Hebrews – Week 2

July 23, 2023

Series: Hebrews Study

Book: Hebrews

Hebrews - Week 2
Audio Download

Automated Overview

  • Chapter 1: Introduction [00:00:00 – 00:08:25]

    The host introduces himself and gives an overview of what the Bible study will cover. He provides background on the book of Hebrews and its theme of the superiority of Christ.

  • Chapter 2: Hebrews Ch. 1-3 Summary [00:08:26 – 00:31:17]

    The host summarizes Hebrews chapters 1-3, covering the supremacy of Christ over angels, Moses, and the old covenant. He explains Christ’s sacrifice and finished work.

  • Chapter 3: Entering God’s Rest [00:31:18 – 00:47:00]

    Looking at Hebrews 4, the host discusses entering God’s rest through faith in Christ. He contrasts this with the generation in the wilderness that did not enter God’s rest due to unbelief.

  • Chapter 4: Jesus Our Great High Priest [00:47:01 – 01:00:34]

    Continuing in Hebrews 4, the host talks about Jesus as our great High Priest who sympathizes with our weaknesses. He explains the confidence we can have to approach God’s throne because of Christ’s sacrifice.

  • Chapter 5: Jesus Superior to Moses [01:00:35 – 01:25:59]

    The host focuses on Hebrews 3, explaining that Jesus is superior to Moses. Moses was faithful as a servant, but Christ is faithful as a Son. The host also discusses the Promised Land and Sabbath rest.

  • Chapter 6: Q&A and Closing [01:26:00 – 02:17:03]

    The host opens it up for questions and discussion. Various biblical translation topics are covered. The study closes in prayer. Additional fellowship and conversation follows.

Automated Transcription

[00:00:00] It. How’s everybody this evening? Good. How are you? I think I’m all right.

[00:00:08] Yeah. Been one of them days.

[00:00:12] I know how that is. But we’re all good. All good. Yeah.

[00:00:21] Well, I’m doing well. It’s for the first time in 14 something days. It’s not over 100 degrees here in the Metroplex.

[00:00:32] Awesome. Yeah. Big cold front last night. Big major cold front. How are you feeling?

[00:00:41] Who, me? Yeah. I’m good. I got a had a good Men’s Bible study today. Got a 24 and a half minute nap.

[00:00:56] Ate my burger, my favorite burger joint today. Went golfing. Yeah, I’m having a good day. That’s awesome. Yeah.

[00:01:06] Chris said we might see you.

[00:01:11] Yeah. Yeah.

[00:01:15] You’ve never been in the Metroplex? It’s a big place. Oh, I have. It’s just been a while. Yeah.

[00:01:31] So, Kenny, I will be taking care of the scriptures in the Chat for you. Thank you very much. I’m going to do my best to read most of it out of the ESV. I like I said, I refer back. A lot to King James, but I’ll.

[00:01:50] Do most of the reading of the text out of ESV. Hey, they’re both great.

[00:02:02] Yeah. Clint said don’t be fooled. It’s KJV only for yeah. Yeah, I see that. Don’t ever be ashamed of the King James.

[00:02:14] I’m a big King James person.

[00:02:19] I am too, but some people think. That there is nothing but the King. James, and that’s what Jesus taught out. Of kind of thing, and I’m not that guy. But I do like the King James a lot.

[00:02:32] I own 14 King James Bibles. Wow.

[00:02:40] Yeah. Chris likes the king. James too. I like the King James, but I also study out of other yeah, right.

[00:02:53] Yeah, same here. I like the King James, just, if nothing else, because, like Shakespeare, it’s got. More of a poetic sound to it as you read it’s just more beautiful. To read, I guess, if you will. Right.

[00:03:06] It is reading it, too. Go ahead. I’m sorry. I’m sorry. I was just saying I grew up reading it, too, so yeah.

[00:03:21] It brings a level of comfort to. Me when I read it.

[00:03:28] Yeah.

[00:03:32] That’S all I’ve ever knew, I. Guess, growing up and and had memorized. In school and all that, so I just don’t have much of a problem with it. I do refer to other versions and. Dictionaries to get some better explanations sometime.

[00:03:49] But as Clint said, I’m mostly King James. His JD might be here in a few minutes, but I have eight two.

[00:04:00] All right, I’m going to mute at seven.

[00:04:06] If you want to wait on a few more or you want to just. Get going. We might give it a few more minutes. We usually try to wait till about five minutes after I know, inevitably someone shows up. People show up.

[00:04:24] Yeah. See, there comes.

[00:04:30] So, hey, Chris, sorry I missed your job study today. I just kind of a hectic day.

[00:04:42] My daughter and all them. Been working on getting ready for vacation. Bible school next week.

[00:04:51] I know how all that is.

[00:04:57] I ran one for two years. Like, ran it myself. And those are no joke to plan. And yeah, a lot of work isn’t.

[00:05:22] When I start teaching now, somebody just interrupt me if you got a question or something that comes up. But I’m old, so it’s hard for. Me to chew gum and talk at the same time. So maybe somebody can watch the Chat for me if there’s something, but I’ll. Try to watch it best I can.

[00:05:42] There’s something that needs to be asked. I’ll be watching it because I’ll be putting scriptures in. So if I see something that you miss, I’ll let you know. All right, thank you.

[00:06:07] We got 2 hours tonight. I’ll be in prayer. That I can do that.

[00:06:23] JD. Said he was coming, but I don’t know. It’s like 130 or one or 02:00 in the morning for him. So he may be hitting the snooze button. Who knows?

[00:06:43] It really is. Melissa said 2 hours is a standard Bible study time. As far as I’ve seen, it really is here in this discord. Yeah. You all kind of blew me away when I’m at my church, not.

[00:06:58] Knocking them, but on Sunday mornings, if I go over 30, 40 minutes, they’re back there tapping the floor. They’re ready to go, but I guess it’s lunchtime. I don’t know. But that’s really awesome that you all. Wanted to do 2 hours and I’m.

[00:07:12] Very much in on that. Clint said this is the big leagues. 2 hours. Let’s what? That’s what we’re all doing?

[00:07:24] Yep. Let’s do yep. Hungry for the word. That’s awesome.

[00:07:32] We don’t play.

[00:07:40] All right, well, just JD. May come along here in a minute. And some others, and that will be fine. But I want to get started because. We’Re going to try to cover.

[00:07:51] I’ve done enough to go through chapter. Four, so I don’t know if we’ll. Get that far today or not, but if we do, then great. We’ll go as far as the Lord leads us. How about that?

[00:08:06] I’m open with a word of prayer and we’ll get into this. Father, we just thank you now for this time to come together as brothers. And sisters in Christ to study your Word. And we just ask now that you would just lead and guide in all that we say. I pray, Father, that you would just open our eyes and our ears to.

[00:08:25] Help us to see and understand the. Truth of Your Word. We pray that the Holy Spirit be. Free to just lead and guide in. All that we say and do here tonight.

[00:08:34] Pray, Father. Just be glorified and all this done, in Jesus name I pray. Amen. All right, so we’ll.

[00:08:47] Starting out in Hebrews. Was everybody I don’t know if everybody. Was here last week, but I may do this every week just so you. Get the context of where we’re at. And what’s going on.

[00:09:04] The history of the book, as I. Said last week, for 4000 years there has been a blood sacrifice and that’s. All people have known for 4000 years. And then Abraham and Noah and all. The rest, and up to Moses.

[00:09:20] And then God ordained a organized worship. Through the tabernacle and gave his law and how that should be done with. The sacrificial system and the laws and. All those things from that point. The Jews had done that for centuries.

[00:09:40] That’s all they knew. That’s all they’re doing. And so here we are at the Book of Hebrews, written to Hebrews, basically telling Hebrews, Stop being Hebrews. It’s important that we understand that as. We study the Book of Hebrews, as.

[00:10:00] She’S saying here, hebrews can be very difficult if we don’t understand the context. And the setting of what’s going on. This is to the Jews and telling them that Christ has come. Christ is sufficient and Christ is supreme. As I said last week, if any of y’all missed that, by the way.

[00:10:19] Clint recorded that session and put it in the I forget what it’s called. The archives, library, whatever they’re under. Chris made up a folder for me and you can go back depository. Yes, thank you. And made that up.

[00:10:37] So you can go back and catch up if you haven’t. But we see that the Jews were. Struggling in Acts 15 five, where they. Talked about this problem of even wanting. The Gentiles to follow the law.

[00:10:50] And in Galatians, we see in Galatians. Three, where they were going back and forth. I’m sorry, Galatians three, where they were. Going back and forth. And Paul tells the Galatians, oh, foolish.

[00:11:07] Galatians, who hath bewitched you that you. Should obey the truth? And then he goes on.

[00:11:16] Are you. So foolish, having begun in the Spirit, or are you made perfect through the flesh? What he’s referring to there? You were saved by the Holy Spirit and through the truth of the Gospel. And now you’re going back to this religious system where the Judaizers had deceived them and thinking, oh, Christ is great, but you still need to keep doing the law.

[00:11:39] You still need to keep doing these things that are in the law. Good message there. For some people, not much has changed. So we see that that conflict did go on. And now the writer of Hebrews is.

[00:11:54] Telling them or explaining, laying out very clearly as to why you need to. Stop in the context of the whole. Book of Hebrews is the superiority of Jesus Christ. And that all of this religious system or the law and the sacrificial system, every bit of it, points to Christ. So he makes that clear.

[00:12:21] We see very many times in here that Jesus is made of a surely better testament, more excellent ministry. You just see where he’s a better way. So the context of Hebrews is christ is superior.

[00:12:39] And then we talked about last week, he is the Son of God or. The Son from eternity. So I’m just rehashing a little bit. Here of last week. And then we started talking about in verse four that he’s superior to the.

[00:12:55] Angels because the Jews put the angels very high on the pedestal. There was Yahweh, and then there was angels. The Old Testament, they didn’t know much about the Son, if anything, about the. Very there’s a lot of prophecies about. The Son, but as far as saying.

[00:13:16] He is the Son of God or. God in the flesh, they didn’t quite understand that. So angels were herald of very high esteem. And so now that we have the. Full revelation of the Gospel, he writes.

[00:13:30] This to them to say, jesus is God. He is eternal. He is the one who created all things. So with that said, that’s pretty much a recap of last week. There’s a lot more to it, obviously.

[00:13:44] But you can go back and look that up. So the main thing I want you to understand as we go into each lesson, the theme is Jesus is superior. Christ is enough for salvation. And don’t be going back to this old way of religious system.

[00:14:05] Let’s see. So now we’re going to verse two. And before I say that, I want. You all to know there’s been seen. A lot of things on TikTok and talking to people and stuff.

[00:14:17] And I just wanted to share with you a story you may have heard. Before about the two men that stand up to recite the 23rd Psalm. And this one man, a great orator, stands up and he recites the 23rd Psalm just beautifully. I mean, just great way of speaking. And when he’s through, he gets a standing ovation.

[00:14:42] The crowd, oh, this is awesome. And then the next gentleman, older gentleman. Gets up and he recites the 23rd Psalm. And as he reads and he completes. It, the crowd is silent matter of fact is weeping.

[00:15:00] And a young boy asks his father. He says, Daddy, what’s going on? He says, the first man got a standing ovation. The second man read it. Well did good, he said, but nobody’s saying anything.

[00:15:11] They’re just weeping. The father tells the young boy, the. First man knew the psalm, the second man knew the shepherd. So it’s my intention for you here today is not to be experts in. Hebrews, but to know that Jesus is.

