful to. Circumcise them, the Gentiles, to command them to keep the law of Moses. And now therefore, why tempt ye God. And put a yoke upon their neck?

[00:15:09] Well, and then Peter gets up and. Answers in verse ten and says, now. Therefore, why tempt ye God, and put a yoke upon the neck of the disciples which neither our fathers nor we were able to bear? That is a great answer there to the Law. Do we keep the Law today?

[00:15:27] Are we under the Old Testament law? Peter answers that question right there in verse ten. Why are we going to put this. Yoke or this burden on people that. We know we couldn’t do to start with?

[00:15:41] And so we see here the struggle. Is what my point is in the setting with the Gospel of grace, but continuing in the temple worship. And then there’ll be many times in our study through Hebrews here that I. Will refer to Galatians, because the Galatians. Were having the same problem.

[00:16:02] We see in Galatians three, where Paul. Is talking to the people of Galatia and says, o foolish Galatians, who hath beweached you that you should not obey. The truth before whose eyes Jesus Christ. Have been evidently set forth? Crucified among you?

[00:16:20] This only would I learn of you, receive you the spirits by the works. Of the Law, or by the hearing of faith?

[00:16:30] Are you so foolish, having begun in the Spirit? Are you now perfected by the flesh? Have you suffered so many things in vain? If it yet be in vain. For therefore that ministereth to you the Spirit and worketh miracles among you death eat by the works of the Law, or by the hearing of faith.

[00:16:50] So once again we see the struggle between these new believers and going back and forth between. Are we still under the law? Should we still do sacrifices? And Paul would go around preaching the gospel of grace. For by grace are you saved through.

[00:17:06] Faith, not of works. It’s only through the work of Jesus. Christ on the cross. Then these judaizers would come behind them. And say, yeah, all that that Paul.

[00:17:16] Is preaching is good and what Jesus did is great and we are saved by grace. But you need to keep the law. And this is what Paul is addressing. Here to the church of Galatia and. Working out and then explaining to them those things.

[00:17:31] So we see here the setting of it, of what may be going on. And I think the same issue is trying to be resolved through the writer. Of Hebrews to the people, to the Hebrew people. So basically what the book of Hebrews. Is about is you Hebrews, stop acting like Hebrews and act like Christians, act.

[00:17:58] Like Christ followers, not Hebrews. And this would have been very difficult, as I said, for them, because they’d been roughly 4000 years. So now the context of Hebrews to. Me is beautifully written. And I hope all of you understand that Hebrews had no chapters.

[00:18:18] Well, the whole Bible had no chapters, no verses. They were written in letter form. And if I’m not a very good English person, but in letters you have an opening statement, you have an opening paragraph, you have the body of the letter and then you have the closing statement of the letter. It is the same thing with the book of Hebrews. So we’re going to study some of.

[00:18:42] This and when we get to chapters five and six and even eight and. Ten, I may skip a little bit to tie it together to explain what he’s talking about in that paragraph. So the context of Hebrews would be then the superiority of Jesus Christ and. The salvation he gives over the Hebrew religious system. All right, it’s a better is mentioned.

[00:19:16] Seven times in Scriptures. Six of those times are in the book of Hebrews. Christ is superior, Christ is better. Hebrews 722, by so much was Jesus made a surety of the better testament. We see that if you’re taking notes, if you want to do that, 719 refers to a better way.

[00:19:39] Eight, six refers to a better way. 911 through 14 talks about a better way of ministry. 1034 and 1135 all refer to a more excellent or a better way through Jesus Christ. And we’ll talk about those more and. I’ll point them out when we come to them.

[00:20:04] But it was a more excellent ministry we see in 86. But now hath he obtained a more excellent ministry by how much? Also he is the mediator of a better covenant which was established upon better promises. So this is what the context or. The theme to me of Hebrews would.

[00:20:30] Be is Christ is enough. The superiority of Jesus Christ over all things. So everybody got that? Got any comments? I may stop from time to time.

[00:20:45] And make sure we’re all caught up and ready to go. We’re going to dive into verse one. And I really would like to I. Don’T know that it’s going to happen at this point. The first night I knew was going.

[00:20:58] To be tough because of all the. Opening statements and to get the context. And the setting and just a little. Bit of the history. But my goal was to get through chapter two tonight.

[00:21:10] But we’ll go as the Lord leads us. Would that be all right? So let’s dive into verse one. And again, I want you all feedback, honest feedback after this class. Is it too much?

[00:21:25] Not enough? Whatever. But to me, God in the King James, it starts out God comma. That means rest stop. So.

[00:21:38] Let me ask that real quick. Good question. What do most of you use the King James ESV? What would you rather I read from?

[00:21:49] And while you’re typing that, I will tell you. I’ll read from most anything. There are some that I just stay away from. But I will refer to the King James a lot. That is what I’ve learned to memorize and what I do.

[00:22:10] So I like the King James. The ESV starts out long ago. At many times in many ways, God spoke to our fathers by the prophets. But I like the King James where. It just starts out God.

[00:22:26] And you could stop right there and probably talk for 15 or 20 minutes. But I won’t do that to you. But in this God theos, it’s a title for God. This is the Triune, god the Father, God the Son and God the Holy. Spirit, all in agreement of the plan.

[00:22:45] From the very beginning. This is the Alpha and Omega mega, the beginning and the end. He’s undeniable, eternal, self sustaining God. And it all began with God. It is all God’s plan, all God’s.

[00:23:04] Purpose in all his time, for all of his glory. So you start out with God who. In sundry times and in divers manner speak in times past unto the fathers by the prophets. So what is that verse is telling us? Well, let me go ahead and read verse two.

[00:23:23] Hath in these last days spoken unto. Us by his Son whom hath appointed heir of all things, by whom also. He made the worlds let me look. Back and a lot of you saying. King James ESV, I’ll try my best.

[00:23:43] Maybe to do looks like a lot of your ESV. Maybe I’ll do. King James and ESV here. But what these first two verses say this long ago in the ESV, in. Many ways God spoke to her from.

[00:23:59] The beginning of time. God has been revealing himself to us from the fall of man. It has been God’s purpose, God’s plan. From the very beginning to bring us. Back to Himself in a relationship with Him.

[00:24:17] And this is God’s plan that he spoke through our fathers, through the prophets or the father Abraham to Jacob, Isaac, Moses. If you’re an Israelite and you’re reading this you very much understand what the. Writer is saying here when he says. Our fathers you automatically think of Abraham. And Isaac and Jacob and Moses and.

[00:24:41] All the prophets that have told us things. Now they didn’t quite understand, I don’t think at the time that it was. God Himself who would come, it was God’s Son would come and die for the sins of the world. It was God’s Son that will rise from the grave. They didn’t quite understand that.

[00:25:03] So we see and JD making tell. Me that I forget the fancy name. For the progressiveness of the gospel that was being given from the Genesis all the way up to will. Christ came, god continually gave them little by little, more by Lord, little by. Little more by more his plan of.

[00:25:24] Redemption for all of mankind. And it began with the fathers and the prophets. So hath in these last days or. The ESB but in these last days he has spoken to us by His Son whom he appointed the heir of all things. So it began God speaking to the fathers, to the prophets and now in these last days he is revealing Himself through His Son Jesus Christ.