[00:15:29] Enough to know and to see Jesus clearly. A lot of know you guys are. On TikTok and everybody’s arguing over this and that and back and forth. But the truth of what we should. Be doing is pointing people to Jesus.

[00:15:43] We want people to see Jesus. And that’s my intent with this study here. I want you to understand Hebrews, but what I really want you to understand is what Hebrew is about and who Jesus is to us. Anyway, we’ll move on with that. Getting into the verses one through four we have here there’s about four, maybe five different warnings that the writer just sort of throws into the book of Hebrews.

[00:16:15] Last week we left off he was explaining about angels. And in the first three verses here, he just throws in a warning or to take heed kind of thing, he says, first, do not neglect his salvation. He says, therefore I’m sorry, ma’am, go back to my I’m in King James, let me go to the ESV. Therefore, we must pay closer attention to what we have heard, lest we drift away from it. For since the message declared by angels proved to be reliable and every transgression.

[00:16:55] Or disobedience received a just retribution, how. Should we escape if we neglect such great salvation? It was declared at first by the. Lord and was tested to us by those who heard. And I’ll go ahead and read verse four here.

[00:17:12] While God also bore witness by signs. And wonders and various miracles and by. Gifts of the Holy Spirit distributed according to his will. So let’s go back and look at you know, and you’ve always said if there’s a therefore, is there for a reason? He’s explained in chapter one that Jesus is God, he’s the creator of all things, he’s eternal self sustaining, and he’s higher than the angels, just in who he is.

[00:17:47] So therefore, we need to give more. Earnest heed to those things which we’ve. Heard first from the Lord, as we see in verse three, lest at any. Time we should let them slip or drift away from them.

[00:18:04] I preached this message last Sunday and talking about neglecting so great a salvation, he says, for the word or the. Law, which was spoken by angels. Or as I said last week, a lot of times the Jews believe that the Ten Commandments, when we were giving that it says in Deuteronomy that they were a host of angels, was there in the giving of the law. So the Law was spoken by angels. Or by God with the angels was.

[00:18:37] Steadfast and sure or steadfast, that just means sure and unshakable. It was nothing wrong with the Law for its time and what it did. And those who broke the law in verse two, they understood that for every. Transgression or disobedience, you were to be. Punished or you got your just reward for that.

[00:19:03] So God was very strict about the law. We’ll talk about that some more later. On in our study of why God. Was well, I believe God was so. Strict about the law is because every bit of it pointed to his son.

[00:19:17] And every bit of it needed to be exactly of who his son was and what his son would complete and fulfilling all the prophecies and fulfilling all the law and meeting the standard of God.

[00:19:33] In Galatians 319, it says, wherefore then serveth the law. He’s asking the question it was added. Because of transgressions till the seed should. Come to whom the promise was made. And it was ordained or commanded by.

[00:19:50] Angels in the hand of a mediator. So the Law came because of transgression. Actually, what that’s saying is to point. Out our transgressions, to point out how. Far short we fall from the glory of God.

[00:20:08] I don’t have this one in there, but Romans 323 for all have sinned and come short of the glory of God. That’s what the law does. It tells us that we have all sinned, we all can’t meet God’s standard of the Law.

[00:20:25] Let’s see, let me see. So the angels spoke of this great. Salvation and you believed what they said. Now all they said has been revealed through Jesus Christ is what he’s saying. Here.

[00:20:42] That was first brought out from the Lord. The Lord Jesus is now the fulfillment of the Law, and he’s telling us. All about that and he will fulfill that. So verse three, how shall we escape if we neglect. Such so great a salvation?

[00:21:04] Notice there he doesn’t say and this. Is the problem with people interpreting Hebrews. They want to cherry pick verses here and there without the context of Hebrews, without understanding all of what Hebrews is about. And it is about Christ is superior and he is enough, he fulfilled the Law. So they take a verse like this.

[00:21:29] And think it’s talking about salvation. In a way, it is talking about salvation but not being saved. He is talking to, I believe, for the most part, his audience here is believers. How shall we escape if we neglect? Not reject, he said neglect that salvation, to not enjoy all that Christ has given us in salvation.

[00:21:55] And this began to be spoken of by the Lord and was confirmed to them, by them that heard them going back to the neglect in that salvation. We see an example of that in. The Old Testament with David when he sinned and committed adultery and all those things we see in his confession in. Psalms 51, where he says, restore unto. Me the joy of thy salvation, uphold me with a free spirit.

[00:22:26] He didn’t say Give my salvation back. He says, Restore the joy of that salvation. And then he goes on to say. You desire is not sacrifices, else I would give them. Thou delightest not in burnt offerings.

[00:22:41] The sacrifices of God are a broken spirit and a contrite heart. Oh God, thou will not despise. What David is saying there is why the Law is good and he must obey it. What God really wants more than you keeping the Law is repentance of sin. Repentant a repentant heart that says that.

[00:23:01] Confesses God, you are right, I am a sinner. I have broken your commandments and a broken heart. Remember that. That’s important for our studies later on, as we’ll see that God is really wanting not so much a blood sacrifice. That was all about his Son.

[00:23:20] But now that Jesus has come and died and was buried and rose again, what God wants is a heart that’s. After him, a heart that wants to serve Him. And David acknowledges that even back in Psalms 51. So the spoken by the Lord, as. Jesus began to reveal the plan of salvation, that was even something the prophets didn’t fully understand.

[00:23:46] He says in John 1612, I have yet many things to say unto you, but you cannot bear them. Now, how be it when he, the. Spirit of truth has come, he will. Guide you in all truth, for he shall not speak of himself, but whatsoever he shall hear, that shall he speak. And he will show you things to come.

[00:24:08] So even in this progressive revelation that. Chris so graciously pointed out to me. Last or reminded me of last week, is that even when Jesus was here. And he was telling about salvation and. This great salvation, he says there’s so much more to it that you can’t even bear to hear right now without the help and the understanding through the Holy Spirit.

[00:24:33] But he says you will. And we see in the next chapter where he says, well, the chapters before that I’ll send a comforter, and he will be with you and abide in you. He’ll reveal all things to. And when that Holy Spirit comes, the whole truth or the whole sum of the Gospel and all that he has. For us will be revealed to you.

[00:24:55] Clearly through the work of the Holy Spirit. So just to point out that the Old Testament prophets didn’t fully understand, the disciples didn’t fully understand even when Jesus. Was going to, ascend they were like. Okay, are you going to set up your kingdom now? And Jesus is like, no, not now is not the time for the kingdom, I’ll let you know, or the Father will let you know when the kingdom will come.

[00:25:24] So they didn’t fully understand, but they. Understood at Pentecost when the Holy Spirit came and indwelled them. And he’s what he’s referring to in the second part, last part of this. Verse, which was confirmed to us by them that heard Him. These are the apostles.

[00:25:43] These are the ones called out from. God or sent out by Jesus to. Spread the Gospel to all nations.

[00:25:55] So it was confirmed through them by. The working of the Holy Spirit.

[00:26:03] Which. Was a complete revelation of salvation through the work of the Holy Spirit. We see in one Corinthians, two, nine, and ten. He says, but as it is written, I have not seen nor ear heard what hath entered into the heart of. Man the things which God hath prepared for him that love them, but God.

[00:26:24] Hath revealed them unto us. This is Paul talking, and he’s referred to us as the apostles by the Spirit. For the Spirit searches all things, yea, the deep things of God. So we see there that this so. Great of salvation which was spoken of.

[00:26:42] By Moses and the prophets and then. Confirmed through us by the Lord, and now is confirmed through the apostles. We see these deeper things of God. Coming out in this progressive revelation throughout Scripture. And God confirmed it also in verse four, also bearing witness to them, both signed and wondering, divers miracles and gifts of the Holy Ghost according to his own will.

[00:27:14] I’m sure all of you know, but I feel like it’s kind of important to point out at this time that signs and wonders throughout the Bible and what Jesus did, what the apostles did, these signs and miracles and wonders they did was to reveal God’s authority, his power and his given authority to those. Who are sent out. So it was to confirm that he. Gave these gifts to show men that. They were sent out by God.

[00:27:47] So that’s what signs and wonders were doing. That’s why Jesus did it, to show that he was the Son of God. He was who he said he was. The apostles did many of these miracles to prove that they were sent out by Jesus and were not heretics or whatever. No one else have that kind of.

[00:28:07] Power, by the way. Nobody but apostles did those miraculous healing and all those things. It was only the apostles that did those things. So today I believe we have the completed word of God. And I don’t know if I’ll upset people here or not.

[00:28:32] This is just my stance on it, my belief, and I’ll tell you why, that there’s no need anymore for the apostolic miracles. What I’m saying here, the gift of healing, the gift of raising the dead, the gift of prophecy, all those special. Gifts, I call them sign gifts given to the apostles to authentic I can’t even say that word, to show us. That they are sent from God. Those gifts have sort of been in.

[00:29:07] Man, has been set aside and put back. They’ve served their purpose and there’s really. No need for them today. I’m not going to say that God is not still in the miracle business. God absolutely performs miracles.

[00:29:24] But to give someone a gift of. Performing miracles, I just don’t feel like. It’S needed for today. And this is why. Today we actually have a gift from God, a supernatural gift from God, and.

[00:29:39] That’S called the Holy Spirit. And today we have the Holy Spirit. Who confirms to us his word and also confirms to others we are Christians. It says in Romans 816, the Spirit itself bears witness with our Spirit that. We are his children.

[00:29:58] So the Holy Spirit within us shows. Us that we are of God. In one john five, one through three, one through 13 deals with that too. But in particular verse ten, he that believeth on the Son hath a witness in Himself. That’s the Holy Spirit.

[00:30:14] He that believeth not hath made him. A liar because he believeth not the record that God had given the Son. So the Holy Spirit within us is. A witness to that, and the Holy Spirit within us is a witness to others. The Holy Spirit does give spiritual gifts.

[00:30:33] Today we see that in one Corinthians twelve, all the gifts of the Spirit. That we do for ministry of giving, of mercy. And you can read that whole list of there. Now there’s a gift to prophesy, which is mean to proclaim the word of. God, but the actual gift of prophecy.

[00:30:53] Where there’s a new revelation that nobody’s ever heard or whatever, I believe that. Is done away with, but to prophesy. That’S basically what I’m doing here. Now, proclaiming the word of God, it’s nothing new. It’s what’s written in God’s word.

[00:31:10] I’m just proclaiming it. So today we have the completed word of God. So I don’t believe there’s any need for these apostolic miracles. So with all that said, and we’ve. Been given such a great salvation with.

[00:31:29] The gifts of the Holy Spirit to. Do those things, and we show forth the fruits of the Holy Spirit, and if we don’t do those things that you say, well, I don’t really neglect my great salvation, do you? Because if you’re not doing all that God’s called you to do, if you’re. Not surrendered to the leading of the. Holy Spirit, to do those things that he’s given you gifts to do, to.

[00:31:56] Love and to have joy and peace. In a way, we all can neglect. Our great salvation today by not doing. Those things that God has called us to do. So just the first warning here in Hebrews of how shall we escape if we neglect so great a salvation?

[00:32:16] In other words, God’s going to hold. His children accountable and God will correct his children. And we need to just understand what great salvation that Christ has given us on the cross to his death, burial and resurrection. What an awesome opportunity we have to share the good news of the Gospel with others. A great salvation.

[00:32:37] I could almost just preach that right. There, but we’ll keep moving. So is there any questions up to this point or thoughts that you’d like. For me to bring out? Wow, I took 30 minutes on four verses.

[00:32:53] We’ll try to move on through this a little quicker. So now we come after this warning. He was talking about angels in chapter one. He comes back to the angels.

[00:33:08] He comes back to confirming that Christ. Is superior to angels in verses five through 18 last time. He’s superior to angels in chapter one in that just who he is. This time he’s going to bring out Christ in his humanity is even superior to that. Just because God became man or Jesus was a man doesn’t mean that he was lower than the angels.

[00:33:39] The writer begins by stating man’s position. In verses five through eight. So let’s read that for unto the angels hath he put not into subjection the world to come wherever we speak. Well, I read that out of the King James. I’m sorry, I got both of them here in front of me.

[00:34:00] For it was not to the angels that God subjected the world to come of which we speak. It has been testified somewhere. And then he quotes let’s see, I. Think he’s quoting Genesis. Wow, I didn’t write that.

[00:34:20] No, this is Psalms eight that he’s quoting here. So.

[00:34:30] He’S saying here that God places all creation in subject to man. That’s Genesis 127 through 30, that he. Put man over every living creature that. Moveth upon the earth. We see that.

[00:34:47] But man was created a little lower. Than the angels, and they’re inferior to. Them, but man was given privileges far. Above the angels, and God created a creation and said, It is all good. And then he says to man, Take.

[00:35:06] Care of it for me. He didn’t ask the angels to do that even though we’re lower to them. He gave us a higher privilege than the angels to take care of his creation, and obviously we failed that miserably. But we’ll talk about that some more. In just a minute.

[00:35:22] But in verse six, but in a. Certain place testified, saying, what is man, that thou art mindful of him, or the Son of man, that thou should visit him? Here he’s quoting Psalms eight, three through five, as the psalmist is just contemplating. That, wow, what a man. That you would even pay attention to me, that you would even consider me, that you would even show yourself to me.

[00:35:47] Job said. Sorry, Chris. I’m getting job a little bit. Job 717 what is man, that thou shouldst magnify him and that thou shouldst. Set thy heart upon him, and thou.

[00:36:01] Shouldst visit him every morning and try his every moment. Job is asking this question, who am. I that God would even reveal himself to me? So we see this in the Psalms. And as you read Psalms, just read through that closely and carefully.

[00:36:21] Beautiful Psalm when I consider the heavens. The work of thy fingers, the moon. The stars, and thou hast ordained, what is man that thou art marred? For I look at all of creation, all of God’s glory, and all of God’s splendor.

[00:36:38] I’m so unworthy that you would even consider me. Thou hast made him, he says in. Verse five of Psalms eight, thou hast. Made him a little lower the angels. Thou hast crowned him with glory and honor.

[00:36:53] You’re made a little order of the angels, but crowned him with glory and honor. In keeping up with his creation, thou. Hast made us him to have dominion over the works of thy hand. Thou hast put all things under his feet, all sheep, oxen, yea, the beast. Of the field, the foul of the.

[00:37:12] Air, the fish of the sea, and. Whatsoever passes through the. Path of the sea. So referring back to Genesis 127, where. God said have dominion over every living thing, the psalmist is reflecting on that of all that the responsibility and the things that God has given us to do.

[00:37:32] So in verse seven, thou madeest him. He’S talking about man. Thou madeest him a little lower than the angels. Thou crownest him man with glory and honor. Thou didst set him man.

[00:37:48] I’m doing King James again. I’m sorry, guys, I think I’m on verse eight.

[00:37:58] Let me back up to the ESV. He made him a little lower than the angels. You have crowned him with glory and honor, putting everything in subjection under his feet.

[00:38:12] God has put everything in subjection to man. He created it perfectly and said, here, it’s all yours, take care of it. But we no longer see that that man has everything under his feet, obviously. Why? Because of sin.

[00:38:33] Because of the fall. But one day we will rule with Christ forever.

[00:38:44] But now we see not all things. Put under him, but one day we will. We see in one corinthians six, he. Says verses one through four. Do any of you having a matter.

[00:38:59] Against another go to the law before the unjust and not before the saints? Paul is talking to the people at Corinth and they’re bickering, fussering over these legal things or disputes and they’re wanting to take them to court and sue them and all those things he said. Can you not, in verse two, do you not know that the saints will judge the world? In other words, you’re bickering and quarreling. Over these little things and you guys.

[00:39:25] Are supposed to judge the world someday. Come on now. So this is the way I paraphrase what Paul is saying. And if the world shall be judged by you, are you unworthy to judge the smallest matters? And then he says this verse, know.

[00:39:42] You not that we shall judge angels. How much more the things pertaining to life. Now that how we should judge angels. I’ll be honest with you, I am not there yet. Maybe some of you a lot smarter than me.

[00:39:59] I know that’s what it says. I know that’s what Paul says. But how it all falls into place that we judge or do this with. Angels, I’m not real clear. I got my ideas, but I really just don’t want to say them because.

[00:40:16] That’S all it is, is ideas. But Paul has said this here and I take God’s word, what it says. And it’s going to be awesome that. God gives us that much responsibility or. That kind of authority, I guess you would say.

[00:40:34] So now we go on to verse nine. The writer explains what man could not do, jesus did as man. So we see. But we see verse eight, but we. See not yet all things put under, in other words, the curse of sin.

[00:40:55] But then verse nine, but we see jesus.

[00:41:01] That’s one of them great, buts in. The Bible, but God but we see Jesus whom was made let me go. Back to the NIV. But we see him. That’s Jesus, who for a little while.

[00:41:15] Was made lower than the angels, namely. Jesus crowned with glory and honor because of the suffering of death, so that. By the grace of God he might. Taste death for everyone. We see Jesus, he made a little lower than the angels.

[00:41:34] He became man for the sufferings of death. One God cannot die. So he became man to die for. Man to associate with. Another thing I wanted to point out.

[00:41:51] Or make it clear here that Jesus tasted death. Jesus fully experienced death in a way that none of us ever will. But it wasn’t just a little dabble in it. He tasted death to the fullest extent. I want you to remember that, because it will come almost like a teacher.

[00:42:17] Tells you on a test. Remember this, you’re going to see it again. Well, I’m telling you, remember that, you’re going to see it again. In Hebrews.

[00:42:27] We’Ll explain it further. But I want you to remember that he tasted death to the lowest extent.

[00:42:36] Jesus did perfectly what he wanted man. To do in the beginning, where man was put over the Earth to give. Dominion over it and then failed. And we don’t see things under him anymore. What man could not do, Jesus did.

[00:42:52] Perfectly when he was here on Earth. We see that with his disciples. Remember when he got up and he calmed the storm and did all that? That’s why the disciples were so blown. Away in the statement they made that.

[00:43:07] What manner of man is this that even the winds and the sea obey him? When God gave the command back in Genesis, he said to have dominion over. The Earth and subdue it, and you’re. Over every living thing that creeps upon the Earth. But here Jesus is not over all.

[00:43:27] That, but even over the winds and the sea. That’s why the disciples were just, wow. We’Re supposed to have dominion over every. Living thing, but this man even has power over the winds and the sea. So what man could not do and.

[00:43:43] What God intended him to do, jesus fulfilled perfectly and gave the perfect example of what God intended for us in the very beginning. So Jesus is God’s answer to man’s. Fallen problem, our sinful dilemma, verse ten.

[00:44:04] For it became man for whom all. Things back in NIV. Why do I keep doing that? For it was verse ten. Fitting that he from whom and by whom all things exist in bringing many.

[00:44:20] Sons to glory, should make the founder. Of their salvation perfect through sufferings. So the King James says, he’s the captain of our salvation. This is the pioneer, the one that goes before us in their salvation. He completed it perfectly, effectively and adequately is the word for perfect.

[00:44:47] There everything that was required by God. Jesus fulfilled perfectly and became the captain of our salvation, or the NIV, the founder of our salvation. So he was perfect through sufferings. It says here. And we’ll see in Hebrews 415, he was touched in every way as we are, yet without sin.

[00:45:13] So Jesus became man, fully identifying with us, to redeem us. And so he has perfected or completed salvation as God’s requirement for salvation through his sufferings. Now, verse eleven for both he that sanctifyeth, that’s Jesus. Here I am again. Go back to the ESP.

[00:45:43] For he who sanctifies and those who are sanctified all have one source. That is why he is not ashamed. To be to call them brothers, saying, I will tell of your name to my brothers, in the midst of the congregation, I will sing your praise. And again I will put my trust in Him. And again, behold, I and the children of God, I and the children God has given me.

[00:46:19] So he that sanctifyeth is Jesus, and. Those who are sanctified is the believers or us. And this is the body of Christ, both Jew and Gentile. We see this in Ephesians, where he brought salvation wasn’t only for the Jews, but was for the Gentiles as well. So Jesus is saying here for which cause he jesus is not ashamed to call us brethren.

[00:46:49] He became man, fully identified with us, and he calls us brethren. So we are one body under one Lord, and he calls us brothers and sisters. Now, he shares that glory with all. Who trust Him for salvation. He brings many sons and daughters to glory.

[00:47:11] We see that in John 1723 or 22 through 24. And to me this is actually I. Mean, we call the Lord’s Prayer our Father, which art in heaven. To me, this is the Lord’s Prayer, really. The other one was example of how we pray.

[00:47:32] This was Jesus praying to the Father right before he went to the cross. In John 17 and in verse 22. He says, the glory which thou gavest. Me, I have given them. You to think about that for a minute.

[00:47:47] The glory that Jesus has jesus is going to give to us to pass. Down to us through him that they. May be one even as we are one, I and them, thou and me. That they may perfect in one and. That the world may know that Thou.

[00:48:07] Hast sent me and hast loved them. And Thou hast loved me, father, I will. That they also, whom Thou hast given me be with me where I am that they may behold my glory which. Thou hast given me. For Thou lovest me before the foundations of the world.

[00:48:30] Now, I’m not going to get into. It here, but any of you arguing over the Trinity, there’s some very good verses right there to really chew on. And sort to get under your belt of do we believe in the Trinity? Or not. And all I’ll say about that is, I do.

[00:48:49] So there’s all kinds of verses that point to that. So that’s not our study. So I’ll just move on. Try not to chase too many rabbits. So, verse twelve saying, I will declare.

[00:49:02] Thy name to the brethren.

[00:49:07] I’ve already read verse twelve. This verse is when he declares his name to the brethren. He’s quoting Psalms 22 22. He says that in here. In John 17, verses six and 27, I have manifest thy name unto the men which thou gavest me out of.

[00:49:26] The world thine they were, and thou gavest them me, and they have kept thy word. Verse 26 of John 17, and I. Have declared them unto them thy name and will declare jesus is declaring worship. Of the Father before us. He’s manifest the Father to us.

[00:49:51] And this is what verse twelve is. Saying here, I’ve declared thy name to. The brethren in the midst of the church, and I’ll sing praises to you. Jesus is quoting Psalm 22 22, but that Psalm 22 22 is about him and what he is coming to do.

[00:50:11] Just my little personal look at this. When I see this that I will declare thy name. What he says here, I will tell. In verse twelve, I will tell of your name to my brothers in the midst of the congregation, I will sing your praises. You know what I picture there when.

[00:50:34] I’m at church or whether I’m with brothers, brothers and sisters, and we’re praising and worshiping. Jesus is there in our midst worshiping with us, praising God the Father. Oh, that’s awesome to me that he’s. In our midst doing that. So I’ll keep going.

[00:50:53] I get a little out of sideways sometimes, and I’ll know that by now. I think verse 13, what he’s talking about? He’s quoting Isaiah 817 through 18. Isaiah is saying that I will put my trust in him, and again, behold the children which God has given me. Isaiah is saying that I and my.