[00:25:56] So this back up just maybe a little bit. Divers manners is just many different ways, many different times in sundry times and divers manners was just in many different ways that God revealed his plan little by little to mankind. There we go. Progressive revelation. Thank you Chris.

[00:26:20] From Genesis to the time of Christ and then even after that we see that the disciple didn’t even fully understand until pentecost it appeared because when Jesus was going back, returning back to heaven after in his ascension they asked Him are you going to set up your kingdom now? So they still didn’t quite understand even at that point until they were indwelt by the Holy Spirit. So that progressive revelation. Thank you sir. That’s what that is.

[00:26:53] So we see that throughout scripture and. We see that in our own personal lives. I mean I read things in the Bible for years and years and years and just in the last few months I saw some things in the first chapter of Ephesians that just blew me away. It was just awesome that well I’ll. Just tell you because I won’t leave you hanging.

[00:27:14] But in short, I know we’re not. Ephesians but when I saw that we. Look for God, we look for the inheritance that we have in Christ and all that God has to offer us in heaven. And then if you read on down the next few verses it says that we are his inheritance.

[00:27:35] That blew me away that Jesus looks at me as an inheritance.

[00:27:44] That hit me so hard just a few months ago. And I’m sorry, I get a little emotional sometimes. I cried a Hallmark card. But anyway.

[00:27:57] God reveals that that’s that. Revelation that God reveals to us. And I’ve read those chapters and those. Verses for many, many years, but God. Revealed something new to me in that.

[00:28:11] That just knocked me off my feet. To think that he would think that I am his inheritance. I’m so unworthy of to be called that. But I’ll digress and get back to our study. Through the prophets he sent this progressive.

[00:28:26] Revelation and in the last days has. Spoken to us by His Son. We see that in Matthew 21 33. Through 46, the parable of the householder. Who leased out his vineyard to a husband.

[00:28:39] And when the harvest was ready, he sent his servant, that the husband then beat and stoned and killed. So he sent more servants and they. Killed those servants and did the same to them. We see that this parable that Jesus is telling. And then verse 37 of Matthew 21, it says then the householder sent His Son, which the husband killed, the householder.

[00:29:07] Is Israel, and God is the husband. Who sent His Son to reveal God to us in the flesh. John One one through 114 god became flesh and dwelt among us, and we beheld his glory in His Son. So in these last days, he’s spoken to us in His Son. And the Father has willed everything to the Son.

[00:29:37] He is the heir of all things, even us.

[00:29:45] He’s saying it when Paul wrote to the Church of the Ephesus in chapter one, that the eyes of your understanding be enlightened, that you may know what is the hope of his calling and the riches of the glory of his inheritance. There’s my verse in the saints.

[00:30:03] So we just see that the importance of what the Son is doing to do the will of the Father, to inherit all things, to reveal who the Father is and what great love he has for us in that. So in this too, in this second verse, he said he’s talking to these Jewish listeners again, remember that by whom also he made the world. So Jesus was the Creator of all things. And to get that in my little simple mind, I have done a lot of building in my life and work, and I look as the Father is. The architect, Jesus is the contractor, and.

[00:30:47] The Spirit is the carpenter or the hands on that just makes it happen. Now, you might not agree with that scenario, but that helps me understand how. A triune God, God the Father’s, Gun. And Holy Spirit all worked in all. Of creation, and Jesus was the Creator.

[00:31:08] Of all those things. It says here, by the world with all was made. So if there’s any questions that come up and I miss that somebody helped. Me here, but I’m trying to redo different things and talk, and it’s hard for me to chew gum and talk at the same time. So verse three, let me go to the ESV.

[00:31:29] He is the radiant of the glory. Of God, the exact imprint of his. Nature, and he upholds the universe by the world word of his power. After making purifications for sinned, he set down at the right hand of the majesty on high. Jesus is the brightness of the glory, the expressed image of God.

[00:31:56] We see in Jesus Christ everything God wants you to know about Himself. We see it in the person of Jesus Christ. So as this writer is writing to these Hebrews Israelites who rejected Jesus, you. Got to keep in mind we’re all Hebrews sitting here tonight, and we’re reading this letter that this writer is writing to us, trying to understand what is going on in our world. First we see that God started and he spoke to the fathers and the prophets now revealed to His Son.

[00:32:32] And in His Son is the exact expression of God and who he is to us. So Colossians 115 tells us that Jesus. Who is the image of an invisible God, the firstborn of every creature, firstborn here refers not to time, but status of importance. Christ is overall, that’s what it’s talking about, the first born, those who argue. That we’ll get into the beguetz and.

[00:33:06] All that stuff in a little bit here, hopefully. But the first born is not talking about first born in time, but he is God, the Father, then God to Son. That’s his order of importance in all. Of creation, from all eternity past. John 14 nine.

[00:33:26] Jesus says, if you’ve seen me, you’ve seen the Father. Here you see that by Himself purged our sins alone, as a high priest. Did once a year. So when he says that he had purged our sins, that would been a. Key statement that these Hebrews would have understand because they were very familiar with.

[00:33:51] Going to a high priest for the. Forgiveness or sins or for the covering of sin through the shedding of bloods and lambs and goats and bulls and all that. So he’s appealing to that audience still. And he makes this statement here that. Alone, as the high priest did once.

[00:34:09] A year by himself, when the high priest would make the sacrifice at the. Brazen altar, then he would wash it. The golden of the broad. Labor where he would wash his hands and feet go into the holy of place where the lampstand and table show. Bread and the altar of incense is.

[00:34:28] And then through the veil into the holy of holies. But only can you go once a year by blood. Now I’m getting a little ahead of myself. We’ll talk about that more later on. But if you understand the tabernacle and.

[00:34:42] How all that works and all that, the. Duties of the high priest. It will very much help you understand. Hebrews. But we’ll talk about that more and make that more clear.

[00:34:55] But he could only go into the. Holies of holies once a year by himself with the blood and apply it. On the mercy seat. So he applies already, saying here that. By himself as a high priest, jesus.

[00:35:11] Went into the holy of holies and purged our sins before God. And then he says something very interesting that this would have made Hebrew readers scratch their head. It says here and then he set. Down at the majesty on high of. All the furniture in the tabernacle.

[00:35:34] God gave exact dimensions, everything that should be there, what it should be made. Out of, precisely every detail, with the. Exception of one piece of furniture, was the labor. And we may talk about that more what that means, but in all of. That, nowhere in this tabernacle was a.

[00:35:55] Seat because the work was never done. The high priest never finished his work because the blood of bulls and lambs. And goats could never take away sin. But when Jesus did it, he sat down. That means the work is finished, it’s done, it’s over.

[00:36:14] He sat down. And these Hebrew readers that would see. This would say, we’ve never had a. High priest that could ever sit down. So we see this as the opening statement of the book of Hebrews.

[00:36:29] He’s already thrown us a lot of. Meat, a lot of things that we. Could probably spend this whole lesson on, these first three verses. But I’ll try to keep moving on so we get through this in a year or two. I’m just kidding.

[00:36:43] We’ll get through this as quickly as possible. It’s so good, man, I’m so pumped for this study and everybody that’s taken the time to be here. I’m not going to be long, but I just want to make a solid point on everything, on the back of everything our beloved brother has just said. But the very first three verses we. See, it debunks every single person that.