[00:51:17] Children will put my trust in you. Well, Jesus is quoting that and applying. That to him here. He’s quoting that and applying it to Jesus. As Jesus says, I and all those.

[00:51:32] Whom you give me, all your children. Who given me will declare your name. We will worship you, we will put your trust in you. And as he brings man into the. Family of God, we become the children of God.

[00:51:50] Basically to me in John 17, he’s saying, we are family, this is our family, and this is what I’ve done. I’ve brought them to you, and we all worship you.

[00:52:06] So we’re not all just called brethren we see in here in this text, but we’re also called his children. His humanity enabled him to disarm Satan. And deliver us from death. So this is something that angels couldn’t do.

[00:52:29] In verse 14, we’ll read, since therefore.

[00:52:35] Since therefore the children shall share in. Flesh and blood, he himself likewise partook of the same things that through death. He might destroy the one who hath power over death that is the Devil. So God became man to identify with us, to redeem us. He became our kinsman redeemer.

[00:53:01] You all understand all what that means. And he did all that to destroy. What sins hold had on us, what. Satan had on us. Jesus destroyed and took it away.

[00:53:16] And he did that by becoming man. By associating with man, associated man. And then also he became our Kinsman Redeemer. Y’all understand the book of Ruth, that’s what it’s about. He is our kinsman.

[00:53:34] Redeemer and to the Jewish law and custom to be a Kinsman Redeemer one, you had to be related. Boaz was related so he could redeem the land, Mary, Ruth, whatever and all those things, he was a Kinsman Redeemer. He was of relationship. Jesus became man. That put him in the right relationship.

[00:54:02] Even fulfilling the law in this that. The law said you had to be related to be a Kinsman Redeemer. Jesus became man, he’s related, he had to be willing. Was Jesus willing? He certainly was.

[00:54:16] Who for the joy endured the cross, he came willingly to do the will of the Father. So the Kinsman Redeemer first had to be related. He had to be willing to be the Kinsman Redeemer. And then he had to have the. Means or had to be able to do that.

[00:54:33] He had to have the money, whatever it took to buy back to be a Kinsman Redeemer. Those were the three requirements related, willing and able. We see that in the book of Ruth. Jesus was related and he became man. Jesus was willing and Jesus by his.

[00:54:53] Perfect blood, without sin, was able to. Redeem us and purchase our salvation. So Jesus became man, became our Kinsman. Redeemer to redeem us, to bring us. Back to God, to purchase us with his blood.

[00:55:12] And through that he has the power over death of sin. The sin that controls us and has. Power over us no longer does. Through the blood of Jesus you said, well, I still struggle with sin, yes, but it’s paid for by the blood of Jesus. That’s why first John one nine is there, we all going to struggle, that’s why Romans seven there Paul talks about his struggle with sin.

[00:55:38] That doesn’t mean we’re perfect yet. That just means we’re purchased our blood has been paid for once and for. All on the cross now verse 15. And deliver all those who through the fear of death were subject to lifelong slavery. So in the Old Testament, as he’s referring to these Hebrews here, all they knew, all the Old Testament was the fear of death.

[00:56:09] Job talked about, I know my redeemer liveth. David talked about, my son can’t come back to me, but I can go to him. They understood there was something but the assurance of their salvation, the assurance of. All that maybe wasn’t there. And we sort of see this here.

[00:56:26] Just not so sure about death. And I live in a lifetime of bondage to sin. Will I face God’s wrath and punishment after that? But we know now with the completed scriptures that the wrath of God is poured out on those who have not. Accepted Jesus as their personal savior, whose blood has not covered them.

[00:56:52] So no longer we read in one. Corinthians 15, do we have a fear of death? Paul says, oh, death, where is thy sting? O grave, where is thy victory? The sting of death is sin, but.

[00:57:04] The strength of sin is the law. And he’s talking to oh, death, where is your sting? We don’t have the sting of death any longer through the blood of Jesus Christ. As we said, we were talking in. The Chat earlier this week, to be.

[00:57:18] Absent from the body is presence with. The Lord through the blood of Jesus. So we don’t have the fear of. Death anymore like they used to do. Verse 16 for surely it is not angels that he helps, but he helps.

[00:57:34] The offspring of Abraham.

[00:57:40] I’m going to read that King James and y’all forgive me, but I understand King James better. Sometimes the NIV, especially NIV and ESV, just confuse me on how they word. Things, maybe just because I’m not used to it. For verily, he took on Him the. Nature of angels, but he took on.

[00:57:59] Him the seed of Abraham. He didn’t come as an angel. He didn’t come to fulfill all of. God’s law and to purchase our salvation as an angel. He came as a man through the seed of Abraham.

[00:58:15] He wasn’t like Michael the Archangel going to battle. He became as a man to restore God, the relationship between man and God. Verse 17 therefore, he had to be. Made like his brothers in every respect. So that he might become a merciful.

[00:58:37] And high priest and the service of. God to make pituitation for the sin of the people. So he became our high priest. And I know what you’re going through. He could identify with us.

[00:58:52] He could intercede for us. And knowing how the struggles that we. Go through, this is something that the. High priest of the Old Testament, he didn’t know those things. He just knew the law.

[00:59:05] He knew what God said, and you better do it. But Jesus, as our high priest, knew. The law, fulfilled the Law, yet understands what we go through. He’s tempted in every way, as we are. Verse 18 for because he himself has suffered when tempted, he is able to help those who are being tempted.

[00:59:29] I believe it pained Jesus to even. Be tempted by Satan to see what. The effects of sin and to see. What corruption in God and all of. God’s creation had done.

[00:59:44] And then he was tempted, yet without sin. He became our high priest. He’s moved with when he sees us and when he sees what sin, the effects of sin has had on creation. So I guess to summarize chapter two. When Jesus became man, he did not.

[01:00:05] Become inferior to the angels, even in. His human body, for he accomplished something. The angels could never accomplish. At the same time, he made it. Possible for us to share in his glory.

[01:00:21] So I’ll just pause there for a minute. Any comments or thoughts as I go. To my next thing here and get it? Pull up chapter three. Is that pretty clear to everybody tonight?

[01:00:34] I know I’m trying to run through it kind of quick. Got to get a drink of water.

[01:00:43] And that took approximately 1 hour, so. We’Re pretty much on schedule.

[01:00:57] All right, if there’s no comments or. Questions, we are going to move on. To chapter three. Now, we’ve seen up to this point that he explained who Jesus is for an eternity past. He is God.

[01:01:17] He’s the creator of all things. He’s better. He’s superior to the angels. He’s superior to Adam who brought sin into the world. And now he’s going to go on to say he’s even superior to Moses.

[01:01:30] And I could almost picture these Jewish readers right here just falling over backwards. In their chair, no, not Moses. You got to leave Moses out of this. I mean, Moses was their patriarch. I mean, you have patriarchs in your.

[01:01:45] Church that everybody loves so dearly and. Looks up to so much, truly to goodness. You wouldn’t talk about a patriarch that way. And now he’s going to go into even Moses. Christ has superior even to, uh but.

[01:02:01] I want you to understand as we go into this and we go through. The Book of Hebrews, there’s something I. Feel like is very important for us to see that as I’ve listened and looked on TikTok and hear people say things that many people often see God’s wrath or judgment on people. As you’re going to hell. That’s it.

[01:02:26] We’re going to see in this lesson that God’s wrath or judgment can be. On his own children because of disobedience or unbelief. We’ll see that later on in chapter twelve. We’ll see where God disciplines his children. So it just sort of gets me sometimes that a lot of times people.

[01:02:51] Say, well, if you do this or that there’s heaven or hell and that’s it, or there’s good or bad. And it’s like people only see every verse as you’re going to heaven or you’re going to Hell, which is ultimately true. That is our final destination, but here on earth. But there are verses that show us. Or reveal to us of Christian unrest, broken fellowship because of unbelief or disobedience.

[01:03:25] The prodigal Son came to me this. Week was a perfect example of a. Christian who is in spiritual unrest, who. Has a relationship with the Father. He’s the son of the father.

[01:03:40] That never changed. He never stopped being the Son in all that he did. Yet when he was laying in the mud and the slop with the pigs, he was very much in unrest. He was a broken fellowship, contemplating on. Could I even go back to the Father or not?

[01:03:59] I wonder if any I feel that. Often, how could God love me and. How could I do it? And I believe that’s why John put in one John one nine. It’s an assurance.

[01:04:10] If we confess our sins, if we agree with God, he’s faithful and just to forgive us, we’ve been forgiven of that sin. Just go to Him and have that restored fellowship. So just because you’re not in the perfect will of God doesn’t mean, okay. You’Re not saved anymore, you’re going to hell. That just means you may be in a place where of unrest or your fellowship is broken because of disobedience or because of sin in your life, unconfessed sin that you haven’t made right with God.

[01:04:45] And here again, I’m not saying that we got to go confess our sins every time. Well, we do. Let me reword that for salvation. We don’t confess our sins every time. For salvation, but we confess them to restore that fellowship.

[01:05:03] I know as a little boy and my dad, every time I disobeyed Him, I did something wrong. There was that rub between us. But when I would go and apologize and make it right and we could talk it out and that fellowship was restored, it was a beautiful thing. I think it’s the same with our Heavenly Father. We never lose our relationship as his.

[01:05:27] Child, but we can hinder that fellowship. So all that said, let’s go on. To chapter three, because I think that points that out pretty clearly in here, and that Jesus is saying, or the writer is saying that Christ is superior to Moses. In verses verse one and two, he’s superior as just a person. You compare person to person.

[01:05:53] Moses is a person. Jesus is a person. He’s even superior to oh, I didn’t take my let me go to chapter three here in the ESV. He says, Therefore, holy brethren, you who share in a heavenly call, consider Jesus. Listen to what he’s saying there therefore.

[01:06:18] Again, there he is, there again. Therefore. Now that you understand that, that he’s. Better than angels, and he’s a great. High priest that can associate with us.

[01:06:27] Therefore, holy brothers, he’s talking to Christians here, I think, throughout pretty much the whole thing, he’s referring to Christians, those who believe, holy brothers, you who share in a heavenly calling, consider Jesus. See who he’s talking to there. He’s talking to believers, the apostle and high priest of our confession. You confess with your mouth the Lord Jesus. You believed in heart that God has raised Him from the dead.

[01:07:05] You have identified with him. You are a believer. Now consider all that Jesus has done for you. First, he’s the apostle, and you say, Wait, a minute. He wasn’t one of the twelve?

[01:07:17] No, he wasn’t one of the twelve. But apostle just means one sent out. One. Jesus is here. Why he’s referring to the apostle is he is sent out by God the Father.

[01:07:30] So in a way he is an apostle. And then his Son sent the disciples, who were the original twelve apostles. They were personally sent out and that’s. Why they called them apostles. That’s why Paul could call himself an apostle because Jesus met him on the road to Damascus and personally sent him to go to the Gentiles and preach.

[01:07:56] The Gospel to the Gentiles. So he’s apostle. Now, in a way, I don’t like. Calling ourselves apostles, but we are sent out. The Father sends the Son, the Son sent the disciples, and the disciples send us, or the Holy Spirit sends us to go out in all the world.

[01:08:15] To preach the Gospel. So now the next part of that. Is he is the apostle and high. Priest of our profession. See, an apostle speaks a message from God.

[01:08:31] He’s the sent out one and he speaks a message from God.

[01:08:38] But a priest, naidu is a contrast here. But a high priest, what does he do? He speaks to God for the people. Isn’t that awesome? An apostle speaks a message from God.

[01:08:52] A priest speaks to God for the people. So he’s identified him in both positions. There the one sent out and the. One that speaks on our behalf. So consider Jesus and all the ministry.

[01:09:06] That he does as our high priest. Verse two, who was faithful to him, who appointed him? Just as Moses also was faithful in all God’s house. So here he is doing the contrast between Moses and Jesus. Moses was faithful to God and to the people.

[01:09:34] This is the house here he’s talking about is the Israel, the people as he ministered and made sure those things were done in the tabernacle by Aaron, the high priest. Moses was faithful in those things, very faithful. But Jesus, Moses ministry was great in the tabernacle. And these Hebrews that were hearing this were understanding this 100%. Now they’re waiting for the punchline.

[01:10:02] Okay, you said he’s better than Moses. He said, for this man in verse. Three, for Jesus has been counted worthy. Of more glory than Moses. Now there’s where their jaws hit the.

[01:10:16] Floor, and much more glory, as the. Builder of the house has more honor than the house itself. So this man or Jesus had more. Glory, counted more glory than Moses. Moses was the builder of the tabernacle.

[01:10:38] Moses was the leader of Israel. But Moses wasn’t the designer of the tabernacle. Moses wasn’t the God of Israel. He was just a minister. He was a tool of God to.

[01:10:50] Do those things we’ll see here in verse four. But Moses built an earthly tabernacle where. Jesus builds an eternal tabernacle. We’ll see down here in just a minute. It’ll explain that even more, as we see in verse six.

[01:11:10] So the tabernacle, tabernacle means dwelling place, and the tabernacle was God’s dwelling place. With the people of Israel in the. Old Testament, which Solomon built the temple, which was the permanent dwelling place.

[01:11:30] It says in verse four in the ESV, for every house was built by. Someone, by the builder of all things.

[01:11:42] It this to me, I’ll be honest. With you, I just sort of had to read this verse about 20 times. To try to get this in my. Head, to understand it and how to explain it. Moses was a member of the household.

[01:11:57] But Jesus built the house. Does that make sense to you, that. While Moses built the tabernacle, he led the children of Israel? It was God’s house.

[01:12:12] Yeah, some eyes did get big because he’s comparing here and putting run down. Or not putting down, but saying their. Patriarch wasn’t as much as Jesus. And this is also in here, you. Could point to the deity of Jesus that Jesus created all things.

[01:12:33] He’s the builder of all things, is God. So, again, that’s not our study, but that’s just something for you to sort of chew on and have a verse. To put in your hip pocket, so to speak. I told y’all, I’m country, so I’m. A Southern boy, so you can just kind of chew on that.

[01:12:53] So Moses in verse. Five. Now, Moses was faithful in all his. House as a servant to testify to the things that were to be spoken later. Jesus said, Moses spoke of me.

[01:13:10] He spoke me. And he did this verbally, he did. This in his actions. The tabernacle, every bit of it points to Jesus. The Law, every bit of it points to Jesus.

[01:13:22] So this is what he’s talking about, that Moses. And all that he did was pointing. Those Jews at the time to Christ. To understand who he was and his finished work and all those rituals and things that they had to do in the tabernacle and the law. Every jot and tittle, as Jesus said.

[01:13:46] Was about Him, for him, that he fulfilled them. So that’s something that was said earlier this week. Should I study Hebrew? Go through the Hebrew study if I. Haven’T finished the Old Testament?

[01:14:03] My take on that is, and I know I differ a little bit with Mike, and I love Mike and not here to argue with him. To me, Hebrews would give you an overall summary of the Old Testament. So when you go the Old Testament and you read about all the rituals and the tabernacle and all those things, it’s pointing to Jesus as being superior of all. You know, that’s his take. My take.

[01:14:27] It’s where you’re at in your Christian walk. Neither one of us are wrong. It’s just how you approach it and what best fits you. So, verse six, but Christ is faithful over God’s house as a son, and we are His. House if indeed we hold fast the confidence of our boasting in our hope.

[01:14:54] So there you go. Moses built an earthly tabernacle. Now, we’ll get into this later on in the study, too, the comparison of earthly things and heavenly things. Moses built an earthly tabernacle. What tabernacle Jesus built was us.

[01:15:13] Moses had a tabernacle or dwelling place of God that was made by hands. What Jesus did on the cross was building the body of Christ, the family of God, his children. That’s us. That is God’s dwelling place. One corinthians.

[01:15:28] 316. Know you not that you are the. Temple of God and that the Spirit. Of God dwelleth in you. You are the tabernacle.

[01:15:39] You are his dwelling place. Paul refers to that in two corinthians of being this tabernacle, this body which. We have now being dissolved, and we’ll. Get a new body in heaven. So just sort of throw that in there too.

[01:15:58] But I’ll move on. Let’s look at this. If we hold fast the confidence and. Rejoicing the hope to the end, this is not saying that we as Christians must keep ourselves saved. It’s not what he’s saying here.

[01:16:15] This if that he used here. If somebody takes this verse, which they. Do out of context and say, okay, there you go. We’re saved by grace through faith. If we hold fast the confidence and the rejoicing and the hope, if we do that, we remain saved.

[01:16:34] Well, as I told you all at. The beginning of this study, and I’ll tell you at the beginning of every one of our studies, context is everything. You’ve got to understand the context. This is not what he’s even talking. About in chapter three.

[01:16:49] He’s not talking about salvation. He’s talking about the context of this. If we keep ourselves.

[01:16:58] Well, let’s say. That if we’re to keep ourselves saved, then it defeats the whole purpose of the Book. The whole purpose of the Book is to show you that Christ is superior. Our salvation is in him. We are complete in him.

[01:17:15] He is enough. There is no if we do. He has done everything, and I put. My trust and faith in Him, okay? For salvation.

[01:17:28] I hope that’s real clear. Don’t let people take that out of context there. So as Moses and Christ is faithful. To the work of God, so should. We remain faithful until he returns.

[01:17:43] That’s the context of what’s going on here. Moses was faithful in his house. Christ is faithful over his house, and. We are in Christ. We are his tabernacle.

[01:17:54] Let us be faithful if we will be faithful. If we hold the confidence that we had at the beginning of our salvation and rejoice in that salvation, this so great salvation we’ve been given, we will. Be found faithful, not saved, but faithful to his calling. I hope that’s clear to everybody. Everybody give me an Amen thumbs up or something if everybody understands that, because.

[01:18:22] I think that’s very important. For us to see.

[01:18:27] Now, verse seven. Thank you, thank you, thank you. The old preacher needs an amen every now and then. We go to verse seven. Therefore, as the Holy Spirit says today.

[01:18:44] If you hear his voice, do not. Harden your hearts, as in the rebellion on the day of testing in the. Wilderness, when your fathers put me to. The test and saw my works for 40 years. Therefore, I was provoked with that generation.

[01:18:59] And said, they always go astray in their heart. They have not known my ways. As I swore in My wrath, they. Shall not enter into my rest. I read through verse eleven.

[01:19:14] We’ll go back to verse seven. There he’s quoting Psalms 95, seven through eleven. And what he’s telling these Hebrew listeners. Here is, don’t fall back into these. Old temple rituals and religion.

[01:19:32] Christ has completed it. He is enough. He is superior to all that. Stop going back to that today. If you’ll hear his voice, you’ll end his rest.

[01:19:43] Now, this is important. You’re really listening, because I want to drive something home that maybe a lot. Of you understand, maybe you don’t, of. What all the Old Testament was about and what he’s quoting here. And when they harden their hearts in the day of provocation, this is an example that these Jews could fully identify with, because they knew it very well of when they left Egypt, they crossed the Red Sea, moses went to Mount Sinai and got the Ten Commandments and the Blueprints, as I call them, to the Tabernacle.

[01:20:18] They went to go the Promised Land. And they said, oh, there’s giants in the land. We’re grasshoppers in their sights. We just can’t do this. This is the provocation.

[01:20:28] This is the day of temptation in the wilderness. God said, I promise you a land. I’m going to give you a land. But because of their unbelief, they didn’t get that land. That generation did not see that land.

[01:20:41] Now, what does all that mean?

[01:20:45] Sorry, I’d get another drink of water. So we see there in numbers 1433, the judgment was made that that generation would wander for 40 years in the wilderness. When Joshua first starts out and.

[01:21:06] They begin, they cross the Jordan and go into the Promised Land, and the first. City they conquer is Jericho in Joshua 29. It’s very interesting to me. Listen to what rehab confesses. Rehab is talking to the two spies.

[01:21:23] And she says unto the men, I. Know that the Lord hath given you. The land and that your terror is fallen upon us, and that all the. Inhabitants of the land faint because of you. These are Gentiles speaking to these two spies about Israel, saying, we know that.

[01:21:48] God’s going to give you this land. We knew this 40 years ago. We were terrified 40 years ago that you were coming. And we understood that the God of Israel was the Almighty God, and he was with you and we could not defeat you. You were going to get the land.

[01:22:06] She confessed to that in Joshua 29 that they knew this 40 years ago, isn’t it? OD how Israel didn’t know it 40 years ago. It’s interesting that a Gentile had to. Confirm to God’s people that God has. Promised you this and he’s going to give it to you.

[01:22:23] So the Gentiles believed it before the Israelites believed it. There’s a lesson for you right there. And I could just preach on that right there. How many times in our lives did God give us promises? And he’ll never leave us nor forsake us?

[01:22:37] And he’s going to carry us, he’s going to see us to the other side, and we’re like, oh, I don’t know if I can or not. That’s unbelief. This is not talking about unbelief of salvation. This is talking about unbelief in your Christian walk. And I’ll show you that here in.

[01:22:52] Just a few minutes.

[01:22:55] So he swore by their wrath that they wouldn’t enter into his rest. Now, that wrath there is anger. It’s not God’s wrath, as in the Tribulation, where he pours out his wrath. But he is angry. But he is punishing those who reject his son.

[01:23:14] But this wrath here is just God’s angry with them. For 40 years or for all this time. I’ve brought you across the Red Sea, I’ve did all these mighty works in your hand. I’ve taken care of you. And you come up and you say, there’s giants in the land and we’re grasshoppers in their sight.

[01:23:30] And you can’t get the land because you’re scared. That made God angry. And in Deuteronomy 134, and the Lord heard the voice of your words. He’s talking about the spies who came back and said, we’re grasshoppers in their sight. We’re scared.

[01:23:46] God heard that and was wroth and. Swear, saying surely there shall not one of these men of this evil generation see the Good Land the Promised Land. Which I swear to give your fathers save Caleb, the son of Jephune. He shall see it. And to him will I give the.

[01:24:10] Land that he hath trotted upon and. To the children because he hath wholly. Followed the Lord also. The Lord was angry with me. Moses says, for your sake, saying, thou.

[01:24:26] Shalt not go in thither. In other words, you’re not going either. Now, Moses had another reason for not going, and I know a lot of you might be saying, Wait a minute, where’s Joshua? It was Caleb and Joshua that both. Said they could take it.

[01:24:40] I just read you the verses about Caleb on down. If you keep reading. In Deuteronomy one, it talks about Joshua. Is going, but he’s going as the one that takes Moses place. But Moses, these 40 didn’t go because of unbelief.

[01:24:57] And Moses wasn’t allowed to go into Promised Land either, because of disobedience. And you remember that, that he struck. The rock instead of speaking to it. In exodus 17 six. God tells him, Strike the rock and let water come forth.

[01:25:13] But in Numbers 20, he says, Speak to the rock. Well, Moses got mad and struck the rock. Well, that was directly disobeying what God said. And even in that there is a. Picture of Christ and that he died once.