[00:37:10] We see on TikTok saying that they spoke to Jesus and they saw Jesus and they got a word from God. And this is a word for and especially those videos. I don’t know who this word is for, but if you’re watching this video, then this word is for you. And at the end of the day, I’m not knocking those videos, the videos. Sometimes the word is good, but it’s not necessary to say, I don’t know who this word is for.

[00:37:31] But what we see is that unequivocally. Very clearly that Jesus Christ is, as Kenny has just so delightfully put down for us, is he sat down, it is finished. So there are no more prophets receiving additional word from God. And this is ultimately when I see people that speak like this on social media, then I’m immediately put back and I’m like that person should go get into Hebrews. Like Kenny said, a lot of people avoid the book of Hebrews because they’ve been given false information about who it’s to and what it’s about and how it applies.

[00:38:14] But the book of Hebrews has got tremendous amounts of meat. And as we see from the very first few verses that God now speaks through His Son, who he has appointed heir of all things, again, what we see is the triune nature of God, which is why we are inherently trinitarian. If you’re a Bible believer, you see the Trinity throughout Scripture and you’re going to see it even more so in the book of Hebrews. Again, as we see the final sacrifice being given as Christ Jesus and he is the preeminence, he is. And as Kenny also mentioned, better, great.

[00:38:54] It’s used so many times in the book of Hebrews from chapter one all the way through chapter 13, we see the words better and great pop up several times. So the reason I hopped on was just to ask you guys this warning. Again, when you see people making these. Claims that they’ve received additional revelation from. God, this is where you point them to say that’s no longer how God operates.

[00:39:25] God has spoken in later, it says there at sundry times in diverse manners, spoke in times past. It’s so clear that he spoke through prophets, to the fathers, through the prophets, but in these last days, he speaks through His Son Jesus Christ. So I just wanted to add that. Anyway, awesome, Kenny, keep going. Thank you, sir.

[00:39:50] Yeah, I meant to hit on a. Couple of things there, but in the book of Hebrews to me, you’ve got verses one through nine that really lay it out and chapter or excuse me, chapters one through nine that really lay it out and bring up a lot of good me. But then chapter ten is the grand finale. Well, you could say that from our fathers and the prophets, but in these last days, the grand finale, he has revealed it all through His Son. And just touching on that, and I don’t want to pick on any particular.

[00:40:24] People, but those who would tell you. That we don’t read Hebrews, it wasn’t. Written to us and we don’t read. This book, it wasn’t written to us. See?

[00:40:34] It was written to these people. Well, I’ll tell you that if you. Go by that scenario, then no book. Of the Bible was written to you because every book of the Bible, Paul. Starts out corinthians to the church at Corinth, Galatians to the church at Galatia.

[00:40:51] To the church at Ephesus, we see all that. But these letters were written to these people. But man, there is so much meat in these things that applies to us. That’s why Scripture tells us all. Scripture is given by inspiration of God and it is good for our edification, it’s good for our learning.

[00:41:11] So we don’t exclude any books of. The Bible, god put them there all for his purpose, for his glory, for. Our understanding and edification. So with that said, now that we. See that it is all completed, as Jesus sat down at the right hand of the Father in his ultimate statement.

[00:41:32] Then he begins in verse four explaining. To these Hebrews now get your Hebrew thinking cap on again. What did you really put a lot of value or really hold strong of. Was what angel said throughout the Old Testament. You see, the angel of the Lord, they didn’t have an understanding that that may have been a Christophany, which means where Christ appeared in the Old Testament.

[00:42:01] But all they knew is this angel. Lord said something we better take heed, we better listen. They put angels, there was God and then there was angels. And that’s the way a lot of. These Hebrews understood things at the time.

[00:42:16] Again, progressive revelation. Now the writer goes in to explain. That Jesus is above the angels. So he says being made well, let me go, let me go to my ESB. I’m sorry, I got in my notes.

[00:42:32] The King James having become as a. Much superior there we go again to the angels, as the name he has. Inherited is more excellent than theirs. So being much better than the angels, Jesus is superior to them. As I said, the Jews, highly regarded angels.

[00:43:00] You see in Deuteronomy 33 two and he said the Lord came from Sinai. And rose up from Sharon share. Unto them he sent forth from Mount. I’m not very good with all these names. And he came with 10,000 of saints.

[00:43:20] From the right hand went a fiery law for them. So because of Deuteronomy 33, they understood that these host of angels, ten thousands of angels. And this 10,000 of saints is actually translated, the holy ones you probably see in some of your other manuscripts. The King James says saints, but it’s holy ones, these are angels. And so these Jews, highly regarded angels because they were there even at the.

[00:43:50] Giving of the law, as God with. His right hand wrote the law and stones of tablets, that these angels were there. And so they regarded them very highly and they believed that the angels even. Helped gave the law. And there are other religions today that highly regard angels.

[00:44:11] Angels are just messengers, as we will see. But the point is that he’s reading. In four is that Jesus is better than the angels. And then he goes on to make that point even further. For to which of the angels did God ever say you are my son, today I have begotten you or again I will be to him a father, and he shall be my son.

[00:44:38] Did God ever say that to any of the angels? He’s quoting Psalms 27. Now we’ll see in this study too, that there is a lot of scripture that is being quoted. So whoever this author was, was very. Well versed in the Old Testament, and.

[00:44:56] He quotes a lot of the Old. Testament as he goes through this to. Give these Hebrew listeners a better understanding. So the begotten here refers to a. Lot of people get hung up on that, and I’ll just stop there for.

[00:45:11] A minute to just help you have. A better understanding, because a lot of different people, and I hate to point out names, but you’ll hear that on TikTok. Oh, begotten. See, he was created that is not what that’s referring to. The begotten here refers to he is the first of the resurrection.

[00:45:31] In Acts 1332, we read and we declare unto you glad tidings, or the Gospel is what he’s referring to. How that the promise which was made unto our fathers, again appealing to the Jewish readers, our fathers being Abraham, Jacob. Isaac, god hath fulfilled the same unto us, unto us, their children, the descendants of those fathers. And as these excuse me. He hath raised up Jesus again and.

[00:46:08] Is also written a second psalm. Thou art my son, today I have begotten thee that means to bring forth out of the grave he’s making a reference to the grave we see in Romans One four and declared to be the Son of God with power according to the spirit of holiness by the. Resurrection from the dead. So that word there is even referring. To to bring him out the resurrection.

[00:46:39] To bring forth from you’ll see in. The next verse here the first begotten, the bringing of the first gotten into the world that’s the bringing forth out. Of the womb as Jesus was born. And to bring out of the grave to never see corruption again. So he is the first born, or.

[00:47:00] He is the begotten of God, of the resurrection. I hope that is clear if I explain that well enough. The begotten refers to a bringing forth. Like he is the only begotten Son. Of God given to Mary, brought forth out of the womb the first begotten of God to bring out of the grave, never to see corruption again.

[00:47:26] So I hope that makes that clear. And then verse six and again, when he brings the first born into the world, he says, let all God’s angels worship him. He’s driving home the point again that. All the angels are to worship him. Matthew 120 but why he through all these things?

[00:47:50] Behold, the angel of the Lord appeared. Unto him in a dream, saying, Joseph, thou Son of David, fear not to. Take Mary thy wife, for that which is conceived. The same word is begotten in her is of the Holy Ghost, and all. The angels are to worship him.

[00:48:10] We see in Luke 214 and other. References of First Peter 322 and Revelation 511 through 13. So everybody with me? Am I talking too fast? I’m not going to make it to chapter two.