[01:25:31] He is the rock. He is the cornerstone that was stricken. As the psalmist says, for our iniquity. He died once and for all. When Moses hit it twice, he was.

[01:25:45] Signifying in that picture that God was trying to throw Israel, that the Redeemer. Would have to die twice is what Moses was doing. That’s why God was so upset. He said, Speak to the rock, don’t. Strike it the second time.

[01:25:59] The first time he was stricken. He died for our sins once and. For all, he died once. We’ll see this later in our study. The second time he said Speak.

[01:26:09] And he didn’t do it. And God was.

[01:26:15] Well. Good. Praise the Lord for that. I want you to see Jesus. I want you to see Jesus.

[01:26:23] So this is why God was so. Angry with Moses for striking the rock the second time, because it pointed to His Son and his finished work on the cross. So here we go. Let’s get into this. He swore by his wrath they wouldn’t go into the Promised Land.

[01:26:41] They wouldn’t do that. So many people get this wrong, and I want you to hear me clearly. The Promised Land is not a picture of heaven. I’ll say it again and again and again. The Promised Land is not a picture of heaven.

[01:26:58] There’s songs about it, people talk about it. That the promised land. That is not heaven, people. The Promised Land had boundaries and borders that needed to be protected and guarded against the enemy every day. I see nothing about like that about heaven.

[01:27:20] We get to heaven. The battle is finished. The battle on the cross for our. Salvation was finished at the cross. But our struggle in our Christian walk and trying to live this Christian life of what I call victorious Christian life.

[01:27:34] Is here on earth. We are constantly fighting the flesh and temptations and trying to we need to keep up our guard that we’re not tempted and that we don’t fall in a heart of unbelief, of the promises of God. So the Promised Land is a picture of our Christian life, the victorious Christian life. As long as you protect those borders, you protect it from the enemy. This is what Moses didn’t enter.

[01:28:01] He didn’t enter into that rest, that Christian life, the rest that we have in Christ that he can do all things through us. This is what that generation didn’t go into. It wasn’t a picture saying they weren’t going to heaven. Well, how do I know that? Let me just ask you just one for instance, just real quickly here, because we’re getting short on time.

[01:28:27] Who appeared at the Mount of Transfiguration to Jesus when Peter, James and John. Was there, who appeared with Elijah?

[01:28:38] Moses. So Moses must be in heaven, right? So if the Promised Land was a. Picture of heaven, moses shouldn’t appear there. The promised land is the victorious Christian life we have in Christ.

[01:28:56] The Promised Land is not heaven, it’s the victorious Christian land. That’s all I can say. I guess. Let me just do this real quick. Even leave Israel, leaving Egypt is a.

[01:29:09] Picture of our salvation. When the plagues were coming and he told them to put the blood on the doorpost, he said, When I see the blood, I will pass over you. By the blood, they were saved. They were spared from the death angel, and that is our salvation. That’s a picture of our salvation.

[01:29:32] Only by the blood are we saved. We taken out of the bondage of being slaves in Egypt of all those years that they were slaves. Through the blood, they were saved. And they were brought out of that by the blood, out of bondage and our bondage to sin. And then they crossed the Red Sea, a perfect picture of once saved, always saved.

[01:29:59] They crossed the Red Sea. God made the way. He destroyed the enemy, Satan, and then. Closed the Red Sea back behind him, never to return again. They were saved by the blood in Egypt.

[01:30:13] They crossed the Red Sea, never to return again. Then when they get to Sinai, god gives them the law. He makes a dwelling place. When we are saved, God writes his. Laws on our heart.

[01:30:27] He makes us his dwelling place. And if we obey Him and trust Him, we go on to that victorious Christian life, that Promised Land, that rest that we have in Christ. I’m sorry, guys. I almost could preach that right there. But that’s what this is all about.

[01:30:46] It’s all about Jesus. And if you understand this, then you can read the Old Testament and see, oh, there’s Jesus, there’s Jesus. There’s Jesus. So anyway, I’ll calm down a little bit here. I’m sorry, I got a little carried away.

[01:31:03] So he says there that they didn’t. Enter into the rest. He goes to verse four. He says, take care, brother. The King James says, Take heed, brothers.

[01:31:14] Lest there be any of you. Any. Of you and evil, unbelieving heart leading you to fall away from the living God. He’s not talking about salvation to be drawn, as he says, to be drawn away, as we saw in the very first of this, that we not drift away from those things that God has. Called us to do as believers, or.

[01:31:45] That God has promised us, or to understand the rest that we have in Him. He says, don’t turn away from the promises of God through unbelief. Numbers 2012 and the Lord spake to Moses and Aaron because you believed me. Not to sanctify me in the eyes. Of the children of Israel.

[01:32:06] Therefore, you shall not bring this congregation into the land which I’ve given them because of unbelief. They couldn’t enter into that rest that God has for us. But he says in verse 13 now. But exhort one another every day as long as is called today, that none of you may be hardened by the deceitfulness of sins. That’s why it’s so important that Paul.

[01:32:33] Talks about it so much. It’s important to encourage one another, exhort one another, admonish what, teach one another, lift one another up. Because we’re in this Promised Land and we’re protecting the battles, the borders, and we’re constantly being hit on every side by sin in every direction. And after a while, you’ll just have. A I just don’t know anymore.

[01:32:58] And you go into unbelief and you begin to doubt and you begin to wonder. And it hinders that fellowship that we have with God because of sin. This is the promised land I hope that’s real clear to you here. I don’t know that I.

[01:33:18] Could explain it much different.

[01:33:24] Mouth is getting dry. Okay, so we go to verse 14. For we have come to share Christ, if indeed we hold our original confidence firm. As he said to Dave, you’ll hear his voice harden not your heart. Says in the rebellion, once again, the if part there.

[01:33:45] This is if we continue in that faith, continue in our walk as we trust and we obey, and we go closer and closer to the Lord through the reading of His Word, through the encouragement of one another, through the hearing of the Word. That’s where our faith comes from, right? So if we continue in that we go into that Promised Land, that rest that he has for us, we’re doing okay. So where am I at? Verse 415?

[01:34:20] No, verse 16.

[01:34:24] I think verse verse. 14, again, was quoting Psalms 95.

[01:34:35] So verse 16.

[01:34:39] For who were those who heard and yet rebelled? Was it not those who left Egypt led by Moses? See, as I have my illustration, the example goes to you there who rebelled, those who were covered by the blood. In Egypt, those who were saved. Those are the ones who rebelled.

[01:35:05] It’s the Christians who rebelled through unbelief. And with whom was he provoked for 40 years? Was it not those who sinned, whose bodies fell in the wilderness, those believers that didn’t trust God, those ones that were covered by the blood in Egypt? And now they’ve gone in their Christian lock and because of unbelief. Now, that fellowship has been hindered, and.

[01:35:31] That fellowship has been I don’t want. To say exactly broken, but it is definitely hindered. And we’re not into that rest that God wants for us and has for us as believers.

[01:35:48] Let’s see verse 18. And to whom did he swear that they should never enter rest, but those who were disobedient. So we see that they were unable. To enter in because of unbelief. Remember we talked about, he’s holy brethren.

[01:36:05] He’s talking to believers. He’s telling what believers do. When we mix and we don’t believe and we don’t trust God in his promises, we neglect our so great salvation. We don’t enter into that rest that God has for us. Christ’s finished work on the cross is our salvation.

[01:36:32] He blot colossians. 214. He blot out the handwriting of ordinances. Was against us, which was contrary to us and took it out of the way. Nailing it to the cross, we are.

[01:36:45] Saved once and for all. But Jesus said here, he said, Come. Into me that labor and are heavy laden, and I will give you rest. He’s saying here to these Jesus was. When he was talking to the Jewish.

[01:37:01] Listeners there, hey, you are under the law. Y’all are doing this sacrificial system. Come to me. The one who is able, the one who is willing to be your kinsman. Redeemer to redeem you, to save you.

[01:37:20] Job talked about, I know my redeemer. Liveth and I will stand with Him. At the last day. I’m Him. Come to me.

[01:37:29] I’ll give you rest from the law, I’ll give you rest from all this sacrificial system in me. There is a rest if you’ll believe in me and put your trust into me. So we’ll try to get through some. Of four, maybe all, I don’t know. In the next 30 minutes, if there’s not any comments or questions, we’re doing pretty good.

[01:37:55] All right, verse four. Let us therefore I don’t know, anybody. Needs a break for anything, just do what you want to do. We’ll go into chapter four. Here, let me get that up.

[01:38:13] Did JD. Ever make it?

[01:38:18] I got my chat up. I haven’t seen him. Oh, wait till I talk to him.

[01:38:28] The sleepy head. I got it. I was concerned that he could make. It to all of them anyway, being. So early in the morning for him.

[01:38:35] I appreciate all he has done. So let’s go on to chapter four. And see how far we can get through that. He says, Therefore, while the promise of entering in his rest still stands, see. That it still stands for us today to enter into that rest.

[01:38:56] Let us fear, lest any of you. Should seem to have failed to reach. It.

[01:39:06] Again the context that Christ is superior hebrews, stop being Hebrew, stop going back to the law, stop going to these sacrificial systems and all this religious stuff. Christ has fulfilled that. It’s done. And if you keep going back to. That you have failed to understand.

[01:39:25] You failed to enter into that rest. Is that pretty clear to this point? See why the whole context of Hebrews. Is important for understanding all of Hebrews. It’s a letter.

[01:39:38] You can’t just I heard a guy. Say one time he picked up a great big old book and read one sentence out of it and say, now. Tell me what the book’s about. You can’t do that. This is not the Book of Hebrews is the same way.

[01:39:51] You’ve got to understand it all in context. So therefore, why the promise of entering. His rest still stands for us today. Let us fear, lest any should seem. To have failed to reach it.

[01:40:08] Let’s see. All right. I said that not to continue to go back and to continue in the Law. And the sacrifice for Good News came. To us just as to them, but.

[01:40:21] As the message they heard did not. Benefit them because they were not united. By faith with those who listened. For we who have believed, enter that rest. You see it.

[01:40:36] We believed, therefore we enter the rest. The blood was applied in Egypt. The promised land was the rest. Salvation was in Egypt. The victorious Christian life the resting in.

[01:40:50] Christ was the promised land he says. That very clearly there. For we who have believed past tense. We enter into a rest christ’s wrath. As I swore in my wrath, they.

[01:41:04] Shall not enter into my rest because. They didn’t believe, the promise they didn’t hold and continue in those promises that. God had promised him. All the works were finished from the foundations of the world. For he has somewhere spoken of the.

[01:41:21] 7Th day in this way. And God rested on the 7th day from all his works. Now, I’m getting way ahead of my notes here, but he’s talking about this good News proclaimed was no value to them because they didn’t share in the. Same faith in their walk, in their Christian walk. They kept going back and doing this.

[01:41:47] Old worrying about keeping the Law and. Mixing law and grace. He says, you can’t do that. It be being mixed with faith that hurt them. So those who left the Judaism, the sacrificial laws of the Law and the sacrificial system again going back to Galatians.

[01:42:11] He refers to that Galatians five one. He says, Stand fast, therefore, in the. Liberty wherewith Christ has made us free. He again is talking to believers who have been saved. He says, Stand fast in that that.

[01:42:27] Liberty that Christ has made you free and not be entangled again with the yoke of bondage. He’s referring to the law. Going back to the Law. Again. We see that in Acts 15 where they argued why therefore, tempt ye God.

[01:42:47] To put a yoke on the neck. Of the disciples which neither our fathers nor we were able to bear? They’re referring to the Law there. That’s what Paul was telling the Galatians in five one. And I believe that’s what he’s telling.

[01:43:01] Them here in verse two that it. Wasn’T just by faith. They weren’t resting in the finished work. Of Christ, so therefore, they didn’t enter into that rest. Verse three.

[01:43:18] No, I went on there. Well, I’ll go back to verse three. I read verse three. I’m sorry for he spake in a certain place. This is verse four of the 7th day, genesis two two is referring to Christian creation, when God created the heavens and the earth.

[01:43:35] And on the 7th day he said, it is all very good and God rested. John 1930 jesus says, It is finished. Salvation is complete. And then he sat down at the right hand of the Father. We saw that in Hebrews one three.

[01:43:54] This is the rest that God has. Created all things and rested. Jesus finished the work of salvation and. Sat down and rested is what I. Believe he’s talking about here and referring to in verse four.

[01:44:09] And in this place again, if they shall enter my rest. He said, but because of unbelief, you’re. Not entering into the rest. Basically, tell him again, stop being Hebrews, stop doing temple rituals and enter into the rest that Christ gives us through his finished work on the cross. Jesus is seated at the right hand of the Father rest in Him.

[01:44:38] Well, that’s good stuff. All right. So verse eight, I think, is where I’m at. Now again, he was quoting verse seven, Psalms 95, for Joshua had given them. For if Joshua had given them rest.

[01:44:57] God would not have spoken of another day. Later on.

[01:45:03] He says, there now listen. So then there remains a Sabbath rest for the people of God. See what I’m talking about there? We’re not talking about my salvation at the cross. That’s done.

[01:45:19] I believed, now he’s wanting me to enter into his rest. There remains a Sabbath rest for the people of God. Jesus, when they confronted the disciples who were picking some grain and eating on the Sabbath day.

[01:45:38] They questioned say, hey. They’Re doing this on the Sabbath. And what was Jesus reply? I am Lord of the Sabbath. I am the Sabbath.

[01:45:48] I am that Sabbath rest. So why the Jews were taught explicitly one day every week to observe a Sabbath rest. As Christians today, as Jesus, our Lord and Savior, being Lord of the Sabbath, we rest in him. So therefore we don’t enjoy a Sabbath day. We enjoy a Sabbath life.

[01:46:12] Every day I’m resting in him. Every day I’m looking to him. Every day I’m reading his word. Every day I’m having communion with him. Every day I can go into the holy of holies right in the very presence of God, through the blood of Jesus Christ, we live a Sabbath life.

[01:46:34] And I’ll leave that where it’s at. Some people worry about, oh, you’re keeping the Sabbath. Yes, I am keeping the Sabbath. Every day. Christ is my Sabbath.

[01:46:45] Rest. It was given to the Jews very explicit, very detailed, and God commanded it. To be so, because it pointed again. Once again to His Son. The rest we have in Christ.

[01:47:01] Be sure you give this an example to the rest of the world. He was telling them, now that Christ is done, completed his work on the cross, we rest in Him, the Lord of the Sabbath. So every day is the Sabbath rest. Okay, that’s all I will say about that. I get not frustrated, but wish people.

[01:47:21] Could see that so much more. The freedom and the liberties and the rest we have in Christ. Not just one day of the week, but every day of the week. All right, verse ten. For whosoever has entered in God’s rest through the blood of Jesus has also rested from his works, as did God from his.

[01:47:49] Again, he’s telling His Hebrew listeners, stop being Hebrews, stop doing tabernacle, temple worship and sacrifices. It’s done, it’s completed. I don’t know how these Torah keepers. Can read Hebrews and understand it and say you still got to keep the Torah.

[01:48:12] God’s law is written on my heart. I’m resting in the finished work of Christ and Him in me. The Holy Spirit indwelling me to fulfill what God has for me. I don’t need stone tablets written on the laws, written on tablets. They’re on my heart.

[01:48:33] I want to please him. I want to serve him. I want to obey him. Anyway, I’ll digress. Let us therefore verse eleven here, let me move over some.

[01:48:51] Let us therefore strive to enter that rest so that no. 1 may fall in the same sort of disobedience. Now. Here you go, Clint. I’m King James only, and a lot of people like the NIV.

[01:49:08] This is one reason why I don’t. The NIV says, let us therefore make. Every effort to enter that rest. The King James said to us, let. Us labor therefore to enter into that rest.

[01:49:21] Now, maybe I just can’t understand effort. And then it goes on to say, so that no one will perish in the NIV. The King James says, lest any of you fall after the same example of. Unbelief, that fall is to fall away. From the rest that he has to not enter into, as we saw in.

[01:49:44] Chapter three, the Promised Land. The rest that he has for us because of unbelief. It’s not laboring that we will perish and live in Hell for eternity. Maybe you all don’t see it, but when I read the NIV, that’s when no one will perish. That’s not what he’s talking about here.

[01:50:07] I don’t know why it was interpreted that way.

[01:50:15] The ASV I think is better described into their rest. So no. 1 may fall by the same sort of disobedience, fall away to not enjoy that rest that we have in Christ. So. As I said, I’ll just get off the NIV.

[01:50:33] It’s just not the context of what’s being said there in these Scriptures. It’s not talking about a salvation issue. It’s talking about the rest that we have in Christ. So salvation is by faith alone. And then he says, remember, let’s go back to ten.

[01:50:55] I forgot to bring out a point. He says, for he that enter into that rest also cease from his own works or labor. And then verse eleven. He says, therefore, let us. Labor.

[01:51:06] What’s he talking about? Verse ten, he’s talking about our salvation. We’ve ceased from there is no works for salvation. We are saved by grace through faith, faith alone. So there’s no labor to be done.

[01:51:21] There, but the labor comes once we. Have believed, the labor becomes to enter into that rest, to that promised land. That victorious Christian life that God has for us by being obedient to Him. And having faith in the promises that. He promised us to enter into that rest.

[01:51:43] That’s what the labor is for, not to enter into salvation. So I hope that’s clear. I saw a lot of stuff come up and make sure I’m not missing a question.

[01:51:57] NASB says, good, I like that better, but I can’t go with no one will perish. I just don’t think that fits the context of what the writer is saying here in Hebrews.

[01:52:12] And no creature, verse 13, is hidden from his sight, but all are naked. And exposed to the eyes of whom to whom we must give an account.

[01:52:26] Remember that too. Remember when I said the teacher says. Remember this, you’ll see it again, hebrews 610. He says, God is not going to forget your labor of love. In other words, what he’s saying here is God sees all that we do.

[01:52:42] He knows all that everything about us is exposed to the eyes of God. And so don’t let any all creatures. Are let’s see, neither is there any creature that is not manifest in his. Sight, but all things are open to the eyes of Him whom we have to do. This is God sees all and knows all.

[01:53:09] Not going to forget our labors of love, not going to forget our unbelief, not going to forget how we treat one another in Christ. He sees those things and he holds us accountable to those things. Not talking about salvation, we’re talking about the beam of cedar, of Christ, the. Judgment seat, the beam of seat of. Christ where we are given reward for what we do.

[01:53:35] I won’t get into that. And again, it’s not our lesson, but that’s just sort of a picture of that to me. So, verse 14, we got just a few more minutes. Since then we have a great high priest who has passed from the heavens, jesus, the Son of God. Let us hold fast our confession.

[01:53:54] So we’re seeing all that he’s done, all that he has for us. And he’s mentioned earlier about being a high priest and he says we have a great high priest. Again, these Hebrew listeners would fully understand. What he’s talking about. Here we have a high priest.

[01:54:12] What the high priest do for him? He made the daily, made the offerings for sins once a year, made the offering for sin on the day of Atonement, and went into the presence of. God for us or for the children of Israel on one day of the year, again, pointing to Christ but we have access through Jesus, the Son of God. Let us hold fast to that. We have access right to the throne of God through the blood of Jesus.

[01:54:47] Our Great High Priest, not an earthly priest. We’ll get into that some more as the writer continues to write the comparison once again against heaven and earthly things. So I think we’re going to do this for we have not a High. Priest I’m sorry, let me go back to the ESV. For we do not have a High.

[01:55:11] Priest who is unable to sympathize with our weaknesses, but one who is in. Every respect has been tempted as we. Are, yet without sin. The High Priest that understands despite us. Our great High Priest knows us.

[01:55:34] He’s identified with us. He’s our kinsman redeemer. He became man. He was tested in every point as we are. He knows our infirmities, our weaknesses, and he can fully identify with us as he goes before the throne of God.

[01:55:51] As our mediator.

[01:55:56] To make a stand for us that he died for our. Sins before the Father, okay? Wherefore in all things it behooved Him to be made like unto the brethren, that he might be merciful and faithful high Priest and things pertain to God. To make reconciliation for the sins of the people. That’s what it said in Hebrews 217.

[01:56:21] This is what Christ has done for us. And now I love this next verse, one of my favorite verses. Let us then with confidence draw near. To the throne of grace, that we. May receive mercy and find grace to.

[01:56:37] Help in a time of need. The king James. I know I’ve got to do it. Let us therefore come boldly because of. What Christ has done for us on the cross.

[01:56:51] We no longer have to just stay in this outer court as they understood. He is telling these Hebrew listeners, we have a High Priest that’s in the heavens for us. We no longer have to sit in the outer court and watch and wonder what’s going on inside and wish we could go with a High Priest into. The Holy of Holies, to the Ark. Of the Covenant and apply the blood on the mercy seat and see the Shakina glory come down.

[01:57:19] He’s saying, we have that now in Christ. Come boldly to that throne of grace. That we will find help in the time of need. That is the Christian walk, that is. The victorious Christian life, knowing we can rest in his finished and completed work on the cross.

[01:57:43] And we come boldly to the throne of God and present ourselves to Him, make our petitions known unto Him, crawl up in his lap and cry, Abba Father. And we find grace to help in. Our time of need. We did it. We did it.

[01:58:01] We did it. I’m going to stop right there. I think we got four minutes. If y’all have some questions or comments or things that I’ve said that you. Don’T quite understand, just let me know.

[01:58:14] This is your time.

[01:58:24] Had a good turnout tonight.

[01:58:29] All right, y’all, don’t be bashful. You can talk.

[01:58:38] God bless. I hope you all have seen Jesus tonight. That’s what I want you to see.

[01:58:46] Yeah, I’ll unmute there. Yeah. No, beautifully done. All right. That was great.

[01:58:50] That was very insightful. I liked it. Amen, brother. Praise the Lord. Thank you.

[01:59:03] It’s going to get better and better. As we go through this. And I know I’m taking a lot. Of time with us, but if we. Can get the whole context of Hebrews when we get to those hard parts in chapter six and chapter ten and.

[01:59:17] Some of those others, I’m hoping by. The time we get there, you’ll be saying, wow, I have not never seen that before. I fully understand what those verses are. Saying now, if you get the cold context of Hebrews.

[01:59:33] Okay, thanks.

[01:59:43] All right. Thank you all for being here tonight. And I’ll stay on here as long. As you want to. We’ll be back next Saturday night at 08:00, and we’ll try to go through chapter five, and I may try to chapter six, you all know, and I.

[02:00:01] Guess this is probably the pivot point. For a lot of people. They want to get to chapter six. What are we going to say about chapter six? I’ll probably breeze through chapter five next week and try to leave as much time as I can on chapter six.

[02:00:17] Because there’s a lot to cover. There’s a lot of different views to cover. And as we look at those different views and dissect them out, I hope that the Holy Spirit reveals to you exactly what all that means. So maybe we’ll do chapters five and six next week as far as we can.