[00:48:27] I’m sorry, but I really want you. To get the understanding. And it is so critical these first. Two chapters, or at least the first. Chapter, is really critical for us to.

[00:48:40] Get the understanding, the setting of Hebrews. So we know how to digest Hebrews and fully understand it. So.

[00:48:54] Psalm 97, let me look it up real quick.

[00:49:10] Confounded be all that all they that serve graven images, that boast themselves of idols, worship Him all you gods.

[00:49:28] That’S. In the King James maybe JD can elaborate for me in a minute, but of the angels he says, who make it? Let me go back to my ESB. I’m sorry. Of the angels he said, he makes his angels winds, and he ministers a flame of fire.

[00:49:50] He’s quoting Psalms 144 again, Psalms 19. One the heavens declare the glory of God, and the firminant shows forth his mercy. So basically what he’s saying here is. That the angels whom he maketh, he. Has made declare his glory.

[00:50:11] The ministers of the flame of fire, the righteousness, the holiness of God, the goodness of God we even see proclaimed. From the heavens, from all of creation declares that. And the angels are very much a part of that, because angels are messengers. Of God to declare who he is to all the world. But let me back up.

[00:50:38] But of the Son, he says, your. Throne, O God, is forever and ever a sepulchre of unrighteousness. Is the septicure of your uprightness not unrighteousness. That’d be a bad word to put there. The sepulchre of uprightness is the sepiker of your kingdom.

[00:50:57] You have loved righteousness and hated wickedness. Therefore God your God has anointed you with the oil of gladness beyond your companions. So what he’s quoting here again? Psalms 45, six or seven, god the. Father calls Jesus God in this.

[00:51:18] The writer is clearly in Psalms, is clearly identifying the eternal reign of the. Eternal Son of God, that Jesus is God and that he is above the angels. His reign would be righteousness and all evil would be removed by Him. Jesus Christ is reigning now in heaven and is seated at the right hand of the fathers we saw earlier in this, and Luke 133 could be a reference for you. And he shall reign over the house.

[00:51:50] Of Jacob forever, and of his kingdom. There shall be no end. So he’s comparing again, remember that Jesus is above the angels, higher than the angels. And then he goes on in these two verses and says that Jesus is God. He continues in verse ten and thou, Lord, in the beginning hast laid the.

[00:52:13] Foundations of the earth, and the heavens. Are the works of thy hands. They shall perish, but thou remainest, and. They shall wax old, but as doth the garment. I think I just ran that from.

[00:52:26] King James again, I’m sorry, but what. This basically saying is jesus is God from the very foundations of the world. He was there when all creation was done. Therefore he is higher than the angels. He exceeds the angels, as these Jewish readers would have put so much confidence in angels.

[00:52:48] And looking to angels, he’s saying, they’re beneath Jesus, the one you crucified, the. One you rejected, they are beneath him. And then he goes on to explain how Jesus is everlasting. He says, Let me go back to the ESB. Like a robe you will roll them, like a garment they will be changed.

[00:53:14] But you are the same and your. Years have no end. He’s talking about Christ being eternal. Going back and referring to verses ten through twelve refers to Psalms 100 and. 225 through 27 in Isaiah 34 four.

[00:53:37] And all the host of heaven shall be dissolved, and the heavens shall be rolled together as a scroll. And then I’ll skip ahead to a. Verse in Hebrews 13 eight jesus Christ the same yesterday, today and forever. So Jesus is God, Jesus is everlasting. Jesus is above the angels.

[00:53:59] Then he jumps back to the angels again. But to which of the angel and to which of the angels has ever, he said, sit at my right hand. Until I make the enemies your footstool again. Making as a defense lawyer or a prosecuting lawyer would make a case for something. So the writer of Hebrews is done.

[00:54:24] He’s laying down the groundwork for the case that he’s going to be presenting to them of how Jesus is enough. He’s superior to the angels. Are they not ministering spirits talking about the angels in verse 14 sent out to serve for the sake of those who are to inherit salvation? I don’t know if I said verse 13 is quoting Psalms 110. One, Jesus is higher than the angels.

[00:54:55] And in verse 14 he’s quoting Psalms. 100 and 320 the angels are ministering. Spirits who serve the Lord seated who serve the Lord around the throne, but. None of them are seated at the. Throne of God, at the right hand of God.

[00:55:13] He is superior to them. He has a place of honor and. Glory that the angels do not share, but they also minister to us who are the heirs of salvation through faith. I think Jesus is greater than the angels, just to sum it up. And this means that he’s also greater than the law which they believe the angels helped deliver.

[00:55:42] We’ll see that in this study, referring back to verse four, that the law that they still hold dear. Jesus was even greater than the law that was there when the angels when God revealed it. So Jesus is God. Jesus is the son of God. Jesus is Everlasting.

[00:56:03] And Jesus is above the angels. We see in the first chapter, and. I think we’re about out of time, really. The second chapter goes on to say. Even more, which is great, we’ll hit that next week.

[00:56:19] But I’ll just read therefore, we ought to give more earnest heed to the things which we’d heard lest any time. We should let them slip. For as the word spoken by the. Angels was steadfast and every transgression of disobedience received a just copense of reward. How shall we escape if we neglect so great a salvation which was first.

[00:56:49] Began to be spoken by the Lord. And was confirmed to us by them that hear it. So I’ll just read those three verses. To which whistle, as I call it. We’Ll cover them in depth next week.

[00:57:03] But tonight, for what I want you or what the writer wants us to understand in this first chapter jesus is God. Jesus is the creator of all things from everlasting to everlasting.

[00:57:17] He is superior to the angels. So I think I’ll just quit there. I know we got an extra four. Minutes, we can have some discussion. If you have any questions, comments, feel free.

[00:57:31] Then we’ll close out in prayer.

[00:57:38] Manika did bring it up in the chat, but all I was doing with Psalm 97 was just confirming what he says there again in verse six. And again, when he bringeth in the first begotten into the world, he says, and let all the angels of God worship him. Now, Psalms 97, verse seven says, worship him, all ye Gods. And what’s important there is to see. The text when we look at the.

[00:58:07] Translation, the word elohim there. So again, where we see Elohim is oftentimes used in Scripture, even for the angels. So the reference there is just a cross reference that the angels have been. Worshipping Jesus since the beginning. So the author is just trying to put that into perspective.

[00:58:27] For again, you’re putting yourself into the mind of the Hebrew. What we see when we hear the word deconstruction, often people look at it as a negative light, but what the author of Hebrews is trying to do is he’s trying to deconstruct the Jews from thinking earthly and starting to think more spiritual and look at the finished work of Jesus Christ. So this is oftentimes what we have to do with brothers and sisters who are in the faith but have been caught under false teaching. That is, Kenny mentioned earlier. We won’t go into the specific group on TikTok who do this, but anyone who says to you that certain Scripture.

[00:59:11] Isn’T for you today is 100% false, even Leviticus. We go through Leviticus and we see the laws of Leviticus so that we. Can understand grace more urgently, if I. Can put it that way. So we have a more fervent understanding for who Christ is and what Christ came to do.

[00:59:32] All of Scripture is for us. All of Scripture is to us. There is no such thing as no that’s not written to you. And I’ve even heard Christians say, I’m not going to read Revelation because I won’t be here. I’ll be in the Rapture and I’ll be gone.