[02:00:47] Hey, Chris, can I put you on. The spot and ask you to just close us out in prayer and then we can hang around and talk whatever you want to do. Would you mind doing that, sir? Yeah, let me get away from my fan so you all can hear me. Hold on.

[02:01:01] All right, thank you.

[02:01:06] All right, if you all are ready, I’ll start. Father, thank you for the evening that we’ve had in the Bible study over Hebrews. There’s such a wealth of knowledge in this book, and I’m just thankful for Kenny and his efforts in explaining it and making it easy for us to understand. I pray that you’ll just continue to bless him and the study and that you will give us knowledge and application to what we learn and what we read throughout this book of Hebrew. Lord, just bless our time together and bring us back safely next week so we can continue in your word.

[02:01:46] In Jesus name, amen. Thank you, sir. God bless you. Thank you again. Hang around as long as you want.

[02:01:53] I see a question here, I think. Yes, they look to the high priest. For everything that was their go between them and God. And for thousands of years they did that. That’s why they struggle so hard.

[02:02:12] Now I have access, now I can do that. And you see their struggle mean, as. I said last can’t, you can’t hardly get a Baptist to move a piano. Across the stage, let alone put down everything they’ve ever done and just put. Their full trust in Jesus Christ.

[02:02:38] Do y’all hear me? I can now. Great stuff, man. Praise the Lord. Thank you, sir.

[02:02:51] Thank you. Clint. Yeah. I warned you about the case. I’m sorry, guys, I’m just a KJV.

[02:02:59] I understand it. And you read ESV. Praise the Lord. If you read NASB KJV or the. New King James, that’s fine.

[02:03:09] I say read what you’re going to read. Don’t not read the word of God. That’s not good English. But don’t not read it because you. Just struggle with the wording of it.

[02:03:20] The Holy Spirit is going to reveal. The truth to you in it. I’m not sure he can do it through NIV, but no, I’m kidding. But God will reveal himself to you in his word. But I like the King James version.

[02:03:36] I think it puts emphasis on things. That just. Now to Him that is able to do exceedingly abundantly that verse. A lot of people are like, wow, we don’t even talk that way. That’s crazy.

[02:03:48] But what that’s saying is to him that is able to do above all that we think. In other words, whatever you can just. Dream of in your wildest dreams, god. Can do better than that. And some of the other versions, to me, kind of just sort of water.

[02:04:02] That down a little bit.

[02:04:09] Any other comments? I’ll shut up and let you all talk or ask questions. Thank you all for being here today. Well, from what I understand, you can’t quite catch the essence of the meaning of the words with the English language, with the ETH at the end, right? Yeah.

[02:04:31] I don’t know. It’s what I’ve been told. Okay. With the other know, like Christina, what I’m talking about.

[02:04:45] Okay, never mind. No, that’s not I’m sorry, I was reading something when you said that. Say that one more time. Let me I said I’ve been told. That the King James version with the ETH on the ends of the words, you can’t quite catch the same meaning with anything else in any of the other versions.

[02:05:11] If you say believe rather than believeth. Yes.

[02:05:19] Okay. I don’t know. Maybe so. I know Cam up there, he’s being. Quiet is pretty not, I’ll tell you.

[02:05:32] I know how we got our Bible. And a lot of the translation up. But I am not an expert in that area. I personally have not ever had a. Problem if I read believe or believe it.

[02:05:46] I’ve never had a difficulty understanding that that I’m aware of. But maybe somebody else can enlighten me on that.

[02:06:01] I don’t know. Anytime I get on my Logos program, if I do a side by side, I usually have my NASB 95, and then I’ll have the KJV right beside it. That’s usually the two I’ll compare when I do that.

[02:06:23] Okay. Because. I grew up with the KJV in my dad’s house, so that’s always one I like to go back to for sure. With cross reference and everything, right? Yeah.

[02:06:40] And I do as well, I guess. I grew up on the King James, and like I said, I memorize it. Have no problem reading it, but there. Are a lot of times I’ll use. The ESV, and I even use that.

[02:06:54] Heathen translation, which I don’t call it a translation. I call it more of a commentary, the message. Sometimes I’ll even go to that, just. See what he says.

[02:07:06] Yeah, the message Bible, it’s a paraphrase, right? Yeah. It’s not really a translation, but it’s good sometimes to help you get a. Grasp of how to say it or what’s being said. Right, correct.

[02:07:31] When it comes to these English translations, one thing we got to remember is the message of the text is what’s most important. Every translation is going to phrase something a tad bit different. That’s called textual imitation, when the translators will make a decision to translate something a certain way. And sometimes it’s not even based on other places of the text. It’s just based on how it would be said in a modern context or a contemporary.

[02:08:15] To. I think Monique said, or maybe it was curious, she was saying they read from multiple translations, and that is a good thing. That’s what I do when I want to show other ways of rendering something. Otherwise, you all know me, man. I’m going to read the phrase in the Greek, and then I’m going to.

[02:08:33] Parse the words right. And I don’t know how y’all feel. But there’s Daniel Wallace. I don’t know if you’re familiar with him. He has spent his life with the.

[02:08:47] Translations and transcripts, and I like to listen to him. And he was asked one time, what translation would you prefer? And he said, well, depends on what. You want to know. If you want more poetry, go to the King James.

[02:09:03] What does he mean by that depends on what you want to do? Well, he’s talking about not do you want to translate it differently or get a different meaning? But he’s saying, like, the King James is more poetic in its writing, where other translations are more up to the. English or something like, you know, I’m kind of with him. I don’t just stick to one translation.

[02:09:31] And I don’t want to get into arguing over, oh, it’s King James only, or it’s this or it’s that, or the King James didn’t have the original manuscripts. Well, be honest. Nobody has the original manuscripts. Right? Yeah, not the originals, but it’s not even a big deal.

[02:09:51] That what they mean to say is they didn’t have manuscripts in general. What they did have was printed editions. But even though that’s the case, it doesn’t matter that’s what was available and they used them, you know what I’m saying? Like, why would they not use them. You know what I mean?

[02:10:05] Exactly. They’re printed editions. They were still the original language.

[02:10:13] So that’s what’s most. I was just. Doing a Hermeneutics class yesterday and they were saying since that the originals were written on Papyri, they had to be like the way they prepared it to beat these leaves and stuff like that. After a long amount of time, they would disintegrate into nothingness. So it would be completely impossible for anyone to have 2000 year old, you know what I’m saying.

[02:10:49] All the transcripts and that this Dr. Wallace points out. There are, I forget how many thousands. Of discrepancies he says, but not one. Of them change the meaning of the text.

[02:11:04] Right. Most of them are just punctuation things or whatever. And he said it’s great that we. Have all that because in all that. It all comes up with the same.

[02:11:18] Meaning and he compares it to officer or investigator doing an investigation. If all the people he interviews has the same story, he says somebody’s lying. But if they all sort of point. To the same general idea of what. Happened but are different stories, then we see that there’s probably truth in that, right?

[02:11:42] And he says that’s what we have. With all the transcripts, you have all. These different things punctuation this and that, but they all tell the exact same story. The doctrine is the same. So I’m not going to get upset about somebody that something other than James, right?

[02:12:05] Hey, read what’s comfortable for as long as it ain’t the Passion translation, the Queen James translation, the New World translation, or the Joseph Smith translation. As long as it ain’t one of.

[02:12:24] Think to me that’d be questionable if that’s even a translation. Some of those are even translations. Oh, they are, brother, they are really? They’re twisted translations, but they’re fictitious ones. But yeah, man, joseph Smith has his own.

[02:12:48] Not only does he have the Book of Mormon, because the Book of Mormon is a totally different book, but he also has the Joseph Smith translation and he adds a bunch of stuff to things in the Old Testament. He inserts himself in certain places in the New Testament, like as if he was prophesied to come. Yeah, it’s crazy, right? It’s crazy. Anyway, I didn’t mean to get into all that with the translations.

[02:13:20] I’ll leave that to somebody smarter than me. But.

[02:13:25] I hope that as far as. Our studies going through this, that like. I said, if anybody’s got any comments. Or questions or anything like that, we’ll just.

[02:13:37] Cool. Thank you all again for being here. I thoroughly enjoy this and doing this and trying to help. I see so much in it and. Then I want others to see it.

[02:13:53] Too, and see Jesus in these scriptures.

[02:14:05] I’m going to call JD and tell him to get out of bed.

[02:14:18] Was this 2 hours too much for you all tonight? Was it good? Went by pretty quick for me, but I’m steadily talking.

[02:14:31] Okay, good. Perfect. Praise the Lord.

[02:14:55] Anything else? Like I said, I’ll stay here as long as you want to, but if not, I got to preach in the morning and get ready for tomorrow and enjoy this time. We all love to having fellowship, love being with people that are hungry for. The Word and want to learn. That’s awesome to me.

[02:15:29] All right, well, if there’s nothing else, God bless y’all. Chris has prayed us out. I’m going to head on. Y’all can stay here and talk if you want to. Y’all talk about me and I’ll just leave so you can talk.

[02:15:43] Okay. We’ll talk nice about all right, good. I always say people talking about me ain’t got much to talk about. So there you go.

[02:15:55] Y’all have a good night. God bless. Thank you. Thank you.

[02:16:07] That’s true, too. Clint? Yeah.

[02:16:23] I think I went through, like, eight different what, Chris? Was it like eight different missionary girls in a period of six months? Yeah, we had fun with those. Yeah. They wouldn’t talk to us too long, because if whoever they’re trying to convert starts making sense, then they change up the missionaries so that they don’t get converted out of Mormonism.

[02:16:52] Yeah, that’s what we think.

[02:17:03] Oh, yeah. They’re dedicated, Clint, to their cause, by all means, but yeah, to me, you really have to twist scripture to make the Mormon Bible or whatever make sense, so, yeah, it’s neat to just sit there and listen to how they do all that. I would say this about Mormonism, though. If Evangelicals and Protestants were half as dedicated to them, half of this country be saved right now. Yes, they would.

[02:17:45] I have never seen as people as dedicated as they are.

[02:17:54] They’re good people, too. Yeah. What did you say? They’re good people, too.

[02:18:04] They help people move out of their apartment. The LDS Church here in my town, they rent out four apartments in this apartment complex I live in. And they’re always helping people move in and move out and making food baskets for new move ins and turkey baskets for Thanksgiving for needy families in this complex. I mean, they’re good people, very generous.

[02:18:42] The missionaries are also very poor and hungry. They’re only given like, 100 and something dollars a month to eat on.

[02:18:54] The LDF missionaries? Yes. Really? Yeah. Unless they’ve changed it the past two years.

[02:19:03] Yeah.

[02:19:12] That surprises me. As much money as they take in.

[02:19:19] It’S because it’s about the money they keep most of it, I think, but that’s just my opinion. That part that I don’t know. That’s just my opinion. Yeah.

[02:19:32] I was watching a news special. I don’t know if it was on. ABC or CBS, and this guy was like a whistleblower about the Mormon Church, about how they spend their money. And he says, it’s incredible how much money the Mormon Church makes. And he says it’s almost like Catholic Church money.

[02:20:02] And that just blew me away because I didn’t think they were that the Mormon Church was that strong in finances. They are. Yeah. So I don’t know if you can see the comments in the chat, but Clint said, wow, that explains it. I invited them over for dinner to discuss more, and they ate some food and is it tea?

[02:20:27] She said, Tell me about it. We invited them for dinner one night, and they ate three servings and took home leftovers. So yeah, they yeah.

[02:20:44] It’S cracked me up. They call themselves Elder they’re and they’re not old.

[02:20:52] Yes. And they’re part of the priesthood of Aaron and Melchizedek. Yes.