[00:59:46] So I’m not bothered with reading Revelation. That’s just, quite frankly, an ignorant statement. To make. So again, if there are any questions on this first chapter, because there’s a lot of meat in here. But what we do see is that.

[01:00:02] The author is looking to establish who Christ is first and foremost, and why Christ is who he is. And ultimately, as he goes in, as. Kenny said, as we go through chapters. Two through ten, we see this deals specifically with doctrine. It’s only from ten to 13 we really see the guidance for Christian living and assistance for Christian living.

[01:00:33] But the first ten chapters are all about the doctrine of Christ Jesus and the finished work of Christ Jesus and the blood of Christ Jesus. So that’s why I was really pumped when Kenny said he’s going to do Hebrews, because, again, it’s not a book. That we spend enough time on, if. I can put it that way. And as you guys have seen from the very first chapter, there’s a lot to unpack.

[01:01:00] So if anyone does have any questions, then now’s the time to shoot. But absolutely awesome. Absolutely awesome. Kenny, I’m already pumped for next week. It was really good.

[01:01:16] Thank you, JD. I appreciate you being here. I hope I didn’t. It’s just an awesome book for us to understand and to just see all. That when we understand what Christ did.

[01:01:29] For us on the cross and his finished work that he did, and we see it so clearly in the book. Of Hebrews, it is just awesome to me.

[01:01:41] That’s all I want to say. It’s just awesome. I love the study of it and. To see what God has done through. Us, through His Son.

[01:01:51] Any questions? I hope, too, that now chapter two. And the rest of it may go a little bit quicker. We’ll have some slow parts, but I. Really just wanted to get this foundation.

[01:02:04] Set in stone, so to speak, in. Our cornerstone, Jesus Christ. How about that? To get that established. Amen.

[01:02:18] All right, the chauffeur is here, so. If you all got any questions, you. Need to ask them.

[01:02:26] Had a good giggle at that one. That was a cool story. Oh, man, that is so good. It would be awesome if we could record these studies, Natalie, but I’m not even sure if it’s possible. But that’s why we generally do give enough warning for when the studies will take place.

[01:02:47] And this was awesome. We had a very good turnout tonight. We had lots of people here. I was edified. Once again, always going through God’s word is a blessing.

[01:02:58] Waking up early and going straight into God’s word is an even bigger blessing because there’s no distractions. So it truly is really awesome. And yeah, definitely something I pray that I know you mentioned it earlier, but I pray that God does enable you to do, even if it’s just short videos on TikTok, on the study of Hebrews. Because again, I can’t put enough emphasis. On the fact that it’s an often overlooked book.

[01:03:32] And it’s really silly to do so. Because you really get reverence for who. Christ is and the finished work of Jesus and the blood that was shed.

[01:03:43] There’s just no other way. When we say we are saved by grace through faith in Christ Jesus, this book really emphasizes what that faith is and why that faith is. So, as I’ve said, oftentimes we as Christians are called, and this is the misconception that the atheists have. Most atheists think and believe that Christians have got blind faith, but we are not called to blind faith, we are called to reasonable faith. And this is why when we see verses like one Peter 315, where it says, always be ready to give an answer for the hope that is within you and why you are a Christian.

[01:04:24] This is why we study the Scriptures so that we can answer and reason with what we have been given by God. And there’s nothing left unanswered for anyone who has studied their Bible for some time, you will agree with what I’m saying, that the Scriptures have got absolutely every single answer that we seek in this life. And this is supposed to bring us comfort. And we find a lot of people seek comfort from words of knowledge and a word outside of the text. And this is why people get drawn to these prophetic ministries and these they call themselves fivefold ministries, where they have apostles and prophets in the church.

[01:05:10] And we see ultimately that it doesn’t last long. They do tend to fall away because the words and the promises that are given to them don’t carry any weight. When the Scriptures carry absolutely all the weight we need for our daily living, for any single problem that we might face, we have every single solution we could possibly need in the word of God. So just so blessed by this again and definitely looking forward to getting through the rest of this book with you. Guys and everyone who’s been here now.

[01:05:50] Now we know next week, please come back and let’s get through this together. Brother Kenny, thanks for that Bible study and using the magnifying glass on that. That was incredible.

[01:06:10] I enjoy expositional type studies and preaching and so I appreciate that. Thank you, sir. Praise the Lord for that. Let me close this in prayer and then I would like to ask you. All just a few questions maybe about.

[01:06:30] Our timing and stuff. So let’s close out in prayer and. Then if some of you need to. Go and do that, thank you JD for being here. Maybe you can get some rest, go.

[01:06:41] Back to sleep or something, but let. Me close out and we’ll have some discussion. Father, we just thank you for this time together to come with our brothers and sisters in Christ. And we just from all around the world, it’s just awesome to consider what. You’Re doing in and through your body of believers.

[01:07:02] We just thank you for the class tonight, for the leading of the Holy. Spirit to guide us. We pray that you just continue to lead us in all truth, to reveal your love story to us in the. Simplest and purest way. In Jesus name I pray.

[01:07:21] Amen.

[01:07:23] So I wanted to ask, is JD still in here?

[01:07:30] Wanted to ask if this time is good. I know it’s rough on JD. It’s like 01:00 or so in the. Morning for him and I told him. I can do it whenever.

[01:07:43] Saturday nights, usually I’m up till twelve. 01:00 anyway, preparing for Sunday, but making. Sure I got all my stuff together. All it means to me is I. Change my study for Sunday earlier in the day and then I’ll do this.

[01:08:00] So if we need to meet later to make it simpler on JD or. Some of you, let me know how you feel about that.

[01:08:10] Well, it doesn’t bother me at all, waking up. It’s a weekend, so doesn’t really faze me, so we don’t really have to move it. But yeah, if it’s not convenient for. Others, if more will join later on, then I would say let’s move it because the more the merrier. But if everyone’s good with this time.

[01:08:38] And this work for everyone, then don’t. Flip it just for me. I’m fine. I can get up. Okay.

[01:08:49] I just want to be easier. You’re getting older.

[01:08:54] Yeah, my kids keep me young. I’m messing with you.

[01:09:02] My son is busy. He’s decided that his new bedtime is in the last two weeks. He’s shifted from going to bed at 07:30 p.m. To he’s now going to bed at 930 10:00 p.m.. He’s just had a shift in his nap time, so he’s falling asleep at like three in the afternoon and then he sleeps until five and then he’s up until 10:00 p.m..

[01:09:26] So it’s all good. I’m not too faced, sounds like.

[01:09:38] Okay, well, for everyone, it seems like this is the good time, so we’ll carry on. We’ll keep it at this time because. If it’s working, let’s stick to it. Okay. All right.

[01:09:51] Just let me know if it gets to be too much on you. Like I said, I’m flexible, so I. Just want it to be good for everybody. Awesome. Thank you, brother.

[01:10:01] Thank you, brother.

[01:10:07] All right, go ahead. I’m sorry.

[01:10:15] That was absolutely awesome. And definitely going to just read through it again and it’s just such a blessing. Such a blessing. Again, just to confirm what you were saying, it’s the first time I heard people make claims like, yeah, well, that’s not written to you, so why are you reading that? And I was like, what?

[01:10:40] Wow.

[01:10:46] And this is a question I’ve asked. I’ve closed to a couple of guys who say that, and I’m like, can. You please show me the scripture that. Says all scripture is for us, but not all scripture is to us? Because.

[01:10:59] That’s the verse I’d like to read because that sounds like I suggested man made doctrine to me personally, where nowhere. In Scripture does it say, all Scripture. Is for you, but not to you. Because Second Timothy 316 is unequivocally clear that all Scripture is for us. So, yeah, that’s always tripped me up and I could never understand that one.

[01:11:28] But by God’s grace, we’ve seen a lot of people move away from that type of teaching, so praise Jesus for that and we just keep standing on this wall. For me, it’s just mind blowing how much is out there. And this again, why I said discernment isn’t knowing the difference between what’s right and wrong. It’s knowing the difference between what is. Right and what is almost right.

[01:11:59] And this is where we have to keep ourselves sharp and stay in the word. So I know the rest. I mean, just thinking about the next nine chapters really gets me pumped because Hebrews is so good. It’s so good. Absolutely.

[01:12:21] Manika know who. Yeah, man.

[01:12:25] There is some really good. If you there’s really good meat coming. I can’t wait to get there. I mean, chapter two from verse five, the Preeminence of Christ.

[01:12:41] Chapter three, the superior to Moses, the book of Hebrews. And I know I hear what you’re saying about going back to Galatians so many times because it literally is a problem we still see. And then when you get to chapter seven and eight, superior to malchiside, superior to the Levitical system, better promises made on better foundations. It’s just so awesome that we’re doing this, because I know this especially for young Christians. If if I often look back and.

[01:13:20] I go, you know, if I’d if I’d studied the book of Hebrews when. I first came to the faith, I think it would have cleared up a. Lot of confusion early on, you know what I mean? Definitely.

[01:13:38] Hebrews has a lot of terminology that. We don’t understand, but they did. But we very much can glean from. It and understand the overall what he’s telling them and what we have in Christ. I think those who want to exclude.

[01:13:57] Certain books of the Bible, again, not being critical, but I’ve studied their theory or theology quite a bit, listened to. Them quite a bit. And it appears to me most of. The time that they say, well, that. Wasn’T written to us, are usually those.

[01:14:14] Passages of scripture that are most difficult to understand. And if I can’t understand them, I’m. Just going to say they’re not written to me. Now, there are some places in Scripture. That are obviously written about the Jews.

[01:14:30] In a certain time and what’s going to happen with them, and we need to understand that. But overall, we can use all Scripture for our edification in our learning.

[01:14:44] Especially if you’re working through the sunopics and you see that there are specific instances where Jesus Christ is talking to a specific audience and you got to look at the cultural context of what he’s saying and you can see that. But again, it’s not a question of it’s not to us. It’s still for us, for our edification. We still then have an understanding of what Christ was saying to them and why they missed it. Because ultimately, here’s the thing and what I say to people.

[01:15:17] If you become like Pauline, onlyism where you only focus on what Paul wrote, you do miss. And this is why I did a. Study before you joined the discord called the Gospel. Precisely. And that was a very good study because when we ignore the Gospels, we lose the kingship of Jesus Christ.

[01:15:38] If you ignore Hebrews, you lose the lordship of Jesus Christ.

[01:15:46] You get a lot of grace, which is not a bad thing. But ultimately we’ve seen the dangers of progressive Christianity as well as other hypergrace movements like Universalism, where ultimately everybody’s saved. Doesn’t really matter what you believe now, because they take passages from Colossians out of context, from thessalonians out of context, from two corinthians out of context. And if you haven’t studied the Gospels, then it’s easy to get what Paul is saying completely wrong. And we always point to the warning Peter gives us in two Peter, chapter three, where he says that they twist.

[01:16:29] The writings of Paul as they do. With the other Scriptures, to their own destruction. And again, I’m not bringing anyone salvation into question, but it is a question of sanctification. It is a question of if you are leading others, you might be leading them astray depending on the condition of their hearts. And a lot of people think when we say you have to preach, we are called to expository preaching, where we preach the full counsel of God and everything, the law of God, everything that God has given us.

[01:17:07] I’ve met many, many Christians who’ve never read through the Exodus. They’ve never read through Leviticus, they’ve never read Deuteronomy because of the same thing, because they’ve told, well, Romans four says we’re not under law but under grace still doesn’t give you, you know, doesn’t. Give you, you know, permission to plead. The fifth or be ignorant of what is what is written there. Because again, the way you view Christ is if you’re going to pick and choose parts of Christ, because if we’re.

[01:17:41] Being honest, all of the Scriptures point to Jesus. And if you are reading all of the Scriptures, your reverence for Christ becomes mature, if I can put it that way. You’re refined in your reverence for who God is. And this is the problem where we see with people that are pulled into doctrines, where they nitpick and cherry pick scripture. And this is why ultimately we will.

[01:18:10] And I know I’ve seen you on Lives as well, where you don’t comment anything, but you sit there and you. Question, how did they get there?

[01:18:24] Alarm bells go off and you think for me to say to someone, well, Jesus wasn’t talking to you. Rather than giving an explanation of what Jesus meant in that parable or in that instance just telling someone. It’s kind of like when you were a kid, you are there to not speak. What was that old saying? Children are to be seen and not heard.

[01:18:53] Which is ultimately so false because if. We hear our children, we are able to educate and teach our children. And that’s kind of what that’s always. Just given me such a irks me. Because there’s many instances, especially if we go to the Gospel of Luke and we see how many times the Gentiles are mentioned throughout the Gospel of Luke, you kind of wonder why you would tell someone that’s of no relevance to you.

[01:19:26] Which just it’s disheartening. Disheartening because we know the Bible is for us in every sense, right? Even Paul says that all that happened. To the Jews was for our was. An example for us to learn from and to understand who God is.

[01:19:49] And all of the Old Testament to. Me is how God deals with man. And man hasn’t changed in 6000 years. So I could apply myself to even. Though it was written to the Jews.

[01:20:03] And what they were going on, I. Can still get the application of how. God wants me to be set apart for his purpose and what he’s done. For me on the cross and what a sinner. I learned all that even through the Old Testament.

[01:20:18] I did a study on the tabernacle. I actually built all the furniture life. Size and thought it years and years. Thought it several times. And it was through that that the whole Bible was opened up to me to understand what it was all about in my study and research of just the tabernacle.

[01:20:39] And then in that I began to understand Hebrews. Like I said, the whole Bible. It’s awesome just to think about and. To study and to know God. And it’s all there for our learning.

[01:20:53] And for our edification to know who he is.

[01:20:58] It’s just awesome. Absolutely. Amen. I agree with what Brian said. Those who don’t know the history are doomed to repeat it.

[01:21:08] Exactly. We see this unfortunately all the time. And that’s why I say I don’t make stitches and I don’t call people out and I don’t make videos because I’ve learned that everyone is at a certain stage or phase in their walk with Christ. And I know, I believe every single scripture. And when God says that he who began a good work in you will bring it to completion.

[01:21:39] I trust God’s word. So I’m not about running around correcting every single person because you need to get there. And ultimately I know you get there when you apply yourself and you seek God above all things. I mean, we just matthew six Matthew Matthew 536 33. Seek you first the kingdom and his righteousness and then the rest will be added.

[01:22:07] And I think.

[01:22:11] This is where a lot of people have strayed. We spend 10 hours watching TikTok and 20 minutes reading the Bible. And this is where you’ve got it wrong. You got to be 10 hours in. The Bible and 20 minutes on TikTok.

[01:22:28] And I often say to the people on Discord, take a break from TikTok, take a break from social media. Because if you don’t, you find yourself slipping into the flesh more and more because you’re watching so many different takes on something. And ultimately we have to be plugged in with a community like this where we can discuss the scripture, study the scripture together and grow from it. And doesn’t matter how many times we go through the book of Hebrews, every time we go through the book of Hebrews, something new comes to light. And you’re like, wow, I’ve read this passage so many times, but that’s just hit me differently.

[01:23:09] And this is the thing about when we get to what does Hebrews 412 tell us? That the word of God is sharper than any two edged sword. That’s not just a metaphor, this is a fact. Because it does. Going back on what we just discussed, rejecting certain scriptures and saying, well, that’s not to you or that’s not for you.

[01:23:36] And again, my opinion, I just believe that certain scriptures convict you and then rather than confront whatever is in you that needs to be purged from you, it’s easier to just go, well, that’s. Not to me, and that could be very dangerous. Right? I want to answer melissa asked a. Question here that I think Chris made.

[01:24:00] The statement exactly that everything in the tabernacle pointed to Christ. And I’ll try my best not to. Get into tabernacle, that we are going to discuss it some in our study of what all it meant. But every piece of furniture, the walls, the curtain, every part of it points. As a picture of Christ.

[01:24:20] They didn’t understand that. And then Melissa asked a question, I think, wasn’t it a place where they. Could talk to God? They could talk to God, but the purpose was where God tabernacled among them, god dwelt among them as the high. Priest would go into the holy of.

[01:24:39] Holies with the blood and apply it on the mercy seat. It says, the Shakina glory of God came down and filled the tabernacle. What an awesome place that would be. And that’s where I think we get today as Christians. We get in the presence of a holy God and the Holy Spirit begins to move.

[01:24:59] There is no better place on earth. And this is where God dwelled with his people. And it was all through what Christ did for us on the cross. The Brazen altar is the cross. The labor is the Bible, the cleansing word of God, the golden lampstands as we walk in the light of His Word.

[01:25:21] And he is the light of the world. The table of Show Bread is the place of Christian fellowship. And then the altar of incense is a place of worship and praise and prayer to God as we lift our petitions to Him all through the blood of Jesus Christ. And then we can, as we’ll read. Will come boldly to the throne of grace, or boldly.

[01:25:47] The high priest didn’t have to worry about going into the holy. There’s that myth of the rope and the bells and all that, because he’d get struck down if he had the blood. He was good, period. And he could come boldly into the holy of holies, into the presence of a holy God through the blood of Jesus and apply it on the mercy seat. So we’ll talk about that more in our study.

[01:26:09] But the tabernacle is a beautiful picture of our Christian walk. And many of you get many people. Not many of you, but many Christians get saved at the Brazen altar, and I call it fire insurance. They’re saved, they’re good, they’re not going. To hell, but they never go further.

[01:26:28] Through the studying His Word, and get into the fellowship of other believers in. The holy place and then be able. To just climb up into God the. Father’s lap and cry, Abba, Father. They miss all that glory if you.

[01:26:44] Just got fire insurance. That’s why we need to study and get in His Word. And God wants a relationship with us where he can meet with us and dwell among us. And we do that through the person of Jesus Christ and his finished work on the cross. I’m sorry, I’ll try not to preach it, y’all.

[01:27:02] I get a little fired up, too, sometimes. I love it, man. I absolutely love it. It’s so good. So good.

[01:27:08] Only preaches takes control, man.

[01:27:13] All the time as well. You just start talking about the goodness of Christ, and the more you do it, the more you just go on. That now it’s time. Like, yeah, this message, people, I love it so much, man. I love being preached at.

[01:27:30] I love it. Gets me pumped. Me pumped up. Now, don’t ever apologize for asking a question. That’s what we’re here for, for all.

[01:27:42] Of us to learn. Me, JD, everybody, we all work together and learn together because we don’t all know everything, but there are no dumb questions. If you got a question, ask it and we’ll do our best to answer it. Amen. That’s ultimately you hit the nail on the head.

[01:28:04] We don’t know everything but having all these brothers and sisters all over the world who we can lean in and study together and talk and look at that just by that first chapter, how much extra input and the cross references and where else it was mentioned and how we understand this and how they understood this again, all scripture. All scripture we know. I might have read something that Kenny hasn’t read or Kenny might have read something. And this is why we see it on the podcast. We see it when we go live.

[01:28:42] And I love it because the comments. People will add something to what I’ve. Said and I’m like, yes, 100%. That’s exactly what I’m saying. And the Greek definition of exhortation, I love this because it literally means to come along one another, come alongside one another.

[01:29:05] So when we exhort, this is what it means. And the picture it paints is me. Interlocking my arm, like when you do. Like a river dance or something and you interlock your arms. So this is the biblical form of exhortation.

[01:29:22] If you’re exhorting one of your brothers or sisters in Christ, you’re coming in next to them, you’re locking your arms and you are walking this road with them. It’s not a separation, but a unity. And we come together when we exhort. One another and we interlock our arms and we press toward the same mark. And this is what Paul literally explains to us in one Corinthians, chapter nine.

[01:29:47] We do not run like someone who runs with uncertainty. We do not fight like a boxer beating the air, but we make our bodies our slave so that when we have preached to others, we ourselves will not be disqualified for the price thereof. And what he means in the entirety there is when I’ve said something, one of my brothers and sisters can amplify what I’ve said, can add to what I’ve said. And this is how Paul constantly reminds us that we are of the same body. We’re one body in Christ.

[01:30:23] So why are we devouring one another? Why are we biting at each other when we should be exhorting one another, coming in together, interlocking our arms and saying, where is our goal? Where’s the finish line? And that’s where we’re pressing. That’s the mark that we are all pressing toward.

[01:30:39] And any biblical teacher, any pastor or preacher or evangelist or anyone who glorifies themselves more than they glorify Christ, that’s a red flag. If they’re pointing you, they’ve done. Or I or me, that’s a big red flag. And that’s where other brothers and sisters. Across will say to you, well, we.

[01:31:05] Not looking for glory. We’re looking for people to see Jesus for exactly who Jesus is. And before we started the study, we were just having a brief conversation on the mod chat. And I was saying, I watched a love the other day with this atheist. Who was absolutely destroying the Christians who.

[01:31:26] Came up into his box, but because they were trying to reason with personal testimony, they were trying to reason with emotions and feelings rather than going to the text and going to the text. And there’s a law in mathematics, a lot of you might not know this, but there’s a law in mathematics called proof by the opposite. And it’s a Latin phrase which I can never get right, but it means surrendering to absurdity. And proof by the opposite is that when we listen to some of their views, you have to point out how absurd the view is by simplifying the view of the Christian. And we show them that we believe in a God created universe because it’s logical.

[01:32:15] It’s way more illogical and erratic and crazy to believe in evolution than it is to believe that there is a Creator who created heaven and earth and everything on the earth and everything in the heavens and in the sea. Where if you show them this using logic again, using that rule, proof by the opposite, showing how absurd evolution is and theory thereof, that this proves the existence of God rather than trying to prove God by well, you don’t know what he’s done in my life. You know what I mean? That’s not going to work. It’s not going to work.

[01:32:51] That’s why we have the scriptures, right? Yeah. Good stuff. Good stuff. I digress.

[01:33:02] I love you all. I’m going to go back into bed. I’ll see you guys next week. But this week I will definitely be going back to my usual 07:30 P.m. Lives on TikTok from Monday.

[01:33:21] So I will see you guys there. Otherwise I will see you guys again next week. To everybody that has been here, what a blessing. Thank you again, Kenny, for offering up your time and doing this for us, brother. It’s an absolute blessing, absolute blessing to have you here and your wisdom and your love that you share with us is very much appreciated.

[01:33:43] And I’m edified. I’m edified.

[01:33:49] That’S all I want is people to see Jesus. And I thank you JD. For coming. I know this is I couldn’t do it. Once I go to sleep, I’m out.

[01:33:58] But anyway, then to think I have to get up and think, that would be something else. But anyway, thank you for coming and. I look forward to it.

[01:34:09] Let me know if that was too. Much or not enough. Any questions? Comments are always welcome. As we do this, I’m quite happy.

[01:34:20] With us going for 2 hours. If next week we want to push another hour, I’m quite happy to do that because it is so good. But again, you guys can all discuss it and let me know. But I think when we did the gospel precisely, we went 2 hours at a time. So 2 hours is fine by me.

[01:34:46] I think most people can handle 2 hours. So yeah, I think maybe next week. We go from we do 2 hours. And get more into the meat. Okay, so everybody agrees 2 hours is good.

[01:35:00] So maybe if you’re keen to do. 2 hours next week. Yeah, cool. I can talk about it all night. If you want to.

[01:35:13] Praise the Lord. Plus the southern accent is good. Man, I need to move out there.

[01:35:22] I want to go to Kenny’s church, man.

[01:35:27] Thank you, JD. God bless you.

[01:35:35] All right. Anybody else got anything they need to talk about? Clarify? I appreciate you all coming and hanging. Out and staying with us and had a good group tonight.

[01:35:47] If you enjoyed it, let others know. I think we’re going to have a. Good time in this study.

[01:35:57] It was good. I enjoyed it.

[01:36:04] Kenny, do you have any notes or anything?

[01:36:10] I sold that. Yeah, I do. You’re going to have to help me how to figure out how to get it on here. I could just take my outline kind. Of I’m not really an outline person.

[01:36:27] I put the verse and then I. Put my comments about it and some of it might make sense to you. Some of it. Or I can just try to do. An outline of the high points, whichever.

[01:36:38] Way you all would like it, whatever. Is easiest on you. But however you want to do it, I can get with you or somebody, whoever can get with you. And I’ll create a page for you in the depository like I have for the other teachers and stuff on here. And you can give it to whoever you need to one of us or whatever, and we can put it in the depository for you so you’ll have a running thing for your notes for each week or however you want to.

[01:37:15] Do it on that. Okay, yeah, I may do that and I’ll just maybe clean it up a little bit. Okay. Because I put a lot of little things in there just for me to help me remember. But I’ll try to clean it up.

[01:37:31] And make it where anybody who can. Read it can understand it. Okay, that’d be great. Yeah. We can’t really record on here.

[01:37:43] That’s more or less a safety concern and discord, doesn’t it’s? Something that they don’t permit or whatever, but notes and stuff like that. We do that. Right. Okay.

[01:38:09] Well that’s good. We’ll plan on 2 hours next week. We ought to be able to do. Probably two and three next week. Then we’ll do chapter two and 1 hour maybe.

[01:38:20] And then chapter three the next hour. Well, you said you don’t go to bed or twelve or 01:00. I say just open up the chapter two right now and let’s get started. All right, we could do that. I wanted to get into go ahead.

[01:38:42] I wanted to get into two because it is continuation of Jesus being supreme over the angels and their work and how Jesus works and stuff. But we’ll let them digest chapter one. And get all that in there and. Then we’ll dive in more some more next week. That’ll work.

[01:39:04] When it comes to Bible study, I think about Jesus and the woman at the well when the disciples got back and said, here’s your food, he’s like, I got food you don’t know about it’s the Bible study. I can sit here all night and do that. Right. Thank you, Jennifer. For joining us.

[01:39:35] Anybody else?

[01:39:54] My son in law is even in here at the top, right there. Clint okay. He keeps me straightened out. He’s actually, you and him would get along real well. He’s an It guy for Georgia Tech.

[01:40:11] I don’t know if you’ve ever heard of him. He’s out of my league. I can tell you that right now because I don’t know nothing like that.

[01:40:28] We always joke with each other, make sure we’re not here to commit any heresy. But he does a lot of my. Video stuff and keeps all that gun for me at the church. Does a really good job.

[01:40:43] He just joined today, didn’t he? Yeah. I told him that I’d be doing it and be praying for me about it and well, you want to come. Too, so he joins. Yeah.

[01:40:55] I thought I saw him earlier.

[01:41:04] Yeah. Don’t forget the study coming up Monday on the Gnostics. Yes, that’ll be a good thing. Mini Coed Bible study. It’s going to be nick and Monika are going to knock that out, and it should be pretty good.

[01:41:28] It’ll help you understand why, like, John. Dealt with Gnostics and Agnostics and things. Like that, and the judaizers and Agnostics. And Gnostics were a problem at that time. And it helps you understand why they.

[01:41:43] Wrote some of the things they wrote. When you know, what they taught and. Everything and how they would defend that. So that would be a good study. For you all to get into.

[01:41:54] Yeah. It’s tomorrow, the 17th. You can go to the events page and get notified of it, get RSVP, all that good stuff. I have to look, off top of my head, I don’t remember the exact time.

[01:42:17] Yeah. When you did that Jerry Clower reference, I knew I was in the right place. Right. I knew what you were going to say word for word because I’ve heard everything Jerry Clower had to say. Yeah.

[01:42:31] I just about had all his tapes memorized at one time. I love to hear that, man. My grandmother, every morning she put the cassette in there. She had every one of them, and. She’D listen to them, and that’s how.

[01:42:47] I got into them.

[01:42:54] I got to learn some of these. Going to Tyler’s life. Now, who is Tyler? Justin. Oh, Justin.

[01:43:01] Okay. Yeah. Justin Campbell. Yeah. Some people call him Justin.

[01:43:06] Some people call him Tyler. Well, that’s cool. Honestly. He’s good, too. Yeah, he is.

[01:43:15] I love what they do. I admire him. I don’t for what him and Mike. And them do with street stuff. That is definitely a gift and a calling.

[01:43:27] It is. All three of them, they do a good job at it. And just what you said, that’s not been my calling. I’m not saying that it won’t ever be or anything like that. I’m open for whatever, but that’s not something that I’ve ever been called to.

[01:43:48] And for people that are, it’s a beautiful thing. Yeah.

[01:44:01] All right, I’m going to jump off of here. You all have a good night and I will talk to you all later. All right, sir. Thank you. Good night.

[01:44:10] Good night. If nobody has anything else, I guess I’ll go. But I’ll stay here as long as. You need me to.

[01:44:17] Thank you all for coming and I thoroughly enjoyed. I’m just glad I can be a. Part of what Lord is doing and just helping people to to see and understand. And I learned a lot as well.

[01:44:43] All right, I think I’ll just call. Tonight then, if nothing else. And you all have a great evening. God bless. And we’ll see you maybe Monday on the study, and if not, we’ll see you next Saturday.

[01:44:57] Thank you all. Have a great night.